How to strengthen the blood vessels?

Weakening, exhaustion vessels leads to disruption of blood circulation and metabolism, the emergence of many diseases. It is therefore very important to take care of the vessels even at a young age to prevent trouble in the future. And, above all, should address the strengthening of blood vessels - increasing their tone.
Factors leading to the weakening of vascular
One of the main reasons for the weakening of vessels - stress and nervous disorders. This is because due to the failure of the nervous system vessels get the wrong team, and they do not come active substances that regulate vascular tone.
'Enemies' vessels are spirits, and nicotine, which has a receiving excessive load on them, causing the destruction of their walls.
The important role played by the diet. Eating fatty, salty and spicy foods leads to the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels, the formation of so-called cholesterol plaque.
Inactive lifestyle, which is inherent to many people today, also has an adverse effect on the blood vessels. In the absence of physical activity occurs congestion and excessive relaxation of blood vessels.
Signs of "bad" vessels:
frequent dizziness, weakness;
the emergence of "flies" before the eyes;
unstable blood pressure;
poor sleep;
heart attacks;
numbness, tingling of extremities;
cold feet and hands;
shortness of breath even at low loads, etc.
Strengthening vessels
Improvement of vessels in need of an integrated approach. For some people, this will mean a complete change of lifestyle, but the result is worth it - to restore the vessels may only applying to this specific effort.

First of all, should be incorporated into the daily routine, how loaded it is, exercise. Jogging, yoga, dance, swimming - all of this will be an excellent workout for the vessels. Pressures should be moderate, can not allow fatigue and overwork.

The daily diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables. It should be kept a minimum consumption of fatty and fried foods, caffeine drinks. It is important not to overeat, eat small meals 4 to 5 times a day. It is also necessary to observe a drinking mode - to use at least 1, 5 liters of fluid per day.
To improve vascular tone useful regularly use such products:

Water treatments
Excellent hiking strengthen vessels in the bath and sauna, dousing with cold water. Also for the hardening of vessels can take daily douches. It should be borne in mind that winter douche better to finish with hot water, and in summer - cool.
Cleansing vessels
Clean containers can be if instead of water to use a decoction of rose hips and crushed pine needles. Preparing broth thus:
3 tablespoons hips and 5 tablespoons of pine needles pour 3 cups of water.
Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Insist during the night in a warm place, strain.
The whole broth divided into several portions and drink during the day. The course of purification - 4 months.
Positive emotions and recreation
Pay more attention to regular proper rest: Sleep at least 8 hours, walking outdoors in any weather, travel, hobbies. The optimistic life attitude, a good mood, the desire for healthy and fulfilling life - an essential condition for the normalization of the blood vessels.