10 tricks for this budget summer resident. This greatly facilitates the work!
The holiday season has long been open. Some had begun to plant crops and favorite flowers and look after them. Therefore, .cc produced 10 tricks to make life easier for gardeners. Their main advantage is that they are inexpensive and simple. They are applied in practice, and many people were satisfied with the result.
1. Samoochistitel samozatachivatel and tools
sand mound in a pot and mix it with oil. You can take a vegetable, warm up the engine oil or waste fat. After working a few times Insert the tool in the sand stuck to clean off the ground. Sand the surface and make the cutting teeth shiny and sharp, and the oil will protect against rust. Small tools can be stored in this oil sand all winter, so they are not rusted.
2. Ground coffee
After you enjoy a delicious coffee, do not rush to throw out thick. Use it to enrich soil and pests.
3. Old boots
Use old boots to plant flowers in them.
4. Eggshell
With yachnoy shell can fertilize the soil and increase the yield.
5. Two in One
In order not to bring unnecessary items to the country, make of spades measuring tape.
6. Bottles
Make original edging in your garden with the help of empty bottles.
7. Garden marker
Use the old stones or plastic forks as garden markers.
8. Old photo album
Use old photos as a place to store seeds. They will always be at hand.
9. Old T-shirt
Advice for newcomers to gardening. Tie up tomatoes with sliced into strips using an old T-shirt!
10. Herbal Garden
Make a small herb garden in the old wooden box.
These simple and cheap tricks will help you become a real gardener. They help to improve productivity or to decorate the garden.
Share with your fellow gardeners these practical tips!
via takprosto cc
1. Samoochistitel samozatachivatel and tools

sand mound in a pot and mix it with oil. You can take a vegetable, warm up the engine oil or waste fat. After working a few times Insert the tool in the sand stuck to clean off the ground. Sand the surface and make the cutting teeth shiny and sharp, and the oil will protect against rust. Small tools can be stored in this oil sand all winter, so they are not rusted.
2. Ground coffee

After you enjoy a delicious coffee, do not rush to throw out thick. Use it to enrich soil and pests.
3. Old boots

Use old boots to plant flowers in them.
4. Eggshell

With yachnoy shell can fertilize the soil and increase the yield.
5. Two in One

In order not to bring unnecessary items to the country, make of spades measuring tape.
6. Bottles

Make original edging in your garden with the help of empty bottles.
7. Garden marker

Use the old stones or plastic forks as garden markers.
8. Old photo album

Use old photos as a place to store seeds. They will always be at hand.
9. Old T-shirt

Advice for newcomers to gardening. Tie up tomatoes with sliced into strips using an old T-shirt!
10. Herbal Garden

Make a small herb garden in the old wooden box.
These simple and cheap tricks will help you become a real gardener. They help to improve productivity or to decorate the garden.
Share with your fellow gardeners these practical tips!
via takprosto cc
Restore sight using aloe. Folk remedy academician Filatov.
With this ingenious trick your furniture will look like new. Terrific!