Proven! How to get rid of atherosclerosis
The book is quite a large Chapter describes atherosclerosis (cholesterol-clogged blood vessels) as the cause of heart attacks and strokes. Given the conclusions of many studies, including very significant multi-year project in which participated "cores from the experience" — the experiment was conducted by cardiac surgeon Dr. Esselstyn, disillusioned with modern methods of treatment of cardiovascular diseases (most of the operated face the return of their heavy States in subsequent years and almost all of them and die).
...Diet, which they adhere to (including the doctor himself Esselstyn and his wife, Ann), did not contain "more fat" and there were virtually no products of animal origin. The participants of the experiment were to avoid oils, meat, fish, poultry and dairy products except nonfat milk and nonfat yogurt. 5 years later doctor Esselstyn advise their patients to completely abandon milk yogurt.
Five patients jumped from the diet in the first two years, 18 people have continued to participate. They all turned to the doctor Asselstine disease in a serious stage, they have already passed, in sum, through the angina, heart attacks, stroke, 40 coronary artery surgery, including angioplasty and bypass surgery. At the 18 heart was not healthy. One could even think that for participation in the experiment encouraged them rolling panic feeling of impending premature death.
These 18 patients have achieved amazing results. In the beginning of the experiment their cholesterol levels, on average, was 246 mg/DL (13,7 mmol per liter). In the experiment, the average cholesterol level stayed at around 132 GM/DL (7.3 mmol per liter), well below 150 mg/DL (8,3)(level below which the task was to fall). The level of "bad" cholesterol (LDL=LDL) decreased significantly. At the end of the experiment, the most impressive result was not even the level of cholesterol in the blood, but how many cases of pain or need honey.intervention required over the years.
In the next 7 years, a single party of eighteen who adhered to the diet once happened, that was troubling. And it happened that the patient, who is two years deviate from this power circuit. After the abnormalities in the diet, the patient felt pain in the heart (angina), and then went back to eating healthy plant foods. Angina did not recur and warning signs never appeared.
Disease these patients not only stopped in its development, but got back to normal! 70% of these patients have seen before how their arteries clogged with plaque. 11 patients agreed to angiography, a procedure that allows you to "enlighten" some of the coronary vessels.
These 11-year-artery cleared 7% for the first 5 years of participation in this study. It may seem that this is enough, but it is worth remembering that when you increase the diameter of blood vessels 7% (flow) of blood increases by 30%! And, more importantly, that there is a difference between pain (angina) and no pain, and often, in fact, the difference between life and death.
The authors of this study in its report (for the first five years) wrote: "At the moment, this is the longest study of this nature, with minimal fat intake in combination with cholesterol lowering drugs; our discovery of a method of reverse development (regression) arterial stenosis (blockage of blood vessels) 7% carries great importance, this result exceeds the results of all earlier studies".
This study is interested in one sorokadevjatiletnego therapist, until recently, considered themselves healthy, but recently survived a heart attack, what is revealed gradually accumulated problems with blood vessels.Because of the nature of his disease, traditional medicine could not offer any safe solutions.
After talking with Dr. Esselstyn this therapist have decided to participate in dietary program, and after 32 months, during which time he has not taken any lowering cholesterol medications, he turned the course of his disease and lowered cholesterol levels up to 80 mg/DL. You can look at pictures of his clogged arteries before and after application of lean vegan diets Asselstine.
The image on the left bracket, marked the area where coronary failure has limited the bandwidth of the artery. After one and a half years on a vegetable diet the artery has been cleared, eliminating the effects of heart failure and was again to provide normal access (current) blood (right image).
Is it possible that the doctor Esselstyn just got lucky with a few patients? Definitely not. So sick of the "cores" never by chance is not cured. Possible and on the other to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach is to trace the fate of the five participants who refused to continue to participate in the program and returned to their usual diet and standard medications.
By 1995, these five had ten heart attacks, while at the moment – in 2003, 17 years later with the start of the program, remain alive for 17 of the 18 participants in the program, remaining on plant nutrition – all of them already exceeded 70 and 80 years.
