10 secrets to a flat stomach, about which everyone is silent. No tricks here not to do!
Do not even think to pull the stomach to get into your favorite skinny jeans - is especially nothing. There are many other methods that can help you remove a few extra centimeters in the waist and make a flat stomach. Often, many try to pace yourself diets, perform special exercises, but all attempts are futile. Remember the golden rule: you need to be around a comprehensive approach.
Today .cc has prepared for you, well, just the same magical collection of the best tips and tricks in order to become your stomach flat. Motel to your mustache!
1. A magical time.
You should be sure to have a meal with something that contains a lot of protein, between 15 and 16 hours. It does not matter whether it is a handful of nuts, protein shake or 100 g of cottage cheese. Wherever you may be, whatever is done, you should not forget about this easy meal.
2. Without ball anywhere!
Be sure to do abdominal exercises with gymnastic ball at least three times a week for 20 minutes a day.
3. Axiom for everyone: Eat a minimum of sugar.
This allows you to maintain a high level of glucagon in the body - your main friend in the struggle for a flat stomach. To understand what this hormone imagine little monster who travels around your body breaks down fat and turning it into energy needed for life. This is glucagon.
4. Rui-Rui, darling!
Do not forget that digestion begins in the mouth. Therefore, thorough chewing of food will relieve you from bloating.
5. Do not forget about the chain: food - cardio - muscle growth - drill press.
The best fitness coaches in the world recommend a daily schedule: 60 minutes to prepare a healthy meal, 20 minutes to perform cardio, 15 minutes of stretching and strength exercises and, in the end, at least 5 minutes each day to exercise for the press.
6. Less salt!
Excess salt in the diet leads to bloating. Instead of the usual kitchen salt try to use sea. And give up soy sauce. If you want to add a sharp piquant flavor their dishes, try cayenne - it is well stimulates metabolism.
7. Call an opponent in the ring!
Joking aside, many instructors are advised to add some elements in boxing workout. Boxing - this is the lesson which effectively helps to fight obesity. Add 15 minutes of exercise to your training - 2 weeks you can lose up to 3 cm in waist!
8. Turned his attention to dignity.
If you can not show off a flat stomach - it does not matter. Surely you feature has its highlights. Switch the attention of others on them! Possess long legs - wear a short skirt. You have gorgeous bust? You must wear a blouse with a deep neckline.
9. Size matters.
Let the stated daily, but it should be recalled once again that eating small meals throughout the day. Also watch out for, so that in your diet was a lot of whole grains.
10. Laugh health!
Studies show that laughter contributes to stress abdominal muscles. This is perhaps the most simple and brings the joy of a method to obtain the stomach of your dreams. By the way, the world is gaining in popularity a new trend of group classes - Laughter Yoga.
Now you'll know why your previous attempts to find a flat stomach suffered a fiasco. After all, there are so many elementary tricks, which you could not even think. From now on everything will be different. By the way, before the summer, there is not so much time. So go ahead, to meet the changes for the better! And hello, your favorite skinny jeans.
Have you had time to share these tricks with friends?
via takprosto cc
Today .cc has prepared for you, well, just the same magical collection of the best tips and tricks in order to become your stomach flat. Motel to your mustache!
1. A magical time.
You should be sure to have a meal with something that contains a lot of protein, between 15 and 16 hours. It does not matter whether it is a handful of nuts, protein shake or 100 g of cottage cheese. Wherever you may be, whatever is done, you should not forget about this easy meal.

2. Without ball anywhere!
Be sure to do abdominal exercises with gymnastic ball at least three times a week for 20 minutes a day.
3. Axiom for everyone: Eat a minimum of sugar.
This allows you to maintain a high level of glucagon in the body - your main friend in the struggle for a flat stomach. To understand what this hormone imagine little monster who travels around your body breaks down fat and turning it into energy needed for life. This is glucagon.

4. Rui-Rui, darling!
Do not forget that digestion begins in the mouth. Therefore, thorough chewing of food will relieve you from bloating.
5. Do not forget about the chain: food - cardio - muscle growth - drill press.
The best fitness coaches in the world recommend a daily schedule: 60 minutes to prepare a healthy meal, 20 minutes to perform cardio, 15 minutes of stretching and strength exercises and, in the end, at least 5 minutes each day to exercise for the press.
6. Less salt!
Excess salt in the diet leads to bloating. Instead of the usual kitchen salt try to use sea. And give up soy sauce. If you want to add a sharp piquant flavor their dishes, try cayenne - it is well stimulates metabolism.

7. Call an opponent in the ring!
Joking aside, many instructors are advised to add some elements in boxing workout. Boxing - this is the lesson which effectively helps to fight obesity. Add 15 minutes of exercise to your training - 2 weeks you can lose up to 3 cm in waist!
8. Turned his attention to dignity.
If you can not show off a flat stomach - it does not matter. Surely you feature has its highlights. Switch the attention of others on them! Possess long legs - wear a short skirt. You have gorgeous bust? You must wear a blouse with a deep neckline.

9. Size matters.
Let the stated daily, but it should be recalled once again that eating small meals throughout the day. Also watch out for, so that in your diet was a lot of whole grains.
10. Laugh health!
Studies show that laughter contributes to stress abdominal muscles. This is perhaps the most simple and brings the joy of a method to obtain the stomach of your dreams. By the way, the world is gaining in popularity a new trend of group classes - Laughter Yoga.

Now you'll know why your previous attempts to find a flat stomach suffered a fiasco. After all, there are so many elementary tricks, which you could not even think. From now on everything will be different. By the way, before the summer, there is not so much time. So go ahead, to meet the changes for the better! And hello, your favorite skinny jeans.
Have you had time to share these tricks with friends?
via takprosto cc
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