10 exercises will help you live to 100 years

To live to be 100 years — no problem. Especially if you follow a simple but original rules.Its system of longevity says a military doctor from Odessa, the author of the booklets "How to survive the first 100 years?" and "Health system "reserve-training" Valery L. Dorofeev
— Each sport based on the training. And the process of longevity, of course, is no exception. But what you need to train in this case? That melts quickly in the aging process, our backup capabilities. Through their stimulation. We call this process the reserve training and will start the core exercises.
Exercise 1
Dosed fasting. To run it you will have to give up eating. And the failure must be complete. Allowed to drink only clean water. Even juice can ruin your training. During fasting, the body begins to eat its own reserves. Used those same reserves. The findings suggest that a food satisfies our inner needs. And the result is impressive. Aktiviziruyutsya strength, mental and physical work. But it is important not to fall into extremes. Long-term hunger strike is able to drain, not to nourish the body. So perform this exercise no more than 24 or 36 hours once a week.
Exercise 2
"Dry" starvation. Remember the camel, which can travel through the desert without food and water until, until you have used up its reserves — hump with fat reserves. Now you have to briefly transform into this amazing creation of nature — to stop not only there, but also to drink. Give the aging process a real "dry" hunger strike. 36 hours and that's the time allotted to this exercise, it is impossible to dry. As a result of oxidation of fats in the body formed its own water. And when "dry" fasting, its amount markedly increased. According to some reports, the effect of "Camel-36" even better than the results of starvation on the water.
Exercise 3
Oxygen starvation. Of course, we are not talking about the complete absence of oxygen. It really leads to irreversible changes and death. But with a temporary lack of oxygen the body is able to cope quite successfully. Moreover, when oxygen starvation increases the overall energy level. Expands blood vessels of vital organs. Improves blood circulation. Produce more hormones. And in the aging process, reverse process occurs. So judge for yourself how this exercise is useful.
Exercise 4
Information starvation. And now a little relax from excess information. The case is also useful. One kind of information starvation is provided by nature. This refers to the dream — a full, deep, in a comfortable environment. During sleep, information from the outside to the person does not arrive. But the brain is not idle. It handles the backup information that is stored in memory. You sleep as the brain solves your problem, using previously accumulated experience. Starve without information and in vitro. Enough to retire, some time to be alone.
100 years in one fell swoop
The following exercises reserve-training also causes the body to use its reserves. But not by means of limitation of anything important, but due to the hard work of individual organs and systems.
Exercise 5
Muscle training. If you do not train the muscles, they weaken and atrophy. To save them, be kind enough to move. You need to perform a certain minimum volume of movements that will strain every muscle. Though regularly. No matter what it is — walking or swimming, dancing or training on simulators. The movement individually. It strengthens not only the musculoskeletal system but also the entire body.
Exercise 6
Thermoregulation training. In our body simultaneously occur two processes — the production of heat and its impact. Their expense is kept at a constant body temperature. To live longer, these mechanisms also need to train. By artificially lowering or raising the ambient temperature. Cold training involves wearing light clothing, the adoption of air baths, dousing with cold water, walking barefoot. Thermal stimulation is a bath, hot shower, sunbathing, swimming in the thermal springs. And someone will like more rigid methods based on the change of temperature, — a contrast shower, swimming pool after a bath.
Exercise 7
Intellectual training. Who does not work shall not eat. The notorious principle applies with regard to our brain. Its broken part is translated on starvation rations. The blood with oxygen and nutrients to it is limited. So survivor is an eternal student. Learn everything I can. Get a regular higher education or go on courses of Japanese ikebana. It is important not to lose the rhythm of life. Without intelligence the process of longevity is meaningless.
Exercise 8
Emotional training. Here your task is to fully preserve all the emotions and their shades. Both positive and negative, though some of them may prevail. To arouse emotions, and thus train them, can movies, music, theater, painting, sports.
Exercise 9
Have a psych eval. It is hard to imagine a survivor with unstable mentality. To live, we must be able to withstand stress, to be ready for any more shocks, to master themselves. Ask for help from a therapist or cope with this task on their own. Try one simple and effective method. In the moments of falling asleep and awakening several times mentally repeat the formula of auto-suggestion. For example, say, "I am a young, cheerful and healthy". You'll see how willing the body will obey your will.
Exercise 10
Training allocation system. Actually, the body itself is able to neutralize and remove all harmful and alien. But overload confusing him, and he is gradually turning into a landfill waste. Talk about longevity at the same time, of course, is not. If things like this happen, help the body to cleanse itself. Liver to help with bile flow. Because bile go toxic and alien substances. Use the method of starvation and choleretic herbs. The kidneys help with the flow of urine. You will find the useful diuretic herbal teas and plants — watermelon, cucumbers, grapes, figs, radishes, parsley. The gastrointestinal tract can be obtained by using laxative herbs, vegetables and fruits. A good effect has fiber. The excretory function is performed and the lungs. They remove carbon dioxide, acetone.
Carry out self-cleaning of the respiratory tract from dust. Train your lungs, increasing the frequency and depth of breathing. During this exercise the blood and tissues are enriched with oxygen, and the level of carbon dioxide falls. The metabolism is accelerated and the aging process slows down. Do 10 very fast and strong breaths. Then inhale and hold your breath for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times a day.
It is also worth to help activities of the skin. The work of sweat and sebaceous glands close to the kidneys. Load yourself physically visit a sauna and drink diaphoretic herbs. So, the lesson plan you have. Sports gambling appeared. First, of course, will be complicated. Listen to their feelings, not to overdo it. Pleasant weariness, a good mood and feel signs that everything is done in moderation.
Starvation leads to more energy, improving memory and performance.
If you combine the first four exercises, it turns out that the ideal means of rejuvenation — long sleep high in the mountains, because during sleep we do not eat or drink.
Before you begin to exercise, evaluate your health. And then, on the basis of their actual capabilities, develop a tailored system of training.
Nina Ponomareva
P. S. And remember, just changing your habits — together we change the world! ©
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