Can someone in their right mind to doubt those results? It seems impossible. If you of all the books hold in memory only this Chapter, remember: the ratio of 49 to zero – 49 heart attacks and seizures before the transition to food of plant-based whole foods and zero – or one attack among patients completely switched over to this power supply system. Dr. Esselstyn achieved what more than 50 years can not achieve the traditional medicine – he won the atherosclerosis and coronary insufficiency.
Dr. Dean Ornish (Dean Ornish)
We can mention the activity of another outstanding physician and scientist Dr. Dean Ornish. A graduate of Harvard, is widely known in America for his publications, popularizes information on heart disease. Almost all Americans who know about the correlation between diet and heart disease, you know that thanks to the work Ornish.
The most famous of its projects — the program Lifestyle Heart Trial in which he treated 28 patients solely by a change of diet. These 28 people ate vegan for the developed system, while the other 20 patients with similar condition were treated by the standard treatment plan. Ornish carefully recorded certain physical indicators of both groups, including the degree of clogging of blood vessels, the level of cholesterol in the blood and weight.
Diet scheme Dr. Ornish was very different from the conventional schemes of treatment that are practiced in modern medicine. For the first week he posted 28 participants at the hotel and told them that they should think about their health. He asked these people only have low-fat plant-based diet throughout the year.
Only 10% of calories had come from fat. There may be necessary if these products were permitted from a list that included fruit, vegetables and cereals. The study says that were not allowed any animal products except egg whites and one Cup of low-fat milk or yogurt a day.
In addition to diet, this group had at least one hour a day to practicing the stress management such as meditation and breathing exercises. In addition, participants were asked to give physical exercise 3 hours per week – load had to match their status.
To ensure that all changes are caught easier, the group met twice a week (for 4 hours). Medics from the group doctors Ornish not used any drug or technology, not transactions. On average, their cholesterol fell from 227 mg/DL (12.6 mmol per liter) to 172 mg/DL (9.6 mmol / liter), and the level of "bad" cholesterol – LDL fell from 152 mgl dL (8,4) up to 95 mgldL (5,3).
A year later, the frequency of pain, intensity and duration has significantly decreased , and moreover, it became apparent that the more patients adhere to recommendations, the faster your recovery of their heart. Those who followed the programme precisely, by the end of the year the vessels 4% cleared (expanded flow). It may seem that this is enough, but remember that the blood vessels are clogged throughout the life, so that 4% per year is a great result.
Overall, 82% in the group went regression of the disease in the course of this year.
In the control group fared nearly as well, despite the fact that they had received all the necessary medicines. Chest pain intensified, became longer and more frequent. For example, at the time, as in the experimental group, the frequency of pain was reduced by 91%, in the control of pain began to appear in 165% more often. The cholesterol in them was much higher than that of the experimental group, and the flow of blood vessels became even narrower. Those in the experimental group who least closely followed the guidelines, flow narrowed by 8%
Together with Dr. Ornish and Dr. Esselstyn, and many before them, I believe we found the strategic solution for a victorious battle with heart disease. These dietary decisions are not only weaken the symptoms of chest pain, but treat the causes of the disease and help avoid the risk of heart attacks. There is no surgical or fluids treatment methods that could compete with such impressive results.
A fragment from the book of Professor Colin Campbell of 'The China Study', which for statistical examples and hundreds of studies explained the relationship between the health condition, occurrence of chronic diseases and the consumption of products of animal origin and stunning, statistically documented on vegan natural food whole foods.
Professor Campbell is a scientist, more than 40 years studying the relationship of chronic diseases (such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis), the biochemistry of food and the relationship between health and nutrition. Campbell is the representative of the American scientific establishment, the member of many national councils and research societies, adviser to Congress on nutrition, lecturer at several major universities, a number one person in the list of influential figures in the field of nutrition, on whose account more than 300 publications in scientific journals.
