How to learn the fine art all score
Probably the only article that you need to learn the fine art to score and to enjoy life!
In my life I cared for many people and many things. I also was not soared because many people and many things. All the difference was in my attitude.
People often say that the key to confidence and success in life is simple: no steam. Indeed, we often refer to a strong, respected people from the point of view of their ability to score. "Oh, look at Susie working weekends again, in and not steamed" or "You listened to what Tom called the company President an asshole and still got a promotion? Damn, this dude really do not care at all" or "Jason got up and ended his date with Cindy after 20 minutes. He said he is not going to hear any more of this nonsense. This guy really knows how to score."
Most likely, you know someone in your life who, from time to time scores on someone else's opinion and achieves amazing results. Perhaps in your life there was a time when you are also scored on someone's opinion and achieved a lot. I know for myself that quitting my job in Finance after only six weeks and telling my boss that I'm going to start to engage in e-Dating site is one of the coolest examples of "clogging" in my story. The same can be said about the decision to sell most of their property and move to South America. Soared I? No. Just went and did.
Now the ability to score on the opinions of others seems so natural, like a whole bag of burritos under my hood. I don't even know the meaning of the sentence, but I don't care. "A bag full of burritos" sounds good, so just take it with you and move on.
The fact that most of us throughout life gives meaning to the things that are not worth it. We worried about a rude worker of gas station who gave us too many coins. Worried when our favorite show no longer on TV. We worried when our colleagues ask us about our wonderful weekend. We soared when was going to run in the morning, but it rained.
Reasons to worry, there are everywhere. Scattered like fucking seeds in the spring. And for what purpose? For what reason? Convenience? Comfort? Pats on the back, maybe?
Here's the problem, my friend.
Because when we are too much worried when we choose to bathe everything, even if we find ourselves in comfortable and happy circumstances, life will find a way to put the bandwagon.
Indeed the ability to bathe only in situations that really are worth it, make life hell of a lot easier. Defeat will not be so intimidating. The failure is less painful. Unpleasant obligation would be a bit nicer and tasteless sandwiches seem a little tastier. I mean, what if we were more often scored, or to be soared only those things that are worth it, our life would be much easier.
What we cannot understand is the existence of art to score. People are not born nihilists. In fact, when we are born, at first, worried about everything. Have you ever seen a child who was crying due to the fact that his hat's the wrong shade of blue? Exactly. Hammer on that kid.
Developing the ability to control things, which you will (or will not) sweating, you become a more holistic person. We need to develop and hone this skill over decades. Like good wine, our excitement should be bottled up and hidden in a safe place, where they should extract only on a special occasion.
It only sounds easy. In fact, all is not so simple. Many of us most of the time exhausted everyday things and involved in absolutely stupid drama. We live and die as outcasts, tired of the petty vicissitudes and misadventures, squeezed like a lemon, like Sasha grey in one of his early films.
We have to live not, dude. So don't bother. Collect all the reasons for the unrest. And let me share it with you.
Trick #1: "No steam" does not mean "to be indifferent"; it means "to feel comfortable being different."
When people think about how to stop sweating, they imagine a perfect and serene indifference to all life's storms.
This is a mistake. There is absolutely nothing cool indifference. Indifferent people are scared and weak. They're couch potatoes and Internet trolls. In fact, indifferent people are just trying to seem indifferent, because in fact they are too much bother. They are afraid of the world and the consequences of their own decisions. Thus, they do nothing. They hide in their own dullness and lack of emotion. They are egocentric who loves to feel sorry for himself, constantly going from such a miserable and time-consuming and energy thing as life.
My mother was deceived by a large amount of money to his close friend. If I were indifferent, I would have shrugged my shoulders, sipped some more coffee, mocha and downloaded another season of "Wiretapping". I'm sorry, mom.
But instead, I was outraged. I was angry. I said, "No, mom, we'll get a fancy lawyer and spread the goat". Why? Because I don't want to chop. I will ruin this guy's life if I have to. I don't care how it looks, I'll do it"
This illustrates the first subtlety the ability to score. When we say "Damn, look, mark Manson will not give in insult, we don't mean that mark Manson about anything not steamed; on the contrary, it means that he doesn't care about adversity in the context of his objectives; he's not thinking about how to get other people to feel more confident, important or noble. We mean that mark Manson is the type of guy who, speaking of himself in the third person, uses the word one obscene word 127 times only because he considers it correct. He will not give in insult.
