Test: Find out how much You psycho
Two million seven hundred nine thousand five hundred eighteen
To determine whether the offender is a psychopath, there are a variety of different tests.
The easiest and chassis in the canadian system is the PCL-R (psychopathy checklist — revised). A lot of it to criticize, often questioning the results, and yet he here has long been quite reliable and rasprostranennymi tool because it is easy to implement and because he, despite everything, in General, shows quite correct results.
In the test — 20 questions; depending on the answers they are assigned the value 0, 1 or 2. Accordingly, the maximum test, you can score 40 points.
Those who are gaining more than 30 points is final and is hardened psychopaths.Common criminals without psychopathic tendencies are gaining in the region of twenty.
A normal person with no criminal record should gain around five. And that's what I was particularly touched by ordinary people with no criminal record who score very high (though within acceptable) score is... TA-dam! — lawyers! As well as doctors, and military police. Don't know about you, but I find that some black irony :)
To the test — here are his questions/criteria. Generally, of course, to get the correct result, this test can only be used by trained professionals. But if anyone wants to improveits and at least figure out how much of a psychopath then you are welcome :)
1. Pronounced charm
2. A Grand conceit
3. Need motivation / a tendency to start missing
4. Pathological lies
5. Manipulating people
6. The lack of remorse and guilt
7. Shallow feelings
8. The lack of empathy for others
9. A parasitic way of life
10. Poor control over their behavior
11. Violent sexual life
12. Early behavior problems
13. The lack of realistic and long-term plans
14. Impetuosity
15. Irresponsibility
16. The inability to admit fault and take responsibility for their actions
17. Numerous short-term relationships
18. Offense in adolescence
19. Violation of parole
20. Diversity in criminal activities
Source: marinaiv.livejournal.com/107904.html#comments
To determine whether the offender is a psychopath, there are a variety of different tests.
The easiest and chassis in the canadian system is the PCL-R (psychopathy checklist — revised). A lot of it to criticize, often questioning the results, and yet he here has long been quite reliable and rasprostranennymi tool because it is easy to implement and because he, despite everything, in General, shows quite correct results.
In the test — 20 questions; depending on the answers they are assigned the value 0, 1 or 2. Accordingly, the maximum test, you can score 40 points.
Those who are gaining more than 30 points is final and is hardened psychopaths.Common criminals without psychopathic tendencies are gaining in the region of twenty.
A normal person with no criminal record should gain around five. And that's what I was particularly touched by ordinary people with no criminal record who score very high (though within acceptable) score is... TA-dam! — lawyers! As well as doctors, and military police. Don't know about you, but I find that some black irony :)
To the test — here are his questions/criteria. Generally, of course, to get the correct result, this test can only be used by trained professionals. But if anyone wants to improveits and at least figure out how much of a psychopath then you are welcome :)
1. Pronounced charm
2. A Grand conceit
3. Need motivation / a tendency to start missing
4. Pathological lies
5. Manipulating people
6. The lack of remorse and guilt
7. Shallow feelings
8. The lack of empathy for others
9. A parasitic way of life
10. Poor control over their behavior
11. Violent sexual life
12. Early behavior problems
13. The lack of realistic and long-term plans
14. Impetuosity
15. Irresponsibility
16. The inability to admit fault and take responsibility for their actions
17. Numerous short-term relationships
18. Offense in adolescence
19. Violation of parole
20. Diversity in criminal activities
Source: marinaiv.livejournal.com/107904.html#comments