To drop everything or Tired of life people

Last year our neighbor, occupying a rather bold position, quit my job, rented out my lovely two-bedroom apartment, a successful young family and went to live in the cottage. Forever.
Before retirement she was still fifteen or twenty years.
The surrounding was bewildered with amazement. To quit this kind of work? Such an apartment? To exchange all of the wooden hut with lilacs under the window overlooking the swamp? It's not normal. Yes, all dream to achieve such success!
And she's absolutely happy.
And the rest of your life is going to hold on a little wooden deck, reading books, planting on a dedicated vegetable garden square meter of parsley and preparing children borscht.
Of course, I exaggerate a little.
She writes something. Somewhere reads some of the lectures. Doing something and earn something. But it's so small and fast compared to her past life, what even not worth mentioning.
Every year these people become more and more.
Of course, not all drop everything and leave in the wilderness. But change life significantly. For example, doctors go freelance photographer, from accountants to journalists.
Note: why is every year becoming more and more freelancers? Yes, in the age of Internet and high technology no need to be tied to a specific workplace and a rigid schedule from nine to six. But there is another.
Is tired of life people.
Too aggressively we try to impose success. Success. You can clearly define this word?
Kindergarten people busy. Endless obligation. The early climbs. Semolina. A quiet hour. Sit tight. Mugs. Saturday. The early climbs. English and drawing. School. The early climbs. Lessons. Homework. Exams. Again exams. Institute. The early climbs. Lectures. Exams. Work. The early climbs. Meeting. Reports. Meetings. Rush jobs.
Beysya head against the wall. Be successful. "Highly effective people". Heard? Do not be lazy, no pain, worked – die. Great worker. The dream of every Manager. Not cold, not tired, do not go on vacation and play dates, working overtime and on weekends. He wants to be a highly effective and successful. Necessary. Exactly need? Retired to sleep. First bring.
Throughout all years of training are desperately afraid and threatened. Learn and none of you will not. Learn, and not, except as janitors, will not take. Learn, and not...
A standard set. Two higher education. A successful marriage. A prestigious job. Apartment, car and giving. Sea a couple of times a year. Paris for a wedding anniversary. Children in high school. Boots twenty, thirty bags. For the season. Like all other people. Exactly need?
Someone once decided that this is it and have success. Are you sure that this is it measured? And whether it is necessary generally?
Success. In fact it is one of the biggest swindles of our lives.
It doesn't matter.
Realize this simple truth, as a rule, deeply weary people for whom the first place there is peace of mind. The opportunity will not run. Nothing anyone can prove. To live, not to survive.
Then they suddenly begin to see life in a different light. Often this happens against a background of serious overwork and severe stress. Lounging in the hospital, much to understand.There are people who ran, ran, then fell and realized that more can not. Especially when we are talking about a new generation of young people who are already twenty years of age visited a serious leadership positions, pulling on himself the excessive burden of care and responsibility. They've already seen everything, can do everything and more want nothing, but peace. A sort of early old age.
Tired people gradually change everything and change themselves. They learn life anew, fully customizable to the circumstances suit their own needs, desires and biological clock. Completely controlling my life, not trusting the attitudes and decisions of employers. They paint with watercolors and read a lot. Cook soup and bake cakes. Walk in the Park and play ball. Just breathe the air. I understand that one bag turns out to be enough.
Learning to live today and now, feeling every minute.
That is why quite a long time there was such a thing as downshifting, and the society of the suppression of excessive consumption, have become so popular freelancing and wintering in the Indian huts.
Anyway, this work seems to me more attractive editorial office of the monthly magazine of more than a hundred pages. When there is no time to eat and drink a Cup of coffee. When at ten o'clock suddenly remember that even at lunch wanted to go to the toilet. When eleven in the evening call the advertiser and asks to redo the layout. And at nine in the morning the log should already be in the printing... And then down a dark flight of stairs because the building's elevators no longer work. And don't call a cab, and go a couple of stops on foot, to recover myself. And I think that by morning it is necessary to add an article and eight have to be in the office. And house a hungry child and his nadopasana essay. And at twelve-thirty the night suddenly awakened calls the author and asks to make changes to the text. And in the morning again this cycle. And half an hour before delivery to the printer will come home and say to redo it all to hell. How? He doesn't care. Come out this weekend.Since childhood frightened. And now it seems that well outdoors with a broom to wave.
There are people who really get happy about. The rest of your life without getting tired of the crazy rhythm. And you can feel the life in all its manifestations. Well, well. We all can't be super successful. Can't all occupy prestigious positions and to lead successful companies. Someone leaves revenge.
Tired of life, people and people, chasing success, will never understand each other. It is clear that to each his own.
But if you feel you can't, don't be afraid to change it. No need to take life too seriously. It's just too short. published
Source: lady.tut.by/news/life/423316.html
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