The admiration is a technique of overcoming adversity. Admire people who look failure straight in the face and show him your middle finger. People who don't care about adversity or disaster, or that they were in an awkward situation. These people just laugh and go along. Because they know so right. They know that it is more important than their own feelings and their pride and their needs. They say "fuck It", but not everything in my life, but only those things that deserve it! They don't score only on something that really should not have scored. Friends. Family. A purpose in life. Burrito. And a lawsuit or two. And, just because they pay attention only to those things and people whom it should be paid, people reciprocate.
Trick #2: Before I don't care about minor troubles, you will have to worry about something more important than she is.
Eric Hoffer once wrote, "my own Affairs more engaged when they have meaning; otherwise, it throws its meaningless and climbs into strangers."
The problem with those people who create so much a lot of cause for concern in the fact that they have nothing more worthwhile to bother.
Think for a moment. You're at the grocery store. And the old lady yelling at the cashier because he's not accepting her 30-cent coupon. Why is this woman steamed? It's only 30 cents.
Well, I'll tell you why. This elderly lady is probably no more interesting things than sitting at home all morning to clip coupons. She is old and lonely. Her children are idiots who don't visit. She has not had sex in thirty years. Her pension is on its last legs, and she is likely to die in a diaper thinking that he was in candy land. She even can't watch TV for 15 minutes to stay awake and not to forget the storyline.
Therefore, she clips coupons. That's all she has. It's her and her damn coupons. All day, every day. It's all about what she can bathe, because she had no more steam. So when this 17 year old pimple-faced cashier, protecting the purity of his cash register, as the knights defended the virginity of his beautiful ladies, refuse to accept the coupon, you can bet that grandma will turn into the Hulk and verbally destroy the guy. Eighty years of problems for a variety of occasions shed a flood of indignation "wait till you're my life" and "People used to show more respect", which managed to annoy the entire world, as her tears and her squeaky voice.
If you find yourself constantly hovering out over small stuff like new avatars of your ex on Facebook, how quickly the batteries die in the TV remote, that you missed the sale of disinfectant for hands (two in one!), probably in your life happens for so many events, which ought to worry. And this is your real problem. Not disinfectant for hands.
Too much all scored.
In life, our concerns should be spent on something. Actually there is no such thing as the art score. The question is: what will steam you. In this life you are a limited number of nerve cells, therefore spend it wisely. As they used to say my father, "the "clogging" doesn't grow on trees." Yes, he never said so. But, hell, let's pretend said. The point is that nerves need to spend it wisely.
Trick #3: In our life we have a limited number of nerve cells: pay attention to who and what you spend.
When we are young, we are full of energy. Everything is new and exciting. It seems that every thing means so much. In General, we really care about, and without reason. We worried about everything and everyone – about what people are saying about us about us call this sweet guy/this beauty, about whether our socks by the color of the balloons on our birthday.
As we get older and get enough experience, then notice that most of the stuff is not a strong influence on our lives. People whose opinions we cared about so long ago gone from our lives. We found love and so romantic failures of the past stopped for us to mean something. We understand how little attention people pay to the information about us, and we focus on things important to us, and not for others.
In fact, we become more selective about the nerves that are willing to spend. It's called "maturity". It's cool, I advise you to try. Maturity is when you're worried only about what is really worth it. As said Bank Moreland in "the Wire" (which I fucking still shaking) to his partner detective McNulty: "that's what you get when you zaporojets where it is not your turn to bother".
Then, when we grow older and reach middle age, starts to change something else. Our energy level dropping. Our personality tacosteve. We know who we are, and we no longer have the desire to change something in our lives seems inevitable.
And in a strange way it's liberating. We don't need to care about everything. Life is what it is. We accept it with all the imperfections. We understand that we will never cure cancer, don't fly to the moon and touch the Breasts of Jennifer aniston. And that's fine. Life goes on, damn it! We reserve the right to be nervous only those deserving occasions: our family, our friends, Golf... And, to our surprise, this is enough. Simplification makes life really happy.
Then one day, much later, we Wake up old. And together with our gums, our ability to score recedes to the point of nothingness. The twilight of our lives is a paradoxical time when we are not worried important things, but bother about that had seemed simple and mundane, like where to eat, what doctor has prescribed for our creaky joints, 30-cent discounts at the supermarket, and driving without drifting, etc. you Know, practical problems.
And someday, on your deathbed, hopefully surrounded by loved ones, which is really worth it to bother, and those who care about us, we with a quiet sigh, get rid of the last reason to worry. Through tears and fading lights monitor our heart we go to a place where really nothing to worry about. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook and in Vkontakte, and we're Classmates
Source: vk.com/facts2?z=photo-46603834_380161347%2Falbum-46603834_00%2Frev
In my life I cared for many people and many things. I also was not soared because many people and many things. All the difference was in my attitude.
