6 components of a perfect relationship in a pair
1. She needs care, he is trust
Ten million five hundred one thousand sixty two
When a man shows interest to the feelings of your partner and sincerely cares about her wellbeing, she feels that love her, care about her that she is special only for him – naturally, she begins to experience a stronger trust your partner. Seeing these changes in her friend, and he begins to feel that he really trust. So, I believe that the man is doing everything in his power to was his favorite as well.
2. She needs understanding, his acceptance as he is
When a man without irritation, but rather with sympathy and keen interest listens to a woman, talking about his cherished, she feels that she can hear and understand. Understanding does not involve guessing thoughts and feelings: it is to extract heard of information and truly appreciate it. When a woman meets a man with love, not trying to remake it, he feels that it is taken with all its pluses and minuses. Partner does not consider it ideal, but makes it clear: she's not going to "improve" it, believing that the man would do it himself. In this respect it is much easier to listen to your favorite and understand its aspirations – and this is exactly what she needs.
3. She needs respect, his gratitude to
When handling with a woman the man recognizes and puts in first place the rights, desires, needs, thoughts and feelings, she is sure that it is respected. Concrete, tangible expression of respect – the flowers, the memory of a birthday party, family dates, etc. – is very important to her. A woman who feels the respect of men, it is much easier to show him the appreciation it deserves. Feeling gratitude woman, a man knows that his efforts were not in vain, and double it. And respect for the partner increases.
4. She needs devotion, his admiration
When a man puts priority to the requests of women (and not their own interests – work, study, entertainment, etc.) and is proud to support her in all things, he satisfies her need to be loved. Feeling that occupies the most important place in his life, a woman not only the blooms, but easily begins to feel admiration for your partner. He feels admiration for your partner when she is happily amazed to find in it some special quality or talent. It can be a sense of humor, strength, commitment and integrity of life, honesty, romance, kindness, love, understanding.
5. She needs recognition, he is approval
When the man does not look down on feelings and desires women, not arguing with them, and accepts and recognizes their legitimacy, a woman feels loved. (It is important to remember that it can recognize the point of view of the partner, while having their own.) When a man makes it clear to the woman that recognizes her rights, he receives her approval, which he desperately needed. Deep down every man wants to be for his beloved hero, a knight in shining armor. A sign that he passed the title of knight, is the approval of a friend, indicating that the partner is good for her and she is quite satisfied with him. (Remember: to Express the man his approval does not always mean to agree with him.) Endorsement is recognition of his actions or hope that the partner is driven by good intentions.
6. She needs the reinforcement of confidence, he is promoting
When a man repeatedly proves to the woman that understands, respects, appreciates her, betrayed her, care about her, because a woman need confirmation that they are fine. This man's behavior means for your partner that she is loved always. The man is again and again to reinforce the confidence of women. Positive behavior girlfriend gives him hope and motivation, because it expresses faith in his ability and strength of character. When partner shows a man trust, appreciation, admiration and approval, take it for what it is, it inspires him to become possibly even better, which in turn moves the partner again and again to reinforce the confidence of women in their love – and this is what she really need.
If the needs of men in the sphere of love satisfied, his soul is revealed with the best parties. But if a woman does not know what he needs in the first place, and pours out on him the love-care, love, trust, she, without knowing it, may contribute to the disorder of their relationship.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/gent.club
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