Do you want to get thinner, cleanse your bowels and speed up your metabolism? Take 3-4 of these roots...
It happens that you follow a diet, and the result is minimal, or none at all. You begin to blame your inability to lose weight on your weak will, and at the same time, the dieters. In fact, this may be the fault of the so-called metabolic syndrome, that is, slow metabolism.
Debilitating diets are not very good, especially when deprived of nutrients necessary for the full functioning of the body. Instead of diets, try this natural remedy based on the healing effect of a plant that can cleanse the colon and reduce inflammation, as well as reduce appetite and break down fats stored in the body.
The main ingredient of the recipe we offer you today is licorice. The history of using licorice has more than one millennium. Today, the plant is recognized not only by admirers of folk methods of treatment, but also by official medicine. In each pharmacy you can find dried plant roots and preparations based on it.
Antioxidants, which are rich in licorice, will make your nervous system remain active for a long time, they relieve fatigue and stimulate the body to active action.
If you have a cough or inflammation of the throat, this remedy will simultaneously eliminate irritation and pain. Licorice helps to reduce appetite and feel more cheerful without acute attacks of hunger and the desire to eat something tasty.
Licorice root decoction It is an effective means of losing weight. But extra centimeters go away precisely due to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, recovery of the body, so do not count on a quick result: kilograms of fat deposits will not dissolve in a week magically.
The ingredients
Now you know, How to prepare a decoction of licorice root. The liquid should be consumed twice a day for 1 cup regularly for a month. In the first few days of treatment, you will begin to notice how hunger decreases and digestion improves, and after 2 weeks you will already get the first desired results.
In ancient times, licorice was used without restrictions and fears. Modern medicine does not consider it a harmless plant. Studies have shown that it can negatively affect health.
Large doses of licorice can cause heart pain, increased pressure, headaches and the formation of edema. If, taking a decoction of licorice, you notice similar symptoms, reduce the dose or concentration of the decoction.
Previously "Site" I have already written about licorice root as an alternative natural remedy that may well replace pharmacy anti-inflammatory drugs.
Learn about ten ways to speed up your metabolism. If you really want to speed up your metabolism and lose extra pounds, be sure to take these tips on note.

Debilitating diets are not very good, especially when deprived of nutrients necessary for the full functioning of the body. Instead of diets, try this natural remedy based on the healing effect of a plant that can cleanse the colon and reduce inflammation, as well as reduce appetite and break down fats stored in the body.

The main ingredient of the recipe we offer you today is licorice. The history of using licorice has more than one millennium. Today, the plant is recognized not only by admirers of folk methods of treatment, but also by official medicine. In each pharmacy you can find dried plant roots and preparations based on it.
Antioxidants, which are rich in licorice, will make your nervous system remain active for a long time, they relieve fatigue and stimulate the body to active action.

If you have a cough or inflammation of the throat, this remedy will simultaneously eliminate irritation and pain. Licorice helps to reduce appetite and feel more cheerful without acute attacks of hunger and the desire to eat something tasty.

Licorice root decoction It is an effective means of losing weight. But extra centimeters go away precisely due to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, recovery of the body, so do not count on a quick result: kilograms of fat deposits will not dissolve in a week magically.

The ingredients
- 4 licorice root 3-4 cm long
- 1 liter of pure water
- Bring the water to a boil.
- Add the crushed licorice root to it.
- Boil for 10 minutes on a low heat.
- Strain the contents and pour the liquid into a clean glass container.
Now you know, How to prepare a decoction of licorice root. The liquid should be consumed twice a day for 1 cup regularly for a month. In the first few days of treatment, you will begin to notice how hunger decreases and digestion improves, and after 2 weeks you will already get the first desired results.

In ancient times, licorice was used without restrictions and fears. Modern medicine does not consider it a harmless plant. Studies have shown that it can negatively affect health.
Large doses of licorice can cause heart pain, increased pressure, headaches and the formation of edema. If, taking a decoction of licorice, you notice similar symptoms, reduce the dose or concentration of the decoction.
Previously "Site" I have already written about licorice root as an alternative natural remedy that may well replace pharmacy anti-inflammatory drugs.
Learn about ten ways to speed up your metabolism. If you really want to speed up your metabolism and lose extra pounds, be sure to take these tips on note.
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