People often say that the key to confidence and success in life is simple: no steam. Indeed, we often refer to a strong, respected people from the point of view of their ability to score. "Oh, look at Susie working weekends again, in and not steamed" or "You listened to what Tom called the company President an asshole and still got a promotion? Damn, this dude really do not care at all" or "Jason got up and ended his date with Cindy after 20 minutes. He said he is not going to hear any more of this nonsense. This guy really knows how to score."
Most likely, you know someone in your life who, from time to time scores on someone else's opinion and achieves amazing results. Perhaps in your life there was a time when you are also scored on someone's opinion and achieved a lot. I know for myself that quitting my job in Finance after only six weeks and telling my boss that I'm going to start to engage in e-Dating site is one of the coolest examples of "clogging" in my story. The same can be said about the decision to sell most of their property and move to South America. Soared I? No. Just went and did.
Now the ability to score on the opinions of others seems so natural, like a whole bag of burritos under my hood. I don't even know the meaning of the sentence, but I don't care. "A bag full of burritos" sounds good, so just take it with you and move on.
The fact that most of us throughout life gives meaning to the things that are not worth it. We worried about a rude worker of gas station who gave us too many coins. Worried when our favorite show no longer on TV. We worried when our colleagues ask us about our wonderful weekend. We soared when was going to run in the morning, but it rained.
Reasons to worry, there are everywhere. Scattered like fucking seeds in the spring. And for what purpose? For what reason? Convenience? Comfort? Pats on the back, maybe?
Here's the problem, my friend.
Because when we are too much worried when we choose to bathe everything, even if we find ourselves in comfortable and happy circumstances, life will find a way to put the bandwagon.
Indeed the ability to bathe only in situations that really are worth it, make life hell of a lot easier. Defeat will not be so intimidating. The failure is less painful. Unpleasant obligation would be a bit nicer and tasteless sandwiches seem a little tastier. I mean, what if we were more often scored, or to be soared only those things that are worth it, our life would be much easier.
What we cannot understand is the existence of art to score. People are not born nihilists. In fact, when we are born, at first, worried about everything. Have you ever seen a child who was crying due to the fact that his hat's the wrong shade of blue? Exactly. Hammer on that kid.
Developing the ability to control things, which you will (or will not) sweating, you become a more holistic person. We need to develop and hone this skill over decades. Like good wine, our excitement should be bottled up and hidden in a safe place, where they should extract only on a special occasion.
It only sounds easy. In fact, all is not so simple. Many of us most of the time exhausted everyday things and involved in absolutely stupid drama. We live and die as outcasts, tired of the petty vicissitudes and misadventures, squeezed like a lemon, like Sasha grey in one of his early films.
We have to live not, dude. So don't bother. Collect all the reasons for the unrest. And let me share it with you.
Trick #1: "No steam" does not mean "to be indifferent"; it means "to feel comfortable being different."
When people think about how to stop sweating, they imagine a perfect and serene indifference to all life's storms.
This is a mistake. There is absolutely nothing cool indifference. Indifferent people are scared and weak. They're couch potatoes and Internet trolls. In fact, indifferent people are just trying to seem indifferent, because in fact they are too much bother. They are afraid of the world and the consequences of their own decisions. Thus, they do nothing. They hide in their own dullness and lack of emotion. They are egocentric who loves to feel sorry for himself, constantly going from such a miserable and time-consuming and energy thing as life.
My mother was deceived by a large amount of money to his close friend. If I were indifferent, I would have shrugged my shoulders, sipped some more coffee, mocha and downloaded another season of "Wiretapping". I'm sorry, mom.
But instead, I was outraged. I was angry. I said, "No, mom, we'll get a fancy lawyer and spread the goat". Why? Because I don't want to chop. I will ruin this guy's life if I have to. I don't care how it looks, I'll do it"
This illustrates the first subtlety the ability to score. When we say "Damn, look, mark Manson will not give in insult, we don't mean that mark Manson about anything not steamed; on the contrary, it means that he doesn't care about adversity in the context of his objectives; he's not thinking about how to get other people to feel more confident, important or noble. We mean that mark Manson is the type of guy who, speaking of himself in the third person, uses the word one obscene word 127 times only because he considers it correct. He will not give in insult.
