How to make money on the crisis and panic
Eighty nine million four hundred seven thousand six hundred seventy seven
A fragment of a painting by Vladimir Makovsky (1846-1920) "the collapse of the Bank" (1880) In the heart of the picture Makovsky — the first in the history of Russia the bankruptcy of the Commercial Bank loan at the end of 1875
"Always, when you start to panic and be terrified, "how terrible to live," will someone with your panic cut down your gesheft." After receiving an advertising letter, decided to look into pressure points to which pressure marketers.
It's like this. Delivered. In this... not even for spam (all are was somehow targetirovanie and personalized, I can't deny the effort), rather, just the marketing emails, all perfectly, I think. Will obscure, except that the name of the site (not to give him the extra advertising) and the name of the colleagues:
In General, for this example, you can write a short course "impose all sorts of crap to suckers, pressing their pain points." Already wanted to paint the subject and to be Captain Obvious, once again Recalling elementary. What I will do, I guess.
To begin with — personalization. I was approached by name. So it's not just people from the street, they told me, from here. And I even know where one of my old colleagues in Sakhalin in this govnosayte noted. It was enough just to login there with your Facebook and look in the permissions list, click the button "allow access". And in the list of permissions must have been the "view friends list". Here is the friends list there the script and walked, after having sent this byte crap to everyone. How is it that my friends are there and I'm surely going to break away from the team? Not for nothing because all sorts of havnekontoret the type of notorious "Desheli" as a payoff for a "free" procedure of asking a couple of friends, right?
Well, the slogan "just for men", of course — what self-respecting goof pleads not successful? Well, or at least going to success! There and below is a picture of the Successful man and Successful chick in expensive clothes and interiors — you, the user, of course, also want this to be true? If you want, then come to us!
But it's not so simple — fear! the horror! panic! alert! — "What to do in a crisis, when the ruble fell 2 times? How to save what is left?"... or is it, "given the situation in the country"... with the dreamy heaven to earth, where decay and despair! "Yes, Yes, of course I want to be Successful and not a loser whose last penny (most often in such cases, very few) burned, kuzia Bech, what should I do ahhh?!?!"
Continue to escalate — "Now is no time to delay". Well, Yes, of course! Just like sellers of vacuum cleaners "Kirby", vtyuhivayut your stuff at exorbitant prices, "no time to think, no time to call friends, agree today and we will give you best discount/payment plan". When I start to rush, and I'm not satkosia, where for weeks "grazed" any rags, waiting for final sale, but just listen, like some prick trying to get me to do much good — my inner paranoid screaming that I was trying to fuck, and most often right.
And at the end — carefully left for dessert quote is not from anyone but from the Rockefeller. Going to the success of the boys and telecki like Rockefeller, no doubt. And the picture with epic views of the Nevsky Prospekt, the place where it leaves tons of money every visiting tourist:) With the subtext "a place for the most Successful People we know", so what?
On the website I didn't go even out of curiosity, nah — but I'm pretty sure you know what will be there. There are headlines like "shock, the collapse of the crisis" will provoke more intense fear in the masses — and this fear will gently shove all sorts of pribludy paid from the tame "experts", "analysts" or "consultants". Or not — and instead there are tons of frankly rubbish advertising, which will "pour traffic" received from users coming and returning for emotional support. In any case — than to waste time on THIS, is it not better professional literature to open? It is much more dargobrivi method, I guarantee it!
What I post here all this, ladies and gentlemen? And the fact that you can be of all political views, materialnoe any situation and with any social circle. But always and I mean always! — when you start to panic and be terrified, "how terrible to live", is someone with your panic cut down a very enjoyable (and often painful) gesheft. To put it bluntly and crudely — a tax on stupidity. This, of course, an example of epic, grotesque, but similar manipulation techniques I've been watching as news sites and advertising banners and even the public in social networks. I called this move "HomeCinema runs" — and I refuse to participate in them, to be infected with a mental virus and rock me unnecessary pendulums. Not make of himself hamsters, comrades. And you will be, if not happiness, at least peace of mind! published
Source: /users/1077
A fragment of a painting by Vladimir Makovsky (1846-1920) "the collapse of the Bank" (1880) In the heart of the picture Makovsky — the first in the history of Russia the bankruptcy of the Commercial Bank loan at the end of 1875
"Always, when you start to panic and be terrified, "how terrible to live," will someone with your panic cut down your gesheft." After receiving an advertising letter, decided to look into pressure points to which pressure marketers.
