To become a leader for others, first become a leader yourself
Forty three million seven hundred twenty eight thousand seven hundred eighty one
I believe that the greatest truths of the universe are not somewhere outside, among the stars or planets. They are hidden deep within us, in the greatness of our heart, mind and soul. Until we understand ourselves, we will not be able to understand what surrounds us. – Anita Morjane "Dying To Be Me»
To go to a better future, to set a worthy goal and to overcome obstacles successfully, people must first learn to manage their own lives. Often leadership is a long way. And in order to remain motivated and full of energy, people need to become leaders for themselves.
Last week I sat at a virtual round table:
1. Mind vs heart
When listening to the voice of reason, and when to follow your heart?
Bob and Greg Vanourek: "the Famous writer and teacher Parker Palmer reveals the essence of "heart" when he wrote, "it's at the center of human existence, the place where the will and intellect, values and feelings, intuition and worldview – everything is connected. It is a source of human integrity. And the courage to lead anyone anywhere comes from the heart".
Heart covers what inspires people and helps them to overcome obstacles and was forced to move to victory. The ability of the mind – rationality and logic. He wants to order, using management skills and tools.
The ability to use the powers of mind and heart necessary for a good leader. When the leader is a difficult choice, especially concerning ethical dilemmas, he has to ask himself whether this choice:
2. Leadership with purpose
What it means to lead someone to the goal?
John Baldoni: "a Goal is a bottomless well from which leaders can safely draw to unlock the potential of your organization. Successful organizations need leaders who know themselves; that is, have an internal compass that leads them in the right direction. Many leaders never think about it. It is very important to spend some time to understand what you want to do, why it is necessary and how to implement the plan.
The goal of the leader is the guiding light that leads people in the right direction. It helps to create:
3. Power samootverzhennost not to go with the life course?
Faisal hawk: "hard work CANNOT be replaced. Almost all successful people work harder than most can imagine. As Business Insider reports, "And athletes like Michael Jordan, and CEOs like Howard Schultz, all of the same known that rise early and work to achieve their goals, while other people are still in bed."
I call it dedication or "SHADHONA". In Sanskrit "SHADHONA" means "disciplined, goal of my life." I was born near the birthplace of Buddha. Sages and monks are still arguing about the aspirations, dedication and duty. With my affinity for Eastern philosophy, I believe that we can learn to manage their own lives only when our dedication is transformed into discipline.
Based on the teachings of the Buddha, I believe that dedication starts with:
As Stephen Covey eloquently put it: "Personal leadership is not a one time action. It is a continuous process of work on oneself, which we must clearly see our goals and values, and to do so that our activities do not conflict with our worldview." published
Source: megamozg.ru/company/mbaconsult/blog/10970/
I believe that the greatest truths of the universe are not somewhere outside, among the stars or planets. They are hidden deep within us, in the greatness of our heart, mind and soul. Until we understand ourselves, we will not be able to understand what surrounds us. – Anita Morjane "Dying To Be Me»
To go to a better future, to set a worthy goal and to overcome obstacles successfully, people must first learn to manage their own lives. Often leadership is a long way. And in order to remain motivated and full of energy, people need to become leaders for themselves.
Last week I sat at a virtual round table:
- Bob and Greg Venturecam from @TripleCrownLead, co-authors of Triple Crown Leadership. Bob was CEO or senior managers in many of the open joint-stock companies, and also led trainings on leadership at the University. Greg was a co-author of three books and now teaches at a business school in Stockholm and the Royal technical Institute.
- John Baldoni, @JohnBaldoni, the author of 10 books, including "Lead with purpose". He is a world-confessions of a business coach, author and lecturer. In 2012, Leadership Gurus International has put John on the 10th place in the world list of gurus on leadership.
1. Mind vs heart
When listening to the voice of reason, and when to follow your heart?
Bob and Greg Vanourek: "the Famous writer and teacher Parker Palmer reveals the essence of "heart" when he wrote, "it's at the center of human existence, the place where the will and intellect, values and feelings, intuition and worldview – everything is connected. It is a source of human integrity. And the courage to lead anyone anywhere comes from the heart".
Heart covers what inspires people and helps them to overcome obstacles and was forced to move to victory. The ability of the mind – rationality and logic. He wants to order, using management skills and tools.
The ability to use the powers of mind and heart necessary for a good leader. When the leader is a difficult choice, especially concerning ethical dilemmas, he has to ask himself whether this choice:
- Logical, "reasonable" by a certain factor of risk/benefits (mind).
- To coincide with his personal values and values which he shares with his colleagues (the heart).
- Something with which he can live, if the choice is known to all (the heart).
- To serve his partners and not his ego (heart).
2. Leadership with purpose
What it means to lead someone to the goal?
John Baldoni: "a Goal is a bottomless well from which leaders can safely draw to unlock the potential of your organization. Successful organizations need leaders who know themselves; that is, have an internal compass that leads them in the right direction. Many leaders never think about it. It is very important to spend some time to understand what you want to do, why it is necessary and how to implement the plan.
The goal of the leader is the guiding light that leads people in the right direction. It helps to create:
- vision – where the organization;
- the mission – which it performs; and
- values which unite the group.
3. Power samootverzhennost not to go with the life course?
Faisal hawk: "hard work CANNOT be replaced. Almost all successful people work harder than most can imagine. As Business Insider reports, "And athletes like Michael Jordan, and CEOs like Howard Schultz, all of the same known that rise early and work to achieve their goals, while other people are still in bed."
I call it dedication or "SHADHONA". In Sanskrit "SHADHONA" means "disciplined, goal of my life." I was born near the birthplace of Buddha. Sages and monks are still arguing about the aspirations, dedication and duty. With my affinity for Eastern philosophy, I believe that we can learn to manage their own lives only when our dedication is transformed into discipline.
Based on the teachings of the Buddha, I believe that dedication starts with:
- right effort – without effort you will not catch fish from the pond;
- awareness – active surveillance and follow a chosen path; and
- right concentration – focus on positive thoughts and actions.
As Stephen Covey eloquently put it: "Personal leadership is not a one time action. It is a continuous process of work on oneself, which we must clearly see our goals and values, and to do so that our activities do not conflict with our worldview." published
Source: megamozg.ru/company/mbaconsult/blog/10970/