The admiration is a technique of overcoming adversity. Admire people who look failure straight in the face and show him your middle finger. People who don't care about adversity or disaster, or that they were in an awkward situation. These people just laugh and go along. Because they know so right. They know that it is more important than their own feelings and their pride and their needs. They say "fuck It", but not everything in my life, but only those things that deserve it! They don't score only on something that really should not have scored. Friends. Family. A purpose in life. Burrito. And a lawsuit or two. And, just because they pay attention only to those things and people whom it should be paid, people reciprocate.
Trick #2: Before I don't care about minor troubles, you will have to worry about something more important than she is.
Eric Hoffer once wrote, "my own Affairs more engaged when they have meaning; otherwise, it throws its meaningless and climbs into strangers."
The problem with those people who create so much a lot of cause for concern in the fact that they have nothing more worthwhile to bother.
Think for a moment. You're at the grocery store. And the old lady yelling at the cashier because he's not accepting her 30-cent coupon. Why is this woman steamed? It's only 30 cents.
Well, I'll tell you why. This elderly lady is probably no more interesting things than sitting at home all morning to clip coupons. She is old and lonely. Her children are idiots who don't visit. She has not had sex in thirty years. Her pension is on its last legs, and she is likely to die in a diaper thinking that he was in candy land. She even can't watch TV for 15 minutes to stay awake and not to forget the storyline.
Therefore, she clips coupons. That's all she has. It's her and her damn coupons. All day, every day. It's all about what she can bathe, because she had no more steam. So when this 17 year old pimple-faced cashier, protecting the purity of his cash register, as the knights defended the virginity of his beautiful ladies, refuse to accept the coupon, you can bet that grandma will turn into the Hulk and verbally destroy the guy. Eighty years of problems for a variety of occasions shed a flood of indignation "wait till you're my life" and "People used to show more respect", which managed to annoy the entire world, as her tears and her squeaky voice.
If you find yourself constantly hovering out over small stuff like new avatars of your ex on Facebook, how quickly the batteries die in the TV remote, that you missed the sale of disinfectant for hands (two in one!), probably in your life happens for so many events, which ought to worry. And this is your real problem. Not disinfectant for hands.
Too much all scored.
In life, our concerns should be spent on something. Actually there is no such thing as the art score. The question is: what will steam you. In this life you are a limited number of nerve cells, therefore spend it wisely. As they used to say my father, "the "clogging" doesn't grow on trees." Yes, he never said so. But, hell, let's pretend said. The point is that nerves need to spend it wisely.
Trick #3: In our life we have a limited number of nerve cells: pay attention to who and what you spend.
When we are young, we are full of energy. Everything is new and exciting. It seems that every thing means so much. In General, we really care about, and without reason. We worried about everything and everyone – about what people are saying about us about us call this sweet guy/this beauty, about whether our socks by the color of the balloons on our birthday.
As we get older and get enough experience, then notice that most of the stuff is not a strong influence on our lives. People whose opinions we cared about so long ago gone from our lives. We found love and so romantic failures of the past stopped for us to mean something. We understand how little attention people pay to the information about us, and we focus on things important to us, and not for others.
In fact, we become more selective about the nerves that are willing to spend. It's called "maturity". It's cool, I advise you to try. Maturity is when you're worried only about what is really worth it. As said Bank Moreland in "the Wire" (which I fucking still shaking) to his partner detective McNulty: "that's what you get when you zaporojets where it is not your turn to bother".
Then, when we grow older and reach middle age, starts to change something else. Our energy level dropping. Our personality tacosteve. We know who we are, and we no longer have the desire to change something in our lives seems inevitable.
And in a strange way it's liberating. We don't need to care about everything. Life is what it is. We accept it with all the imperfections. We understand that we will never cure cancer, don't fly to the moon and touch the Breasts of Jennifer aniston. And that's fine. Life goes on, damn it! We reserve the right to be nervous only those deserving occasions: our family, our friends, Golf... And, to our surprise, this is enough. Simplification makes life really happy.
Then one day, much later, we Wake up old. And together with our gums, our ability to score recedes to the point of nothingness. The twilight of our lives is a paradoxical time when we are not worried important things, but bother about that had seemed simple and mundane, like where to eat, what doctor has prescribed for our creaky joints, 30-cent discounts at the supermarket, and driving without drifting, etc. you Know, practical problems.
And someday, on your deathbed, hopefully surrounded by loved ones, which is really worth it to bother, and those who care about us, we with a quiet sigh, get rid of the last reason to worry. Through tears and fading lights monitor our heart we go to a place where really nothing to worry about. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook and in Vkontakte, and we're Classmates
Source: vk.com/facts2?z=photo-46603834_380161347%2Falbum-46603834_00%2Frev