15 women's tricks to bring things in order

stitching sweater, salt stains on your new boots, the jammed zipper - more you will not have these problems. There are plenty of tricks with which Website be happy to share with you.
1. To sweater is not "bite" and not "acquire" katyshkami

To get rid of two problems at once, new sweater should be wet, lay on a tray or in a package sent to the freezer for about 10 hours. When should put it in warm water, so that he "thawed". The yarn will be much softer and pellets will not be formed.
2. How to get rid of the smell odezhdu

To get rid of the smell, you will need to mix vodka and water in a ratio of 1 to 3 and in the spray from the sprinkler thing.
3. The method remove the stain from the foundation to odezhdy

Before washing, treat the stained portion of the cream (foam) shave.
4. How to remove the stain from pomady

Use hairspray to remove the stain of lipstick. Apply it and let it sit for a few minutes. Then dab the stain and send the item in the washing machine.
5. To clean suede tufli

Carefully clean suede shoes can be a soft nail file.
6. How do I remove stains from leather obuvi

Shoes, experienced the harmful effects of snow and salt can be cleaned with a soft toothbrush and vinegar diluted in water at a ratio of 2: 1.
7. To return to the kind of patent obuvi

Treat abrasions on patent shoes with a cotton swab with Vaseline. A rinse aid, use glass cleaner.
8. What kind of back scratched and dull leather obuvi

If there was no special tools, you can use moisturizers. Take a piece of cloth or tissue and wipe shoes with a small amount of lotion to bring her back to life.
9. To consolidate pugovitsu

If you notice that one of the buttons weakened thread and she is about to come off, and needle and thread are not near - fasten thread transparent varnish.
10. How to fix a screw on ochkah

Quickly fix screw can be a transparent nail polish. This temporarily rescue you.
11. To the bone on the bra does not vrezalis

Use a strip of adhesive to fix this problem.
12. A method to quickly remove the fat pyatno

Use dishwashing detergent. It is enough to apply a small amount and rub. There are still ways: sprinkle with fine salt, or put a small amount of chalk and leave for an hour, and then just blow away.
13. To deal with the jammed molniey

Cotton swab and Vaseline will help you solve this problem. Apply a little Vaseline right thumb in the hole and along the zipper.
14. A method to get rid of sweat stains on odezhde

Erase unsightly underarm stains can be lemon juice or baking soda. Rub the stain with a mixture of lemon juice and water. For stubborn stains, use a mixture of baking soda and water, which should be left for a few minutes, then rinse and start washing. More can be successfully used aspirin and hydrogen peroxide.
15. How to neutralize the smell in krossovkah

Sprinkle a little baking soda in shoes after a workout that it has absorbed odors. Then thoroughly shake it.
According to the materials: cosmopolitan
12 practical tips for cleaning the house
15 ideas on how to hide the mess at home, and bring guests into raptures
13 tricks that will make life a little easier and more enjoyable
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