How to make real dumplings

Manta rays – a classic Oriental dishes. Photo: Domashniy.ru
Master-class on preparation of traditional Oriental dishes. Recipes dumplings a great many, but our food blogger Denis Handuk did for us the best. And leading Lara Katsova prepared two delicious sauce.
Denis Handuk: "I Want to share with you my personal proven recipe. Manta rays, as well as khinkali was always viewed me with a certain reverence. Can't get them out of the freezer in a large plastic bag and cook for 10 minutes. The manta rays should be looked at more thoroughly. Ceremonial, that is...
Manti are cooked for a relatively long time, so be prepared continually to drive away from the steamer suddenly came into the kitchen family. But it's worth it".
The RECIPE for DUMPLINGSyou need:
- 4,5 tbsp. flour
- 250-300 ml of water
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp. salt
- 900 g lamb or beef (you can take half lamb, half beef and even pork, it's a matter of personal preference, coercion inappropriate here)
- 200 g sheep's tail fat (in the absence of fat, you can choose a more fatty part of meat and take it a bit more)
- 600 g onion
- 1 tsp of cumin with a slide (preferably do not use already ground spices)
- 1 tsp coriander
- 0.5 tsp. black pepper (and herbs can take a little more pepper)
- 1 tsp. salt
1. For the dough sift the flour into a large bowl.
2. In the cold water dissolve the salt (you can briefly put in the refrigerator).
3. In flour make a hole, add a raw egg and cold water with salt.
Knead homogeneous dough. It should be elastic and should not stick to hands. If necessary, you can add a little flour. Roll the dough into a ball and leave under a towel for 2 hours. 4. For the filling, the meat should be armed with a sharp knife and a fair amount of patience, to cut more small, equal cubes. The same is done with the tail.
5. Onion cut into small cubes. I for these purposes there is a remarkable sharp shredder, so if you have something similar – use. This great time-saver. Bow slightly prisolit and mash well with hands.
6. Mix meat, fat, onion and spices, pre-ground in a mortar. Stir again thoroughly. As an option – in the meat, add a little fresh cilantro. But first you can try without it. Suggest to experiment a second time.
7. Roll the dough to a translucent condition and cut into circles.
Spread the filling in the center. 8. You can now sculpt: first zasypnica the middle.
Then semipelite edges on the principle of the envelope.
Then expand the workpiece to the other side and again make two pockets. It only remains to connect the pockets between them and carefully clamp it.
9. Time cooking. In many sources it is proposed to coat the levels of montisnigri or the steamer with oil. I used to do the opposite. Pour the small bowl with the oil, and took manti for the top seam, just dip the bottom in butter. Never sticking.
10. Prepare dumplings approximately 45-55 minutes. A lot depends on the thickness of the dough that you get and the size of the mantle themselves.

Photo: Domashniy.ru
11. In 50 minutes you can open and remove the sample. Get manti easy. If manti just stand up – just lift, if not, then you can catch them with a silicone spatula. Checked – works. Or slightly shake each level.

Photo: Domashniy.ru
Feeding manta rays need only with the right sauce. The colorful host of "Home cooking" Lara Katsova shared with us their favorite recipes.

Manti has to be submitted with the sauce. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
Lara Katsova: "This sauce my mother taught me of my close friend from Tbilisi".
What you need:
- 500 g of canned tomatoes in own juice
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 50 g of cilantro
- 50 dill
- 1 tbsp Khmeli-suneli
- 1 tbsp of coriander
- half of chili
- red pepper – optional
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp. salt
Tomatoes RUB through a sieve, garlic finely chop. Garlic and tomato mix, add salt and sugar, put the mixture on a small fire, bring to boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Add Khmeli-suneli, coriander, chopped chilli and simmer for another 3 minutes. If you want great sharpness, add red pepper. Remove from heat, put in finely chopped cilantro and dill, cover and allow to cool.

Author recipe sour cream sauce for sharing with us Lara Katsova. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
Lara Katsova: "I understand that I did not discover America, everybody knows about the classic sour cream sauce to khinkali. But my recipe is still another – rich greens and sharpness."
What you need:
- 1 tbsp. sour cream 20%
- 2-3 cloves of garlic
- little chili pepper
- a sufficient amount of cilantro and dill
Finely chop the garlic and chilli, removing the seeds. Chop the greens, mix it all together. Salt. The whole point is that there must be a lot of greens, it's more of greens with sour cream, not sour cream with herbs.
Source: domashniy.ru/
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