How to cook rice, so he loses half the calories

Rice is one of the most popular foods in the world, but most of us don't know how to cook it.
This product is especially popular in Asia — that's where consumed 90% of global production. Here eat rice almost every time we sit at the table.The reasons for the popularity of rice is obvious: it's easy to use, it contains a lot of calories and are relatively cheap. But you should know that he also has one major drawback: like most other starchy products, rice provides your body more harm than good.
Scientists say that the popularization of rice has become one of the causes of diabetes in the Western world. To those corps, while Europeans and Americans wouldn't eat it, diabetes was sick, mostly Asians.
One Cup of cooked rice contains about 200 calories, most of them fall in our body in the form of starch. He quickly processed into sugar, and that is not burned immediately, instantly deposited in fat. The same thing happens with all the carbs, but you need to remember that rice contains more starch than potatoes.
How to cook a "healthy" figureBut what if we tell you that there is a way of cooking rice, which minimizes the risks associated with its consumption?
Graduate of College of chemical Sciences in Sri Lanka and his mentor Sudhir James found a new, unconventional way of cooking rice in which it loses about 50% of its caloric content. This method of cooking is nothing more than chemical manipulation. To implement it in practice, we need to do a few tricks.
"Usually, to cook rice, you fill it with water and bring to a boil. We propose another method: put the rice after the water is boiling, and prior to this add water to the coconut oil. The mass of oil should be about 3% by weight of the rice you want to cook," says James.
After the rice is cooked, it needs to cool. For this purpose it is desirable to place in the refrigerator for 12 hours. That's all.
His method is like the international scientific community: Asian scientist presented it at the American chemical society (ACS), and earned rave reviews.
How does it work?To understand what happens in the pan when the cooking, you need to understand the basics of food chemistry. Now try to explain on the fingers.
There are several types of starch. Some absorbed, and some need a lot of time to their learned body. The point of the entire exercise for your stomach is to first turn the starch into glucose and then into glycogen. If you during the day consume enough energy, glycogen is converted into fat. So, there are some types of starches (they just rich rice), processed very slowly. In glucose, they become when you most likely already asleep. Almost always, when you eat rice, it does not give you energy during the day but is transformed into fat in the night.
However, scientists know how to turn "bad" starch "good" (one that will be processed quickly and converted into glucose). For this usually you just have to change the principle of the preparation of products that contain it.
The best way to ruin a "good" starch in the potatoes and turn it into a "bad" starch - cook the puree. That's why adherents of a healthy food like potatoes, baked in their skins: in this form it is most useful.
But peas, or sweet potato (sweet potato) do not freeze: this is the right way to "spoil" the structure of the starch contained therein.
Same thing with rice. When you fry it in a pan or make a pilaf, make a "bad" starch "good" doctors-nutritionists call it "resistant." In addition, the fried rice loses about a third of their calories. So fried rice is the best traditional way to cook it.
"If you can reduce the amount of digestible starch in the rice, it will consume it with less calories. If you eat it every day or at least several times a week, it will have a huge beneficial effect for your health," concludes Pushparajah Tabariyyah, Professor, supervising graduate student James.
Graduate student and his mentor tried in the laboratory eight traditional island ways of cooking rice. And 38 different varieties that grow here.
They found that when cooking add in the rice lipids (they are in a considerable amount of contains coconut oil), and then cool it immediately after cooking, its chemical composition is changing for the better dramatically.
"Lipids react with the starch and alter its structure. — says James. — And when you are after cooking, put the rice in the fridge, then speed up the process of conversion of starch. The result is a healthy and low-calorie food. This is not the rice that you usually eat."
He said that, depending on varieties of rice, this method allows him to lose up to 50-60% of the calories.
Cooking, which can change the world

If James will be able to spread their ideas through the world, that will make it very important for humanity. Obesity is becoming a worldwide problem, and faster than most people get fat in developing countries. Here when people get richer, rarely moving to more healthy food, but almost always increase portion sizes. If you can at least 10% to reduce the number of calories entering the body together with vegetables containing starch (rice and potatoes in the first place), then it will have a huge impact on your health.
Now a team of experts from Sri Lanka wants to identify the most useful varieties of rice and to convince rural people to grow it. They also plan to continue their experiments in order to identify the best method of cooking rice. Recently, it was found that sunflower oil in this case is almost as effective as coconut (it also contains lipids, albeit in smaller quantities).
When rice they will understand eventually, that will undertake the bread. Perhaps there is a way of cooking that will make it more useful and not just good? published
Author: Konstantin Shiyan
Source: lifter.com.ua/Kak-pravilno-svarit-ris-chtobi-on-poteryal-polovinu-kaloriy#12392