Quick workout for very busy women
Make it fast. Do it effectively. Do it without excuses. Just do it! This quick workout takes about 20 minutes and makes you work all the major muscles of the body. In addition, it does not need any additional equipment, so you have no more reasons to postpone exercise for later.
What to do: start your workout with an easy warm up and then move on to core exercises.
exercise 1
Jumps and push-UPS 10 repetitions
Jump up as high as possible.
Softly you land, immediately Crouch and press your palms into the floor.
Take a leap back and take a plank position — your body should form a straight line from heels to shoulders. If you find it difficult to do the jumps, then just move the legs back.
Bend your arms at the elbows and do one pushup and then return to the plank position.
Make the legs jump forward and become on his haunches, hands resting in the floor. Get ready to straighten up and jump up as high as possible — this is one repetition.
exercise 2
Reverse bridge with leg swing 10 reps on each leg
Lie on the floor, bend your knees, press your heels into the floor. Put your hands along the body with palms down. Lift the hips up so your body form a straight line from knees to shoulders.
Without changing body position, straighten the left knee and raise your leg up so the heel staring at the ceiling. Pull on a sock for yourself.
Without changing body position, lower your left leg, bend your knee, place your heel on the floor. This is one repetition.
Do the same on the right leg.
exercise 3
Elbow plank with leg lift 10 reps on each leg
Become in a position elbow plank: resting on your elbows and toes, straighten your body so that it formed a straight line from shoulders to heels.
Without changing the position of the body, lift the left leg up and hold for 3 seconds. Pull on a sock for yourself.
Lower your leg. This is one repetition.
Do the same on the right leg.
exercise 4
Surrender, you are surrounded by ;) 12 reps
Become directly, feet on width of shoulders, hands behind his head.
Stand on one knee, then on both. Then again on one knee and stand up. This is one repetition.
exercise 5
Reach for носка12 repetitions on each leg
Become in a position opposite the bridge, keep knees over heels, shoulders over hands. The body should form a straight line from knees to shoulders. Tighten your buttocks.
Lift your left leg up and reach for a sock with his right hand.
Lower your leg and arm, lift and tighten your buttocks. This is one repetition.
Do the same on the right leg and left arm. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.mai-skai.com/bystraya-trenirovka-dlya-ochen-zanyatyh-jenschin/
What to do: start your workout with an easy warm up and then move on to core exercises.
exercise 1

Jumps and push-UPS 10 repetitions
Jump up as high as possible.
Softly you land, immediately Crouch and press your palms into the floor.
Take a leap back and take a plank position — your body should form a straight line from heels to shoulders. If you find it difficult to do the jumps, then just move the legs back.
Bend your arms at the elbows and do one pushup and then return to the plank position.
Make the legs jump forward and become on his haunches, hands resting in the floor. Get ready to straighten up and jump up as high as possible — this is one repetition.
exercise 2

Reverse bridge with leg swing 10 reps on each leg
Lie on the floor, bend your knees, press your heels into the floor. Put your hands along the body with palms down. Lift the hips up so your body form a straight line from knees to shoulders.
Without changing body position, straighten the left knee and raise your leg up so the heel staring at the ceiling. Pull on a sock for yourself.
Without changing body position, lower your left leg, bend your knee, place your heel on the floor. This is one repetition.
Do the same on the right leg.
exercise 3

Elbow plank with leg lift 10 reps on each leg
Become in a position elbow plank: resting on your elbows and toes, straighten your body so that it formed a straight line from shoulders to heels.
Without changing the position of the body, lift the left leg up and hold for 3 seconds. Pull on a sock for yourself.
Lower your leg. This is one repetition.
Do the same on the right leg.
exercise 4

Surrender, you are surrounded by ;) 12 reps
Become directly, feet on width of shoulders, hands behind his head.
Stand on one knee, then on both. Then again on one knee and stand up. This is one repetition.
exercise 5

Reach for носка12 repetitions on each leg
Become in a position opposite the bridge, keep knees over heels, shoulders over hands. The body should form a straight line from knees to shoulders. Tighten your buttocks.
Lift your left leg up and reach for a sock with his right hand.
Lower your leg and arm, lift and tighten your buttocks. This is one repetition.
Do the same on the right leg and left arm. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.mai-skai.com/bystraya-trenirovka-dlya-ochen-zanyatyh-jenschin/
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