A range of resources. Your energy for life
The range of resources described by a system of 12 houses, where each house represents a different sphere of human life.
Although the range of resources seems to be similar to the astrological house system, they are not identical.
The system resources and the system of astrological houses – a common pressurized source. According to this source human life is regarded as a mythological space in which simultaneously or sequentially played 12 mysteries. Every sphere of human life and a separate mystery.
In the hermetic tradition 12 houses correspond to 12 signs of the Zodiac and the 12 labors of Hercules. Every labor is reflected in the symbolic configuration of the Constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.
Drawing an analogy with astrology, you should focus on the most ancient, podnosnikow system in which each house corresponds to one Zodiac sign and the ruling planet.
Attention! No relation to the Natal chart, the resource system has not. There is no reason to judge the development of the resources of the birth chart. I want to warn everyone who will try to find astrology answers to questions about the development of resources — is meaningless.
To have an idea of the hermetic tradition below is the summary table of resource homes, houses in astrology, the arcane of the Tarot and the stages of the alchemical Work.
No. sphere of life Element sign of the Zodiac Tarot Arcanum Alchemical stage 1. The Image Of Fire Aries Jester Calcination 2. Economy Earth Taurus MAG The Networking Equipment Of Cisco, 3. Study Air Gemini Priestess Separation 4. Family Water Cancer The Empress Conjunction 5. Art Fire Lion Emperor Putrefactio 6. The Health Of The Earth The Virgin The Priest Coagulation 7. Love Air Libra Love Cibaria 8. Sex Water Scorpion Chariot Sublimation 9. Altruism Is The Fire Of Sagittarius Justice Fermentation 10. Work Earth Capricorn Hermit Exaltation 11. Friendship Air Aquarius Wheel Of Fortune Animation 12. TRANS Water Fish Power Projection Figure of the circle is reminiscent of the dial – system semi-diurnal cycle of 12 hours and also the annual cycle, divided by 12 months.
The division of the whole sphere of human life into 12 segments conventionally, however, having been anciently inscribed in the culture that this system reflects many of the patterns, so modern psychology is of great interest what was said, and I say many psychologists.
Because the distribution of their attention on different aspects of life in one way or another is faced with a time limit of 12 segments, coinciding with the 12 hours of active time (minus hours of sleep and relaxation) is the maximum potential for areas of human attention. About the same number are called scientists, weighting the maximum amount of attention that the average person can effectively distribute during the day in different areas.
12 aspects of life are universal for everyone, because the resources the human community, which literally means — created in society, from society to society.
Simplistically, resources – that is allowing the person receives the energy for life. The production of human energy is not confined only to the exchange of chemicals, it is closely related to emotional and informational exchange. Emotions are essential for stimulation, motivation, promotion, prevention and protection of the human being in his complex life. Emotions are the main power lever, because the passion controls the person's behavior, his health and even his health. The mind, perceiving and interpreting information that can influence human behaviour indirectly through the affect of reducing or redirecting it, but the influence of reason is very limited. Effectively the mind can act on the emotions only through the activities. It is very important to understand if there is a goal – change your life. This theory (Psihologija) aims at the conscious approach to the complex process of influence on its energy system.
Here is a diagram of the effect of received information on energy:
Theory – Activity – Circumstances – Emotions – Energy.
Theory can be a stimulus for change activity, the new activity changes the facts, changed circumstances affect emotions, emotions affect the energy. This way you can pull yourself out of depression (energy pit), addiction (black hole) and just high to climb the energy ladder, adding to your creativity, your vitality, and fullness of happiness.
But all this we will speak in detail.
It is important to understand that resources are precisely the areas where a person directs his activities, thanks to which are born of circumstances which, in turn, affect the state and human capabilities.
Interaction with the resource is performed by a simple scheme: the contribution – getting — new contributions.
Pumped good resource is the so-called internal resource, i.e. the resource, control over which belongs to the person that means the person at any time can get energy from it. Internal resource provides easy, enjoyable deposits, and objectively useful getting. In addition, if the resource is internal, the process of interaction with the resource is constantly evolving and improving.
Bad pumped a resource is an external resource. A person can get the energy from such resource, but is unable to control, that is, the energy depends on external circumstances. This leads to the fact that the person experiences anxiety and uncertainty when interacting with this resource and its activities in the field of resource is frequently distorted, leading to addictions or frustrations. At the same time, effective interaction with external resource causes the resource gradually becomes internal, that is embedded in the internal field of a person and even in his personality, turning into a skill or even talent.
Addiction is a distorted interaction with the external resource where the contributions cease to be controlled by a human, since the generation of energy causes euphoria, dependence and the external field displaces from the person other resources. With addiction the person gradually becomes a slave to an external resource, and the resource of spheres of life, which is to serve people and bring energy, is transformed into the host, which man foolishly sacrifices himself: his energy, focus and health. In the initial stages of addiction can dramatically increase the General energy state of a person, but a running addiction almost always leads to exhaustion and depression, as well as to the degradation and physical destruction.
Frustration is another type of deceptive interaction with the external resource, in which the energy is zero, and hence the contributions of the person either cease, or continue on the sense of duty and cause stress (severe energy deficiency). Often frustration means the complete disconnection of the person from the resource deprivation or even the disappearance of most of the needs associated with the resource.