Because of their observations switched to vegan natural whole food nutrition proves the loyalty of its conclusions and for yourself. published
See also:
10 foods that will help to clear the arteries and prevent atherosclerosis
Diet in atherosclerosis
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ecoways.ru/ru/rss/articles/Otkaz_ot_zhivotnogo_belka_lechit_ateroskleroz.html

...Diet, which they adhere to (including the doctor himself Esselstyn and his wife, Ann), did not contain "more fat" and there were virtually no products of animal origin. The participants of the experiment were to avoid oils, meat, fish, poultry and dairy products except nonfat milk and nonfat yogurt. 5 years later doctor Esselstyn advise their patients to completely abandon milk yogurt.
Five patients jumped from the diet in the first two years, 18 people have continued to participate. They all turned to the doctor Asselstine disease in a serious stage, they have already passed, in sum, through the angina, heart attacks, stroke, 40 coronary artery surgery, including angioplasty and bypass surgery. At the 18 heart was not healthy. One could even think that for participation in the experiment encouraged them rolling panic feeling of impending premature death.
These 18 patients have achieved amazing results. In the beginning of the experiment their cholesterol levels, on average, was 246 mg/DL (13,7 mmol per liter). In the experiment, the average cholesterol level stayed at around 132 GM/DL (7.3 mmol per liter), well below 150 mg/DL (8,3)(level below which the task was to fall). The level of "bad" cholesterol (LDL=LDL) decreased significantly. At the end of the experiment, the most impressive result was not even the level of cholesterol in the blood, but how many cases of pain or need honey.intervention required over the years.
In the next 7 years, a single party of eighteen who adhered to the diet once happened, that was troubling. And it happened that the patient, who is two years deviate from this power circuit. After the abnormalities in the diet, the patient felt pain in the heart (angina), and then went back to eating healthy plant foods. Angina did not recur and warning signs never appeared.
Disease these patients not only stopped in its development, but got back to normal! 70% of these patients have seen before how their arteries clogged with plaque. 11 patients agreed to angiography, a procedure that allows you to "enlighten" some of the coronary vessels.
These 11-year-artery cleared 7% for the first 5 years of participation in this study. It may seem that this is enough, but it is worth remembering that when you increase the diameter of blood vessels 7% (flow) of blood increases by 30%! And, more importantly, that there is a difference between pain (angina) and no pain, and often, in fact, the difference between life and death.
The authors of this study in its report (for the first five years) wrote: "At the moment, this is the longest study of this nature, with minimal fat intake in combination with cholesterol lowering drugs; our discovery of a method of reverse development (regression) arterial stenosis (blockage of blood vessels) 7% carries great importance, this result exceeds the results of all earlier studies".

This study is interested in one sorokadevjatiletnego therapist, until recently, considered themselves healthy, but recently survived a heart attack, what is revealed gradually accumulated problems with blood vessels.Because of the nature of his disease, traditional medicine could not offer any safe solutions.
After talking with Dr. Esselstyn this therapist have decided to participate in dietary program, and after 32 months, during which time he has not taken any lowering cholesterol medications, he turned the course of his disease and lowered cholesterol levels up to 80 mg/DL. You can look at pictures of his clogged arteries before and after application of lean vegan diets Asselstine.
The image on the left bracket, marked the area where coronary failure has limited the bandwidth of the artery. After one and a half years on a vegetable diet the artery has been cleared, eliminating the effects of heart failure and was again to provide normal access (current) blood (right image).
Is it possible that the doctor Esselstyn just got lucky with a few patients? Definitely not. So sick of the "cores" never by chance is not cured. Possible and on the other to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach is to trace the fate of the five participants who refused to continue to participate in the program and returned to their usual diet and standard medications.
By 1995, these five had ten heart attacks, while at the moment – in 2003, 17 years later with the start of the program, remain alive for 17 of the 18 participants in the program, remaining on plant nutrition – all of them already exceeded 70 and 80 years.
