A vegetarian diet of chicken, oatmeal,

Don't like oatmeal? You just never tried to make patties out of it! Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
Oatmeal is one of the most useful cereals. Indeed, in this rump contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals.
The therapeutic properties of oats were highly valued in ancient times during the time of the physician Dioscorides. Then decoctions of the cereals used for the treatment of ulcers, gastritis, colitis and many other diseases.
Daily consumption of oatmeal leads to tangible improvement in health. For example, many people who regularly (every morning) eat oatmeal, note that get rid of abdominal discomfort.
If you don't like mess in its traditional form, but want to monitor their health, can make diet vegetable cutlets Hercules.
1 tbsp. oatmeal
2 tbsp. water
1 potato
2-3 onions
5 cloves of garlic
salt, herbs and spices – to taste
How to cook meatless diet meatballs from Hercules:
1. To begin, prepare the oatmeal. To do this you need to pour the cereal with boiling water and leave to swell for 40 minutes.
2. While oatmeal zaparivat, peel the potatoes, onion, garlic and cut into cubes.
3. Loop the vegetables in a meat grinder. Then add them to the finished Hercules. The sunflower mass and add the spices and herbs. Moreover, you can not only use fresh green beams, but a dried workpiece.
4. All mix well.
5. Start to fry, laying out the patties with a spoon in the pan. Fry cutlets need from both sides until Golden brown. To serve this dish is with vegetable salad.
What you need:
2 tbsp. oatmeal
1 tbsp. uvodnog broth
1 egg
1 carrot
1 onion
salt and spices – to taste
vegetable oil – for frying meatballs
How to cook cutlets of Hercules broth:
1. Heat the broth and pour over cereal. Leave this mixture aside until the swelling of the flakes.
2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion. Sauté them on medium heat until Golden brown.
3. The oatmeal put the roast, an egg. The sunflower and pepper.
4. Then have a good knead and form patties. If you want to make them more sturdy, a little roll in breadcrumbs.
5. Fry patties in a small amount of vegetable oil.
You can make vegetable burgers with mushrooms.
What you need:
400 ml mushroom broth
250 g rolled oats
150 g mushrooms
1 onion
vegetable oil – for frying meatballs
5 g all-purpose seasoning
5 g of turmeric
How to cook meatless meatballs with mushrooms:
1. Boil the mushrooms until tender. Water do not pour this broth to pour the oatmeal to swell. Leave Hercules for 30 minutes.
2. At this time chop the onions and mushrooms, the sunflower and add seasonings. All mix well. Add oatmeal and stir again until a homogeneous mass.
3.Obzharivaya in a hot pan with a small amount
Source: domashniy.ru/
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