It's like this. Delivered. In this... not even for spam (all are was somehow targetirovanie and personalized, I can't deny the effort), rather, just the marketing emails, all perfectly, I think. Will obscure, except that the name of the site (not to give him the extra advertising) and the name of the colleagues:

In General, for this example, you can write a short course "impose all sorts of crap to suckers, pressing their pain points." Already wanted to paint the subject and to be Captain Obvious, once again Recalling elementary. What I will do, I guess.
To begin with — personalization. I was approached by name. So it's not just people from the street, they told me, from here. And I even know where one of my old colleagues in Sakhalin in this govnosayte noted. It was enough just to login there with your Facebook and look in the permissions list, click the button "allow access". And in the list of permissions must have been the "view friends list". Here is the friends list there the script and walked, after having sent this byte crap to everyone. How is it that my friends are there and I'm surely going to break away from the team? Not for nothing because all sorts of havnekontoret the type of notorious "Desheli" as a payoff for a "free" procedure of asking a couple of friends, right?
Well, the slogan "just for men", of course — what self-respecting goof pleads not successful? Well, or at least going to success! There and below is a picture of the Successful man and Successful chick in expensive clothes and interiors — you, the user, of course, also want this to be true? If you want, then come to us!
But it's not so simple — fear! the horror! panic! alert! — "What to do in a crisis, when the ruble fell 2 times? How to save what is left?"... or is it, "given the situation in the country"... with the dreamy heaven to earth, where decay and despair! "Yes, Yes, of course I want to be Successful and not a loser whose last penny (most often in such cases, very few) burned, kuzia Bech, what should I do ahhh?!?!"
Continue to escalate — "Now is no time to delay". Well, Yes, of course! Just like sellers of vacuum cleaners "Kirby", vtyuhivayut your stuff at exorbitant prices, "no time to think, no time to call friends, agree today and we will give you best discount/payment plan". When I start to rush, and I'm not satkosia, where for weeks "grazed" any rags, waiting for final sale, but just listen, like some prick trying to get me to do much good — my inner paranoid screaming that I was trying to fuck, and most often right.
And at the end — carefully left for dessert quote is not from anyone but from the Rockefeller. Going to the success of the boys and telecki like Rockefeller, no doubt. And the picture with epic views of the Nevsky Prospekt, the place where it leaves tons of money every visiting tourist:) With the subtext "a place for the most Successful People we know", so what?
On the website I didn't go even out of curiosity, nah — but I'm pretty sure you know what will be there. There are headlines like "shock, the collapse of the crisis" will provoke more intense fear in the masses — and this fear will gently shove all sorts of pribludy paid from the tame "experts", "analysts" or "consultants". Or not — and instead there are tons of frankly rubbish advertising, which will "pour traffic" received from users coming and returning for emotional support. In any case — than to waste time on THIS, is it not better professional literature to open? It is much more dargobrivi method, I guarantee it!
What I post here all this, ladies and gentlemen? And the fact that you can be of all political views, materialnoe any situation and with any social circle. But always and I mean always! — when you start to panic and be terrified, "how terrible to live", is someone with your panic cut down a very enjoyable (and often painful) gesheft. To put it bluntly and crudely — a tax on stupidity. This, of course, an example of epic, grotesque, but similar manipulation techniques I've been watching as news sites and advertising banners and even the public in social networks. I called this move "HomeCinema runs" — and I refuse to participate in them, to be infected with a mental virus and rock me unnecessary pendulums. Not make of himself hamsters, comrades. And you will be, if not happiness, at least peace of mind! published
Source: /users/1077