Waiting list
Seventy one million four hundred fifty five thousand seven hundred thirty one
© Dmitry Shelikhov
I don't want to work
— Well, don't work
— The impression that I said to you go and pay for different resolutions. As for a driver's license.
— It seems to be true.
— Unless the woman should work if she has a man who is quite able to provide it? I don't love my job. Longing each day to go to the office. And colleagues people.
— Does a woman have to work... a Man needs only what you agreed with him. If those are your expectations, without the consent on his part of the contract was not. Than the adult from the child different?
She straightened the long skirt and thought. And I thought about it. Often says that read helpful articles about femininity. That skirt now only wearing. No pants.
— Adult feeds himself, dresses. Make a decision.
I happily nod.
Yeah, that is the satisfaction of their needs lies in the area of responsibility of an adult. You're here you want to contain your lover. And for some reason he doesn't want to. Ambush.
— Yes, I'm so sorry! I don't know what to do next…
— When a woman is free to meet their needs, the choice of men are conscious and honest. Do you think your man feels that you need him alone, and not your credit card?
She touched the earrings and smiled.
— Yes, I told him that I love him. And wanna have his children married.
— OK, let's get back to solutions. It's easy for me to give the other the freedom where I was free. No internal barriers and, consequently, the external conflict. Are you ready to your man to allow not to work?
— What is it?! He is a man and needs to provide for his family. Otherwise, why is it needed?
Well, I say, let's see here "otherwise" consider in detail. If your pick up an expensive car, apartment in the center of Moscow, statuses, etc., do you like it?
— Never know. Probably still needed. I love it! Can't sleep without it. Every time I tell him about it when looking for some conversation about living together. And he's very sexy. Such a cool figure.
And how he reacts to your talk about staying?
— Irritable, silent, looking out the window. He doesn't like me or what?
— Or he doesn't want to be Mary Poppins and sing lullabies every night partner. Suddenly he fishing wants to go away for the weekend? And you can't go to sleep. How can you decide on living together…
She squared her shoulders and fingers showed the sign "OK". Perked!
— I'll go with him.
— And if the man's company?
— I cannot interfere with your loved one. If he loves me, he always nice when I'm around.
Then the toilet should always go together. Holding hands on a nearby aftershocks, to never give up. And buy yourself what you want – can you?
He says he's pleased to please me with gifts. I'm tired to discuss it all already. How can around it. What to do, so he asked me to marry you?
— Gotta. Maybe you should be able to enjoy life? In General, it is necessary to be well-fed to married called. Here you say you don't want to work.
— Why should I work if its enough money for us?
I was thinking what to say about the passion of human life. About that happiness is inside, not over a certain amount a few times a week. And in the intervals of gray longing and the painful wait "Love me so I was happy."
Who do you think will be useful to a woman which perceives man as a tool to meet their needs?
She leaned back in his chair and shook his head. She sat with a straight back and began to explain to me that she did not want an arranged marriage desired by the senses.
— You, Masha, talking about the sale? Rublev girls – it's not about me. I need a relationship!
— Great, but still hindering your long list. There are many items which you must implement for someone else. Until you made yourself what you can offer him?
And what's this? I give him a lot. He likes to take me out into the light, all looking at me, jealous. Why be apart if we have love? I do not understand.
— Yes, and I do not understand everything. You're a beautiful, educated, but it turns out you have a different Outlook. You allow yourself not to work, and he wasn't. It is the policy of double standards. Let's gestim. If it's legs, it will still be necessary to you?
— So he's going to be okay.
— Try to look at yourself and answer the question "why him"? Excluding its functionality.
She closed her eyes, and I thought maybe it's not necessary? Who is aware of why getting married and getting married? And so the birth rate falls in a country with such existential ideas.
She opened her eyes and began to list:
— I need to cook him Breakfast. Writing sweet text. Be series.
Well, that's about "next". How do you think you have enough inner freedom to let him go fishing alone? This is important in a relationship. I sometimes think that is more important than the soup and sex.
She was upset and embarrassed. He threw up his hands and slapped their knees.
— I'm on a course itself you do not know what they want. All around asked why we did not get married, because we are such a beautiful couple.
— In General, what are you willing to give him the you are. That he wanted you to take (a wife, for example), you have to understand THAT YOU ARE. When there is no understanding you, not understanding him. While there is a list of "What to take", is the image of women taking. And these women are interested in men with significant guilt. Do you want it?
— Oh, no thank you! At me such already was. First give something, and then constantly reminds me to praise. And just what is wrong, for example, go to the Dr to a friend who he doesn't like all the bonuses for a month are closed. And forced to constantly apologize for everything.
— Let's list the benefit wrap. In General the plan is a useful thing. There is infa, what you lack in yourself. That's when you cross out all the items, and then be free. Then make a conscious choice, and not to falsify any man under "married".
— No, I do not want to. It's a long time – to execute. I have 35 years until I can do it myself, I'll be 40. I'll never give birth. Is there anywhere else?
— Certainly be! You can demand further. Let him look out the window until he gets tired of listening to complaints. Maybe he will deal with your points, and then you charge. You've got to try.
Have you ever met with a man who's "it's time to get married"? Rare pleasure. Me on the second date said "you have tight Hips, but nothing. If anything, cesamet". You would have liked you in the first place, as fertility considering?
Her eyes said that he wouldn't.
— If it is for you too, Express option, see. In General, the important thing is to set objectives. As Frankl said, if you know "why" can endure any "how."
