Ukrainian volunteers teach to cook dry borscht, a unique recipe and intricacies of the process

Ukrainian volunteers do not sit idle for a second and provide a reliable rear for those who are on the front lines and defend their country. It is very important for the military to eat well to be strong and enduring in combat. And, although the Ukrainian army is provided with a dry diet, volunteers come up with new ways to cheer up the military with homemade dishes. Today we will tell you how Ukrainian volunteers make fast borscht for the APU.

Every housewife has a unique recipe for borscht, but no one will cook it on the front line. Hot liquid food is important for the normal functioning of the stomach. Sublimated food is a source of heat and energy for a tired soldier. The military diet consists of gallets, tea, canned food. Basically, that's enough to be full all day, but who wouldn't give up hot homemade borscht?

Sublimated food is a popular product for tourists and the military. Fast soups and porridge can be poured with boiling water and eat hearty, and a bag of such food does not take up much space and weighs little. But the process of cooking such food is quite troublesome, and such a special diet is expensive.

Ukrainian volunteers from Kolomyia set up their small freeze-dried borsch production in a small kitchen. Volunteers manage to make 100 packages with fast borscht per day. One workpiece contains 4 portions, and this is 2 liters of delicious borscht, and even with meat. The editors reduced the number of ingredients several times. From this amount will be 10 bags with dry borscht, each of which can be poured 2 liters of water. The product is stored in vacuum packaging for up to 12 months.

The ingredients
  • 300g cabbage
  • 200g beets
  • 100g onion
  • 150g carrots
  • 50g sweet pepper
  • 50g celery root
  • 3 teeth. Garlic
  • 10g dill
  • 10g parsley
  • 5g bay leaf
  • salt

  1. Carrots, onions, beets and cabbage should be thinly cut and dried in the dryer. For complete drying, vegetables need to dry from 5 to 7 hours in the dryer, it all depends on how you cut the vegetables and what kind of dryer you have. By analogy, you can dry vegetables in the oven at 50 degrees. Beets are convenient to rub on a grater or cut with slices using vegetable cleaning.

  2. Potatoes and meat must be cooked before use. So the potato is boiled until ready in the peel, then cleaned and dried in the dryer. You can use freeze-dried potatoes from the store.
  3. Chicken, beef or pork meat should be dried in the oven or boiled and ground in a meat grinder. Then it must be dried in a dryer or oven. Soybeans can be used instead of meat.
  4. When all the ingredients are dried, they must be crushed in a blender so that the mass is uniform, but does not turn into flour.

  5. The ingredients are put to sleep in a package designed for 4 servings: mix 88 g of dry mixture with grated beets and carrots. Add 30 g of dry meat and 2 tsp of salt.
  6. The package is sealed with a vacuum and attached to it 70 g of tomato paste. It remains to mix the paste with the mixture and pour boiling water all over. Bon appetit.

The board of the editorial board of the Video on the channel “Our Besagues – Yes That Recipes” raises the mood and convinces once again that Ukrainians are a friendly people. Subscribe to the channel in order not to miss new videos about Ukrainian traditions and unique recipes.


So that borscht does not look like porridge, mix half the products of crushed and dry sliced ingredients. Borscht can be stored in buckles for 3 to 6 months. It is important to dry the products well so that they do not become moldy during storage.


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