Make festive menu
Sixty eight million nine hundred eleven thousand thirty seven
Holidays, celebrations, observances are an integral part of our lives. Reasons for joy quite a lot. Recently highly relevant is the holding of similar gatherings in restaurants. In this case, it is important to think carefully about the menu and number of dishes that the guests were happy and well-fed. As banqueting – it is very difficult, first try to consider every angle: the number of guests, the venue and the decoration of the hall. Then proceed to the preparation of the festive menu.
What should be a festive MenuItem you reviewed all the restaurants in St. Petersburg and made his choice, it will certainly wind up in any place, look around, consider the arrangement of tables and order the Banquet. As a rule, in the menu helps the chef of the restaurant. But remember that he can only recommend, and the responsibility for the food choice will still fall on your shoulders. On the festive table must be approximately 7-10 different cold appetizers, including fish and sandwiches. In a festive menu, you need to include at least 1 hot dish, best served hot twice, for example, after the dance breaks or competitions. Cold appetizers must be on the table in advance, but hot meals are served only in the presence of guests.
Be sure to consider the presence on the table, alcoholic and soft drinks. Juices, sodas, mineral water, you can expect on average 1 liter per guest. But the number of alcoholic beverages must be at least 0.5 liters per person. Be sure the menu will include a main dish and a dessert. Sweets served at the end of the solemn event.
Source: hotel-spb.ru/hotel-spb.nsf/ru/beringbankets
Holidays, celebrations, observances are an integral part of our lives. Reasons for joy quite a lot. Recently highly relevant is the holding of similar gatherings in restaurants. In this case, it is important to think carefully about the menu and number of dishes that the guests were happy and well-fed. As banqueting – it is very difficult, first try to consider every angle: the number of guests, the venue and the decoration of the hall. Then proceed to the preparation of the festive menu.
What should be a festive MenuItem you reviewed all the restaurants in St. Petersburg and made his choice, it will certainly wind up in any place, look around, consider the arrangement of tables and order the Banquet. As a rule, in the menu helps the chef of the restaurant. But remember that he can only recommend, and the responsibility for the food choice will still fall on your shoulders. On the festive table must be approximately 7-10 different cold appetizers, including fish and sandwiches. In a festive menu, you need to include at least 1 hot dish, best served hot twice, for example, after the dance breaks or competitions. Cold appetizers must be on the table in advance, but hot meals are served only in the presence of guests.
Be sure to consider the presence on the table, alcoholic and soft drinks. Juices, sodas, mineral water, you can expect on average 1 liter per guest. But the number of alcoholic beverages must be at least 0.5 liters per person. Be sure the menu will include a main dish and a dessert. Sweets served at the end of the solemn event.
Source: hotel-spb.ru/hotel-spb.nsf/ru/beringbankets
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