Author: Marina Komissarova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: psychoalchemy.ru/krug-resursov/
Although the range of resources seems to be similar to the astrological house system, they are not identical.
The system resources and the system of astrological houses – a common pressurized source. According to this source human life is regarded as a mythological space in which simultaneously or sequentially played 12 mysteries. Every sphere of human life and a separate mystery.
In the hermetic tradition 12 houses correspond to 12 signs of the Zodiac and the 12 labors of Hercules. Every labor is reflected in the symbolic configuration of the Constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.

Drawing an analogy with astrology, you should focus on the most ancient, podnosnikow system in which each house corresponds to one Zodiac sign and the ruling planet.
Attention! No relation to the Natal chart, the resource system has not. There is no reason to judge the development of the resources of the birth chart. I want to warn everyone who will try to find astrology answers to questions about the development of resources — is meaningless.
To have an idea of the hermetic tradition below is the summary table of resource homes, houses in astrology, the arcane of the Tarot and the stages of the alchemical Work.
No. sphere of life Element sign of the Zodiac Tarot Arcanum Alchemical stage 1. The Image Of Fire Aries Jester Calcination 2. Economy Earth Taurus MAG The Networking Equipment Of Cisco, 3. Study Air Gemini Priestess Separation 4. Family Water Cancer The Empress Conjunction 5. Art Fire Lion Emperor Putrefactio 6. The Health Of The Earth The Virgin The Priest Coagulation 7. Love Air Libra Love Cibaria 8. Sex Water Scorpion Chariot Sublimation 9. Altruism Is The Fire Of Sagittarius Justice Fermentation 10. Work Earth Capricorn Hermit Exaltation 11. Friendship Air Aquarius Wheel Of Fortune Animation 12. TRANS Water Fish Power Projection Figure of the circle is reminiscent of the dial – system semi-diurnal cycle of 12 hours and also the annual cycle, divided by 12 months.
The division of the whole sphere of human life into 12 segments conventionally, however, having been anciently inscribed in the culture that this system reflects many of the patterns, so modern psychology is of great interest what was said, and I say many psychologists.
Because the distribution of their attention on different aspects of life in one way or another is faced with a time limit of 12 segments, coinciding with the 12 hours of active time (minus hours of sleep and relaxation) is the maximum potential for areas of human attention. About the same number are called scientists, weighting the maximum amount of attention that the average person can effectively distribute during the day in different areas.
12 aspects of life are universal for everyone, because the resources the human community, which literally means — created in society, from society to society.
Simplistically, resources – that is allowing the person receives the energy for life. The production of human energy is not confined only to the exchange of chemicals, it is closely related to emotional and informational exchange. Emotions are essential for stimulation, motivation, promotion, prevention and protection of the human being in his complex life. Emotions are the main power lever, because the passion controls the person's behavior, his health and even his health. The mind, perceiving and interpreting information that can influence human behaviour indirectly through the affect of reducing or redirecting it, but the influence of reason is very limited. Effectively the mind can act on the emotions only through the activities. It is very important to understand if there is a goal – change your life. This theory (Psihologija) aims at the conscious approach to the complex process of influence on its energy system.
Here is a diagram of the effect of received information on energy:
Theory – Activity – Circumstances – Emotions – Energy.
Theory can be a stimulus for change activity, the new activity changes the facts, changed circumstances affect emotions, emotions affect the energy. This way you can pull yourself out of depression (energy pit), addiction (black hole) and just high to climb the energy ladder, adding to your creativity, your vitality, and fullness of happiness.
But all this we will speak in detail.
It is important to understand that resources are precisely the areas where a person directs his activities, thanks to which are born of circumstances which, in turn, affect the state and human capabilities.
Interaction with the resource is performed by a simple scheme: the contribution – getting — new contributions.
Pumped good resource is the so-called internal resource, i.e. the resource, control over which belongs to the person that means the person at any time can get energy from it. Internal resource provides easy, enjoyable deposits, and objectively useful getting. In addition, if the resource is internal, the process of interaction with the resource is constantly evolving and improving.
Bad pumped a resource is an external resource. A person can get the energy from such resource, but is unable to control, that is, the energy depends on external circumstances. This leads to the fact that the person experiences anxiety and uncertainty when interacting with this resource and its activities in the field of resource is frequently distorted, leading to addictions or frustrations. At the same time, effective interaction with external resource causes the resource gradually becomes internal, that is embedded in the internal field of a person and even in his personality, turning into a skill or even talent.
Addiction is a distorted interaction with the external resource where the contributions cease to be controlled by a human, since the generation of energy causes euphoria, dependence and the external field displaces from the person other resources. With addiction the person gradually becomes a slave to an external resource, and the resource of spheres of life, which is to serve people and bring energy, is transformed into the host, which man foolishly sacrifices himself: his energy, focus and health. In the initial stages of addiction can dramatically increase the General energy state of a person, but a running addiction almost always leads to exhaustion and depression, as well as to the degradation and physical destruction.
Frustration is another type of deceptive interaction with the external resource, in which the energy is zero, and hence the contributions of the person either cease, or continue on the sense of duty and cause stress (severe energy deficiency). Often frustration means the complete disconnection of the person from the resource deprivation or even the disappearance of most of the needs associated with the resource.
Author: Marina Komissarova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: psychoalchemy.ru/krug-resursov/