Author: Maria Moshkovskaya
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: rissina.livejournal.com/120079.html
© Dmitry Shelikhov
I don't want to work
— Well, don't work
— The impression that I said to you go and pay for different resolutions. As for a driver's license.
— It seems to be true.
— Unless the woman should work if she has a man who is quite able to provide it? I don't love my job. Longing each day to go to the office. And colleagues people.
— Does a woman have to work... a Man needs only what you agreed with him. If those are your expectations, without the consent on his part of the contract was not. Than the adult from the child different?
She straightened the long skirt and thought. And I thought about it. Often says that read helpful articles about femininity. That skirt now only wearing. No pants.
— Adult feeds himself, dresses. Make a decision.
I happily nod.
Yeah, that is the satisfaction of their needs lies in the area of responsibility of an adult. You're here you want to contain your lover. And for some reason he doesn't want to. Ambush.
— Yes, I'm so sorry! I don't know what to do next…
— When a woman is free to meet their needs, the choice of men are conscious and honest. Do you think your man feels that you need him alone, and not your credit card?
She touched the earrings and smiled.
— Yes, I told him that I love him. And wanna have his children married.
— OK, let's get back to solutions. It's easy for me to give the other the freedom where I was free. No internal barriers and, consequently, the external conflict. Are you ready to your man to allow not to work?
— What is it?! He is a man and needs to provide for his family. Otherwise, why is it needed?
Well, I say, let's see here "otherwise" consider in detail. If your pick up an expensive car, apartment in the center of Moscow, statuses, etc., do you like it?
— Never know. Probably still needed. I love it! Can't sleep without it. Every time I tell him about it when looking for some conversation about living together. And he's very sexy. Such a cool figure.
And how he reacts to your talk about staying?
— Irritable, silent, looking out the window. He doesn't like me or what?
— Or he doesn't want to be Mary Poppins and sing lullabies every night partner. Suddenly he fishing wants to go away for the weekend? And you can't go to sleep. How can you decide on living together…
She squared her shoulders and fingers showed the sign "OK". Perked!
— I'll go with him.
— And if the man's company?
— I cannot interfere with your loved one. If he loves me, he always nice when I'm around.
Then the toilet should always go together. Holding hands on a nearby aftershocks, to never give up. And buy yourself what you want – can you?
He says he's pleased to please me with gifts. I'm tired to discuss it all already. How can around it. What to do, so he asked me to marry you?
— Gotta. Maybe you should be able to enjoy life? In General, it is necessary to be well-fed to married called. Here you say you don't want to work.
— Why should I work if its enough money for us?
I was thinking what to say about the passion of human life. About that happiness is inside, not over a certain amount a few times a week. And in the intervals of gray longing and the painful wait "Love me so I was happy."
Who do you think will be useful to a woman which perceives man as a tool to meet their needs?
She leaned back in his chair and shook his head. She sat with a straight back and began to explain to me that she did not want an arranged marriage desired by the senses.
— You, Masha, talking about the sale? Rublev girls – it's not about me. I need a relationship!
— Great, but still hindering your long list. There are many items which you must implement for someone else. Until you made yourself what you can offer him?
And what's this? I give him a lot. He likes to take me out into the light, all looking at me, jealous. Why be apart if we have love? I do not understand.
— Yes, and I do not understand everything. You're a beautiful, educated, but it turns out you have a different Outlook. You allow yourself not to work, and he wasn't. It is the policy of double standards. Let's gestim. If it's legs, it will still be necessary to you?
— So he's going to be okay.
— Try to look at yourself and answer the question "why him"? Excluding its functionality.
She closed her eyes, and I thought maybe it's not necessary? Who is aware of why getting married and getting married? And so the birth rate falls in a country with such existential ideas.
She opened her eyes and began to list:
— I need to cook him Breakfast. Writing sweet text. Be series.
Well, that's about "next". How do you think you have enough inner freedom to let him go fishing alone? This is important in a relationship. I sometimes think that is more important than the soup and sex.
She was upset and embarrassed. He threw up his hands and slapped their knees.
— I'm on a course itself you do not know what they want. All around asked why we did not get married, because we are such a beautiful couple.
— In General, what are you willing to give him the you are. That he wanted you to take (a wife, for example), you have to understand THAT YOU ARE. When there is no understanding you, not understanding him. While there is a list of "What to take", is the image of women taking. And these women are interested in men with significant guilt. Do you want it?
— Oh, no thank you! At me such already was. First give something, and then constantly reminds me to praise. And just what is wrong, for example, go to the Dr to a friend who he doesn't like all the bonuses for a month are closed. And forced to constantly apologize for everything.
— Let's list the benefit wrap. In General the plan is a useful thing. There is infa, what you lack in yourself. That's when you cross out all the items, and then be free. Then make a conscious choice, and not to falsify any man under "married".
— No, I do not want to. It's a long time – to execute. I have 35 years until I can do it myself, I'll be 40. I'll never give birth. Is there anywhere else?
— Certainly be! You can demand further. Let him look out the window until he gets tired of listening to complaints. Maybe he will deal with your points, and then you charge. You've got to try.
Have you ever met with a man who's "it's time to get married"? Rare pleasure. Me on the second date said "you have tight Hips, but nothing. If anything, cesamet". You would have liked you in the first place, as fertility considering?
Her eyes said that he wouldn't.
— If it is for you too, Express option, see. In General, the important thing is to set objectives. As Frankl said, if you know "why" can endure any "how."
Author: Maria Moshkovskaya
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: rissina.livejournal.com/120079.html