The technique of renunciation

In addition to energy connections is a purely human affection... what about them? In fact attachment deprives of freedom of choice and the one who is bound and tied to someone...
Quote Tsvetkova E., just say that you used his method in practice, the results are truly stunning. Perhaps someone will be interested.
For whom there is no interest, please skip this technique and move on to other not less interesting materials.
THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE IS A CHANCE. NOT NEGLECT IT.If your relationship seems hopeless to you, use your last chance. You might be appalled, but what could be more terrifying than your hopeless relationship ?
Your chance to renounce your relatives.
It's awful, but you can make your choice and play this game. It's dangerous. But she is beautiful. Dangerous because you can poop yourself from head to toe. (Although here you saving chance — you won't drown. Because, as you know, it does not sink ).And wonderful that you can be a winner and fully to celebrate their triumph.
But do not go on following the trail until he made a choice here. Here the track forks — just like in a fairy tale — that is, as in life.
The process first. You're reneging. And it brings you to the next path.
The process of the second. You don't give up, decide that for you the game is over and do not go further. You won and lost and staying at his. Was it worth while to start ?
Process third. You don't deny, but without going through this course, jump to the next path in order to find out what, in fact, you risk. You broke the rules of the game. So, you exceeded your authority. World you lower. Not obessud.
Otherstock first :the Procedure is performed without witnesses.
Right here, right now give your body a vertical position. Stand up straight, not crossing their arms or legs. Think about your loved ones. Although this allowed some indulgence — among relatives — close only one, he's the only one, besides yourself, I mean. Well, nonetheless.
Choose the first one. Think about it. Imagine it carefully. And as soon as it becomes apparent and clear, look to him:
"... (the name you call it ), my most dear and close people. I know you, if you do not see or hear me now, feel me now completely. And knowing this, I tell you ... I'm here and now (specify the exact place and time) you deny !"
Do the same thing against the rest.
The thrill, I guarantee you.
Appendix two :You yourself out of the game. Do not blame. It's your choice.
Appendix three :You broke the rules. World you lower.
Your only chance to survive is to muster the courage or the humility, which in General is the same.
Happy for those who went through the process first! For others it is fraught with trouble. Their unconscious knows it. Though, perhaps, the trouble is their last chance.
Warning! In any case, do not go on this path, if you do not heed the warnings of the previous one. Your Unconscious knows that it is dangerous !
You denied it?
You burned all the bridges.
Now you have nothing to lose.
You have crossed all the boundaries of human understanding.
This is of course, if you feel like a traitor.
You — got.
Congratulations! Choose process first you poop from head to toe. It does not bother you? If not, then feel free to move on to the following lines:Now, when you learned arithmetic, you can not talk and think.
To think means to Express themselves independently and self-sufficiently.
To abdicate means to renounce their claim to something or someone as his property.
You denied it — so, you saved yourself.
And therefore, you saved their relationship.
You stopped being arrogant.
To abdicate means to renounce their claims, and complaints.
Relationships die when at least one perceives the other as their property.
In this case, it is impossible to speak neither about freedom nor respect.
But the first attribute of love is respect for the freedom of another.
If you do not have this feeling, so you don't like that you were not told.
Other intuitively feels your feeble efforts, and insofar as he has no desire to be someone's property, inconspicuously moving away from you because of the instinct of self-preservation.
Once again, remember — no one and nothing can be yours. You can frame it as "mine", following the established rules of the language, but but inside maintain awareness of all it does not belong.
Otherwise, the World you will drop. You'll be unhappy, but the World does not care about your dissatisfaction.
Renunciation allows to give freedom to another.You denied it, — that is refused the right of possession.And now you have the opportunity to return in a new capacity — that of love.
You have a chance every second to start a new life, create new relationships.
True love is impossible without renunciation of the one you love.
And if you renounce this person, do veressa to him forever in a new way — love.
Love only where there is freedom.You have a chance every second to start a new life, create new relationships.
Back with love or leave in forgiveness
Return to the ritual of renunciation.
Ponder over the words,"I recant, to return permanently or to leave permanently. Back love it or leave it in forgiveness."
Now, again, think about your loved ones, from whom you denied, and highlight one of them — the one that you want to go back.
And turn to him"...! I cast you out, to get back to you forever with love!"
To the rest of the turns go like this:"...! I renounced you, to leave you forever!"
True love is impossible without the preliminary of renunciation of the one you love.And if you renounce this person, then do go back to him forever in a new way — love. published
Source: yogawitheva.wordpress.com/2014/10/28/%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%85%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F/