LICORICE SYRUP - cleaning the lymphatic system.
This syrup works wonders!
And here is the recipe itself:
- 1 tablespoon of syrup of licorice not dissolve in a glass of very hot water and drink on an empty stomach. All lymph begins to liquefy. And do not be surprised if you start to flow from the nose, for example. An hour later, all wastes collected and dilution of licorice will meet you in the gut.
The largest number of lymph nodes found in the intestines - their tens of thousands! And if at this time in the intestine enters the sorbent - Enterosgel paste, it will collect and bring all the dirt from the body.
- 1 tablespoon enterosgelya need to drink a glass of water.
Only after1, 5-2 hours can be eaten. Pasta is the best enterosgel enterosorbent, it displays only the dirt from the body and leaves all the vitamins and minerals in the body.
The course of purification should be performed 2 weeks. As a result, the lymph you will go bottom-up not 3 months and will take place in 2 weeks. With this recipe you will clear the skin and improves health, allergy pass, normal blood pressure and many other things!
At first it may be worsening, as the body starts to be cleaned much, but after a few days everything will be. Such cleansing I advised many friends and all relatives. I myself was a chronic cough that lasted for years, for no apparent reason. I surveyed many times, but doctors could not reveal anything, but the cough remained. Now, I do not cough at all. The Pope, too, cough decreased, failed completely because he smokes in large quantities for 30 years. Also Pope cleared the maxillary sinus, lifetime suffer with them, but at that time we did not know what the reason - of muddy lymph, she was going there with the whole body, the more it feeds properly. And passed lifelong headaches he also caused by pollution. The pressure he was as a 20-year-old and keeps constantly. My mother passed allergy. Also the lymphatic system clears the room and eating raw vegetables, fruits and berries.
Enterosgel can be replaced by other sorbents, but this is the best enterosgel sorbent is a "smart" a sponge with pores, whose dimensions correspond to the size of molecules of harmful substances. Useful drug substances are not adsorbed. Enterosgel is not absorbed in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Naturally moving through the intestines, Enterosgel absorbs toxins, harmful bacteria and viruses and 7:00 excreted from the body.
Be healthy!