The Union of the deceived patients
Ninety eight million seven hundred sixty four thousand eight hundred thirty five
A lot of thought about how still the patient can defend himself from all of this trickery and deception on the part of doctors and medical clinics. Still, in our mentality, even the new generation of Soviet stitched thinking of a slave, which is transmitted genetically. I'm afraid once again even something to ask, and to defend their rights, and even more so, always something inconvenient, uncomfortable and indecent. Although pay for services serious money, and still afraid. I very well see it and encounter it all the time. Patients who come to see me behave like a naughty puppy to the owner. In my opinion, if only to abuse the system, nothing will change, and the situation is not rectified, first and foremost, everyone will try to make some money. In contrast to the need to create a working mechanism and a few high-profile cases.
High time to organize something like a Union of patients. Especially in Moscow, where the first a aims to earn at any cost, has accumulated a critical mass of disgruntled and deceived people. Therefore, there is a moment when by common efforts it is time to begin to counteract the Scam of paid medical institutions.
99% of patients don't even read the contract that you sign, and that they additionally slip doctors during the consultation, so once again be safe from claims and litigation. I have many patients who go from clinic to clinic, spending a lot of money, you do not heal, and it often happens that the health is only more worse, or even be a new disease. But since every person's health in the first place, and he thinks about how to recover and find a competent doctor that no one even thinks about whether it is possible to return the money which was in vain thrown into nowhere.
Without proper control by society, the situation itself will not change. If we manage to create a few high-profile cases, you get to spin the flywheel in the right direction.
Let's start to collect in one place a list of all the incompetent doctors of hacks, a list of clinics that openly distributing money, with a low level of service. To be able to unite and go to court. If I read lawyers, tell me how to do it properly.
In this post I write about how and where you lied, made a false diagnosis, prescribe unnecessary tests. You spent a decent amount of money, but you have not healed, and did not even understand the diagnosis.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: realmedic.livejournal.com/2014/11/14/
A lot of thought about how still the patient can defend himself from all of this trickery and deception on the part of doctors and medical clinics. Still, in our mentality, even the new generation of Soviet stitched thinking of a slave, which is transmitted genetically. I'm afraid once again even something to ask, and to defend their rights, and even more so, always something inconvenient, uncomfortable and indecent. Although pay for services serious money, and still afraid. I very well see it and encounter it all the time. Patients who come to see me behave like a naughty puppy to the owner. In my opinion, if only to abuse the system, nothing will change, and the situation is not rectified, first and foremost, everyone will try to make some money. In contrast to the need to create a working mechanism and a few high-profile cases.
High time to organize something like a Union of patients. Especially in Moscow, where the first a aims to earn at any cost, has accumulated a critical mass of disgruntled and deceived people. Therefore, there is a moment when by common efforts it is time to begin to counteract the Scam of paid medical institutions.
99% of patients don't even read the contract that you sign, and that they additionally slip doctors during the consultation, so once again be safe from claims and litigation. I have many patients who go from clinic to clinic, spending a lot of money, you do not heal, and it often happens that the health is only more worse, or even be a new disease. But since every person's health in the first place, and he thinks about how to recover and find a competent doctor that no one even thinks about whether it is possible to return the money which was in vain thrown into nowhere.
Without proper control by society, the situation itself will not change. If we manage to create a few high-profile cases, you get to spin the flywheel in the right direction.
Let's start to collect in one place a list of all the incompetent doctors of hacks, a list of clinics that openly distributing money, with a low level of service. To be able to unite and go to court. If I read lawyers, tell me how to do it properly.
In this post I write about how and where you lied, made a false diagnosis, prescribe unnecessary tests. You spent a decent amount of money, but you have not healed, and did not even understand the diagnosis.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: realmedic.livejournal.com/2014/11/14/