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Total use of chemicals or pesticides & Co in food products

All-out chemicalization of life, which began in the "enlightened" West in the last century, inevitably makes people powerless, the sick freaks. This filth contaminates everything: air, water, soil, plants, animals, people... the Pesticides and chemicals in food

The world market for pesticides is estimated to be worth about $ 30 billion annually. Used by over a million tons of pesticides, with 60% of them in agriculture.

Chemicals (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides) are used to fertilize the soil, combat weeds, insects and rodents, crop protection against fungi and molds. With their help, improve yields, enhance the shelf life of the plant, improve appearance of fruits, vegetables and grains. Today a selection of the 5,000 species of 700 pesticides and chemical ingredients. Compared with the early 40-ies., when it was first used pesticides consumption in agriculture has increased tenfold, while crop losses due to insects over the last 50 years has doubled. This statistic casts doubt on the effectiveness of the pesticides. Interestingly, the use of pesticides has led to the development of the 650 species of pests that are resistant to some of these poisons.

Every day in the world about 3000 people are poisoned by pesticides. More than one million poisonings per year of chemical substances, polluting the air, soil, water and food. Separately in Europe, these numbers are less shocking. Only in 2005 the EU began to try to introduce common standards in assessing the risk of chemicals entering the food, and the common labeling for food products.

It is known that many pesticides are hazardous to health and are carcinogenic, however, until now the buyer can not be the label to determine how saturated the purchased product these unwholesome substances. In developed countries consumers have, in principle, exists a choice to buy "organic" (grown without chemicals) products, or conventional. The price difference is substantial, and "organic" products is not as great as usual. A huge range of "normal" products in supermarkets is, according to leading environmentalists,"a strategic stock of toxic arms with a huge shelf life" (John. Richmond, V. Valsky, M. Stevens).

Organization for the protection of the environment admits that of the 320 pesticides permitted for use in agronomy, with at least 66 – alleged carcinogens. Many of these pesticides are mixed with 1200 neutral ingredients, which manufacturers are not required to disclose, citing "commercial secret". For 800 of them are still not established toxicity levels, they are believed to be carcinogens.

Pesticides are a "time bomb". For decades the use of these chemicals accumulated in the soil. They get into plants and into water sources and, consequently, in fish. Suffering and livestock: cattle fed treated plants and also receives an injection of growth hormones and antibiotics. In the end, the whole "chemistry" is embedded in the tissue of animals. The facts are clear – we risk to receive significant doses of pesticides daily. It is alarming that many of these chemicals are biological poisons calculated to destroy, and in the human body they slowly, progressively destroying the cells and organs.

In 1990, Dr. M. A. Evans, Professor University Medical College in Chicago, claimed that according to his estimates, from 70 to 90% of cancer cases in humans occur under the influence of environmental factors. This includes chemicals, synthetic food additives, agricultural chemicals and other factors, including sunlight and food components. While Dr. Evans notes that most of the listed factors may not be carcinogenic in themselves, but acting in combination with other factors, can have a carcinogenic effect. In other words, they begin to work with each other synergistically.

A study conducted back in 1976, somehow confirms this assumption. A group of scientists have experienced three chemicals on a group of rats. Individually, the chemicals had no effect on experimental animals. In the next phase, rats were given combination of two substances; it was noted the deterioration of animals. After simultaneous reception of three chemicals for two weeks rats were killed.

Unfortunately, few doctors know anything about the health effects of toxic chemicals in drinking water and food. In 1988 the expert Committee at the National Academy of Sciences of the United States came to the conclusion that almost all medical personnel illiterate in the field of toxicology, industrial pollution and pesticides. In the published report was also that toxic chemicals are playing an increasingly important role in the increased incidence and deaths. Was adopted on an emergency program for the training of medical staff in the basics of environmental safety, toxicology and protective nutrition.

Meat synthetic additives, or why more vegetarians?

Along with meat, poultry, eggs or milk we consume a lot of hidden ingredients: antibiotics, hormones, steroids, pesticides, preservatives and additives. At present half produced in the world of antibiotics consumed by livestock to prevent disease in livestock. About 90% of chickens, 80% of calves and pigs, 60% of cattle grown for slaughter, usually receive antibiotics directly mixed in feed.

65-99% of cattle going to the meat, get hormones to accelerate the growth and increase of lean meat. Most contained in the meat of the chemicals do not affect neither hot or cold treatment. Unlike bacteria destroyed by cooking, these chemicals remain in the meat, irrespective of packaging, storing or processing.

Breeders are free to buy any quantity of antibiotics or hormones at a local feed store and give the animal to the extent it believes appropriate. In addition, 90% of the 30,000 used now drugs to animals is forbidden or recommended in limited quantities by the government.

Unfortunately, there is no adequate state inspection system for measuring the levels of antibiotics and hormones. Around the world, dramatically increasing the number of vegetarians, people are aware of the direct risk of meat products. Of the 80 million animals slaughtered annually, only 1% checked state of chemicals. However, in the US, a strict control is carried out in special farms from where raw material is supplied (for example, the bones of calves) for the production of calcium SUPPLEMENTS. If you eat meat and dairy products, you will consume significant amounts of these concentrated poisons, whether you like it or not... posted

Source: ru-an.info/%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8/%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B4%D1%8B-%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE-%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B9%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B