Can someone in their right mind to doubt those results? It seems impossible. If you of all the books hold in memory only this Chapter, remember: the ratio of 49 to zero – 49 heart attacks and seizures before the transition to food of plant-based whole foods and zero – or one attack among patients completely switched over to this power supply system. Dr. Esselstyn achieved what more than 50 years can not achieve the traditional medicine – he won the atherosclerosis and coronary insufficiency.

Dr. Dean Ornish (Dean Ornish)
We can mention the activity of another outstanding physician and scientist Dr. Dean Ornish. A graduate of Harvard, is widely known in America for his publications, popularizes information on heart disease. Almost all Americans who know about the correlation between diet and heart disease, you know that thanks to the work Ornish.
The most famous of its projects — the program Lifestyle Heart Trial in which he treated 28 patients solely by a change of diet. These 28 people ate vegan for the developed system, while the other 20 patients with similar condition were treated by the standard treatment plan. Ornish carefully recorded certain physical indicators of both groups, including the degree of clogging of blood vessels, the level of cholesterol in the blood and weight.
Diet scheme Dr. Ornish was very different from the conventional schemes of treatment that are practiced in modern medicine. For the first week he posted 28 participants at the hotel and told them that they should think about their health. He asked these people only have low-fat plant-based diet throughout the year.
Only 10% of calories had come from fat. There may be necessary if these products were permitted from a list that included fruit, vegetables and cereals. The study says that were not allowed any animal products except egg whites and one Cup of low-fat milk or yogurt a day.
In addition to diet, this group had at least one hour a day to practicing the stress management such as meditation and breathing exercises. In addition, participants were asked to give physical exercise 3 hours per week – load had to match their status.
To ensure that all changes are caught easier, the group met twice a week (for 4 hours). Medics from the group doctors Ornish not used any drug or technology, not transactions. On average, their cholesterol fell from 227 mg/DL (12.6 mmol per liter) to 172 mg/DL (9.6 mmol / liter), and the level of "bad" cholesterol – LDL fell from 152 mgl dL (8,4) up to 95 mgldL (5,3).
A year later, the frequency of pain, intensity and duration has significantly decreased , and moreover, it became apparent that the more patients adhere to recommendations, the faster your recovery of their heart. Those who followed the programme precisely, by the end of the year the vessels 4% cleared (expanded flow). It may seem that this is enough, but remember that the blood vessels are clogged throughout the life, so that 4% per year is a great result.
Overall, 82% in the group went regression of the disease in the course of this year.
In the control group fared nearly as well, despite the fact that they had received all the necessary medicines. Chest pain intensified, became longer and more frequent. For example, at the time, as in the experimental group, the frequency of pain was reduced by 91%, in the control of pain began to appear in 165% more often. The cholesterol in them was much higher than that of the experimental group, and the flow of blood vessels became even narrower. Those in the experimental group who least closely followed the guidelines, flow narrowed by 8%
Together with Dr. Ornish and Dr. Esselstyn, and many before them, I believe we found the strategic solution for a victorious battle with heart disease. These dietary decisions are not only weaken the symptoms of chest pain, but treat the causes of the disease and help avoid the risk of heart attacks. There is no surgical or fluids treatment methods that could compete with such impressive results.

A fragment from the book of Professor Colin Campbell of 'The China Study', which for statistical examples and hundreds of studies explained the relationship between the health condition, occurrence of chronic diseases and the consumption of products of animal origin and stunning, statistically documented on vegan natural food whole foods.
Professor Campbell is a scientist, more than 40 years studying the relationship of chronic diseases (such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis), the biochemistry of food and the relationship between health and nutrition. Campbell is the representative of the American scientific establishment, the member of many national councils and research societies, adviser to Congress on nutrition, lecturer at several major universities, a number one person in the list of influential figures in the field of nutrition, on whose account more than 300 publications in scientific journals.
Because of their observations switched to vegan natural whole food nutrition proves the loyalty of its conclusions and for yourself. published
See also:
10 foods that will help to clear the arteries and prevent atherosclerosis
Diet in atherosclerosis
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ecoways.ru/ru/rss/articles/Otkaz_ot_zhivotnogo_belka_lechit_ateroskleroz.html
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