Dangerous delicious: bacon
Pork, Water, Salt, E-250; E-536 E-316. In addition to the above additives, in bacons of different companies can be added to the following components: stabilizers: E-407, E-450, E-451; antioxidants: E-301, E301; flavor enhancer: E-621; preservatives: E-252.
E250 — sodium Nitrite (Sodium Nitrite) Is a Preservative, dye fixing.
E252 — potassium Nitrate (Potassium Nitrate) — in many countries its use is restricted.
Without these additives it is impossible to imagine sausages. During processing, sausage meat loses its soft pink color, turning to gray-brown mass.
Then, in the course are nitrates and nitrites, and, behold, in the window at us "looks" already cooked sausage color: beef.
Microdamage are included in sausage products but also in smoked fish, sprats, canned herring.
Add in cheese to prevent blowing defects.
The addition of nitrites to foods can increase exposure to nitrosamines that cause cancer and a large number are present in fried bacon.
At the present time. manufacturers add ascorbic acid to bacon to prevent the formation of nitrosamines.
Sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate are considered to be responsible for the excitability of the nervous system in children.
Nitrites in high concentrations can lead to poisoning and even death.
The fact is that, proceeding from the intestine into the bloodstream, nitrites bind hemoglobin and not allowed to join the oxygen. This causes hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the body.
People suffering from diseases of the liver, intestine, dysbacteriosis, cholecystitis should be excluded from the diet foods containing E250 — sodium nitrite, Е251 — sodium nitrate, E252 — potassium nitrate.
These people of the nitrate entering the gastrointestinal tract, is transformed into more toxic nitrites, which, in turn, form a pretty strong carcinogens — nitrosamines.
Additional information about these additives is contained in newsletter No. 39 of 22 October 2004.
Е536 — potassium Ferrocyanide (Potassium Ferrocyanide) is an additive that prevents caking and clumping.
Detailed descriptions of this food additive could not be found. However, the name of this Supplement, as a particular does not inspire optimism.
Although most people and has no special chemical formulations, including us, but the word "cyanide" (!) familiar to many.
E301 — sodium Ascorbate (Sodium Ascorbate) Is an Antioxidant.
Antioxidants interrupt the reaction samoochishchenija food components in the food product.
This reaction in food occurs as a result of contact of the food with the oxygen in the air and the product.
The mechanism of action of antioxidants is very simple. Substances that are easily oxidized, becoming, thus, harmless for body products.
In this case, the consumed oxygen is the main oxidant potential. Therefore, the product will be oxidized to a lesser extent.
The most common antioxidants С6Н8О6 ascorbic acid (E300) and sodium ascorbate С6Н7О6Na (Е301).
E316 — ISO-ascorbate sodium (Sodium Isoascorbate) Antioxidant.
It is a powerful antioxidant, preventing oxidative spoilage of edible fats, as well as the conversion of nitrates and nitrites in sausage and canning production. Wine enhances the antioxidant effect of sulphurous acid. Appearance — white powder.
E407 — Carrageenan and its sodium, potassium, ammonia salts, including furcelleran (Carrageenan and its Na, K, NH4 salts (Includes Furcellaran)) — Thickener, gelling agent, stabilizer.
Information about it was contained in newsletter No. 42, dated 12 November 2004.
E450 — Diphosphates (Diphosphates). — Emulsifier, stabilizer, acidity regulator, raising agent, a complexing agent, a moisture retaining agent.
The use of phosphates can lead to imbalance in the body between phosphorus and calcium.
Excessive intake of phosphates is fraught deteriorating the absorption of calcium, which leads to deposition in the kidneys of calcium and phosphorus, and contributes to the development of osteoporosis.
Therefore, you should carefully consider the use of products containing phosphates. Particularly at risk are people who eat many products containing naturally occurring phosphorus.
This additive destroys calcium, magnesium, iron!
Additional information about these additives is contained in newsletter No. 40, dated 29 October 2004.
E451 — Triphosphates (Triphosphates). Is the complexing agent, acidity regulator, TextWriter.
Used in the food industry is sodium tripolyphosphate (5-substituted) (PentaSodium triphosphate), potassium triphosphate (5-substituted) (PentaPotassium triphosphate).
Diphosphates, monophosphate, crispr, phosphoric acid, phosphates (substances regulating acidity) cause children irritability, anxiety, nervousness, affects calcium homeostasis in the body.
E621 — monosodium Glutamate 1-substituted (Monosodium Glutamate) Is Not recommended for use in baby food.
But still, something to think about is not harmful.
Information on individual food additives, with grief in half, you can still find.
But because each separate product is used, at least three additives, and sometimes their number reaches 6-7, I wonder what happens when they interact among themselves and what their combined effect on the body?!
Source: www.1-sovetnik.com/Chemistry/Food/food-10.html
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Total use of chemicals or pesticides & Co in food products