How your travels can make the world a better place
Like to travel? We offer you a selection of organizations that give the opportunity to visit other countries almost for free. You will be provided with shelter and food, and in return will be asked to provide all possible assistance to local residents or participate in volunteer programs.
HELP EXCHANGEby Becoming a member of this program, you will be able to live outside town on a farm, or even on the docks, helping the host family with the housework. This is a great way to not only visit another country but also to experience its culture and customs.
WWOOFThis program has much in common with the previous one. Only here you will be required to assist the local people involved in organic farming. You may offer to collect grapes and make wine or take care of animals.
SUDAN VOLUNTEER PROGRAMMEIf you have experience of teaching English, you can go to Sudan to teach local children. So you will be able and a good thing to do, and get good teaching experience.
SE7ENSE7EN Volunteer programs are usually designed to solve social and environmental problems around the world. There are no intermediaries. You can select any project and to communicate directly with the author.
VSOVoluntary Service Overseas is an international charitable organization aimed at fighting poverty worldwide. Volunteers work together with local experts who are trying to improve the living conditions of those in need.
YOUTH IN ACTIONEducational program of the EU for young people every year gives nonprofits grants for projects in different countries. Program participants are provided with free training, kompensiruet the cost of flights, visa, accommodation and meals. Each training involves a specific theme.
CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERSThis organization will appeal to those who want to visit Australia or New Zealand and who are not alien to eco-tourism. Projects focus on wildlife conservation and environmental protection.
SOUNDCLOUDusing couchsurfing to find a place to live in another country totally free. Project participants open their doors to travelers from different countries, the conditions each time are discussed separately.
UNITED NATIONS VOLUNTEERSIf you are over 25 years old, you have a higher education and you speak fluent angliiskii, French or Spanish, you have the opportunity to become a UN volunteer and take part in many humanitarian projects.
AIESECAIESEC organizes internships and exchange programs for students and recent graduates.
APPALACHIAN TRAILproject Participants help to restore the nature trails among the Appalachian mountains, stretching over 3000 km, its territory is home to more than 2,000 species of endangered animals.
FIND A CREWAND if you are drawn to the sea, you can try yourself as a team member of the liner or yacht and set sail for Oceania.
The low-cost airlines of EUROPEAND finally it is worth mentioning one more opportunity cheap to fly to another country. Budget airlines often offer very competitive rates for flights. Even giants such as Virgin Australia, Jetstar and Ryanair and there are flights from Russia, they will help to save on long flights. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: liveorganic.ru/rubrics/lifestyle/tourism/as-your-travels-can-make-a-difference
HELP EXCHANGEby Becoming a member of this program, you will be able to live outside town on a farm, or even on the docks, helping the host family with the housework. This is a great way to not only visit another country but also to experience its culture and customs.

WWOOFThis program has much in common with the previous one. Only here you will be required to assist the local people involved in organic farming. You may offer to collect grapes and make wine or take care of animals.

SUDAN VOLUNTEER PROGRAMMEIf you have experience of teaching English, you can go to Sudan to teach local children. So you will be able and a good thing to do, and get good teaching experience.

SE7ENSE7EN Volunteer programs are usually designed to solve social and environmental problems around the world. There are no intermediaries. You can select any project and to communicate directly with the author.

VSOVoluntary Service Overseas is an international charitable organization aimed at fighting poverty worldwide. Volunteers work together with local experts who are trying to improve the living conditions of those in need.

YOUTH IN ACTIONEducational program of the EU for young people every year gives nonprofits grants for projects in different countries. Program participants are provided with free training, kompensiruet the cost of flights, visa, accommodation and meals. Each training involves a specific theme.

CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERSThis organization will appeal to those who want to visit Australia or New Zealand and who are not alien to eco-tourism. Projects focus on wildlife conservation and environmental protection.

SOUNDCLOUDusing couchsurfing to find a place to live in another country totally free. Project participants open their doors to travelers from different countries, the conditions each time are discussed separately.

UNITED NATIONS VOLUNTEERSIf you are over 25 years old, you have a higher education and you speak fluent angliiskii, French or Spanish, you have the opportunity to become a UN volunteer and take part in many humanitarian projects.

AIESECAIESEC organizes internships and exchange programs for students and recent graduates.

APPALACHIAN TRAILproject Participants help to restore the nature trails among the Appalachian mountains, stretching over 3000 km, its territory is home to more than 2,000 species of endangered animals.

FIND A CREWAND if you are drawn to the sea, you can try yourself as a team member of the liner or yacht and set sail for Oceania.

The low-cost airlines of EUROPEAND finally it is worth mentioning one more opportunity cheap to fly to another country. Budget airlines often offer very competitive rates for flights. Even giants such as Virgin Australia, Jetstar and Ryanair and there are flights from Russia, they will help to save on long flights. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki

Source: liveorganic.ru/rubrics/lifestyle/tourism/as-your-travels-can-make-a-difference
Blessings from women of all ages
In Russia will start to produce solar panel technology Zhores Alferov.