Millet can replace rice and potatoes in a healthy diet
Millet is a popular grain, it serves excellent porridge, and pumpkin. Many people know that it is useful. But what, exactly? To this question not everyone could answer. This is one of the few grains alkalizing the body. Besides, millet is the most easily digestible and non-allergenic cereals.
His story is very interesting. Although scientists do not have exact facts, but, most likely, the wheat started to be cultivated in Asia and Africa, more than 7 thousand years ago. In India and Africa, it for thousands of years was the staple food.
Interesting fact — the millet was the main grain crop in China until the time when this place was occupied by the rice, very tasty and nutritious, but increase the level of blood sugar. Qualities of a millet such that it is able to take in a healthy diet place rice and potatoes.
Of course, each person determines his diet. The arguments in favor of millet — only one of many that need to be considered only as auxiliary information, making rational decisions on inclusion in the diet of certain foods and excluding or limiting others.
The use of wheat for health
First of all, millet is an alkaline product and easy to digest. It hydrates the colon, thereby preventing constipation. Millet played the role of prebiotic in relation to the microflora of the body. Contained in this rump serotonin has a calming effect.
Millet — a real treasure trove of dietary fiber and is low in simple sugars, which are known to be quite harmful in large quantities. Due to its relatively low glycemic index, after eating the blood sugar level is usually lower than after a meal from wheat or rice.
Contained in the millet magnesium can help ease migraine and a heart attack. However, to consider millet a cure for diseases should not be too, and if you feel unwell consult doctor.
Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) can help lower cholesterol levels. Eating millet can also reduce the level of triglycerides and C-reactive protein. Scientists from Seoul (South Korea) found that millet may be useful for preventing cardiovascular disease.
All varieties of wheat are characterized by high antioxidant activity. It does not contain gluten and it practically does not cause allergic reactions, making it a great product for sensitive to allergens of people. Millet has high protein content, making it an important addition to the vegetarian diet.
Nutritional value of millet
In parentheses are the percentage of the daily allowance. Nutritional value is based on 100 grams of boiled millet according to information from the Ministry of agriculture of the United States.
General information:
energy value 119 kcal (6%);
carbohydrates 23.7 grams (8%);
protein — 3.5 grams (7%);
fats — 1 gram (2%);
fiber, part of food is 1.3 grams (5%).
folic acid (vitamin B9) — 19.0 micrograms (5%);
nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) 1.3 mg (7%);
Pantothenic acid is 0.2 milligrams (2%);
pyridoxine (vitamin B6) 0.1 milligram (5%);
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0.1 mg (5%);
thiamine (vitamin B1) — 0.1 milligrams (7%);
vitamin a, which very much is contained in dandelion — 3 international unit (IU, IU) — ~0%;
vitamin C — 0.0 mg (0%);
vitamin E — 0.0 mg (0%);
vitamin K, an incredibly rich source of which is sage — 0.3 micrograms (~0%).
sodium is 2 milligrams (~0%);
potassium — 62 mg (2%).
calcium 3 milligrams (~0%);
copper — 0.2 milligrams (8%);
iron — 0.6 milligrams (3%);
magnesium — 44 milligrams (11%);
manganese — 0.3 milligrams (14%);
phosphorus — 100 milligrams (10%);
selenium — 0.9 micrograms (1%);
zinc — 0.9 mg (6%).
Can the millet as a potential replacement for potatoes and rice in the daily diet of modern man? published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: hi-news.ru
His story is very interesting. Although scientists do not have exact facts, but, most likely, the wheat started to be cultivated in Asia and Africa, more than 7 thousand years ago. In India and Africa, it for thousands of years was the staple food.
Interesting fact — the millet was the main grain crop in China until the time when this place was occupied by the rice, very tasty and nutritious, but increase the level of blood sugar. Qualities of a millet such that it is able to take in a healthy diet place rice and potatoes.
Of course, each person determines his diet. The arguments in favor of millet — only one of many that need to be considered only as auxiliary information, making rational decisions on inclusion in the diet of certain foods and excluding or limiting others.
The use of wheat for health
First of all, millet is an alkaline product and easy to digest. It hydrates the colon, thereby preventing constipation. Millet played the role of prebiotic in relation to the microflora of the body. Contained in this rump serotonin has a calming effect.
Millet — a real treasure trove of dietary fiber and is low in simple sugars, which are known to be quite harmful in large quantities. Due to its relatively low glycemic index, after eating the blood sugar level is usually lower than after a meal from wheat or rice.
Contained in the millet magnesium can help ease migraine and a heart attack. However, to consider millet a cure for diseases should not be too, and if you feel unwell consult doctor.
Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) can help lower cholesterol levels. Eating millet can also reduce the level of triglycerides and C-reactive protein. Scientists from Seoul (South Korea) found that millet may be useful for preventing cardiovascular disease.
All varieties of wheat are characterized by high antioxidant activity. It does not contain gluten and it practically does not cause allergic reactions, making it a great product for sensitive to allergens of people. Millet has high protein content, making it an important addition to the vegetarian diet.

Nutritional value of millet
In parentheses are the percentage of the daily allowance. Nutritional value is based on 100 grams of boiled millet according to information from the Ministry of agriculture of the United States.
General information:
energy value 119 kcal (6%);
carbohydrates 23.7 grams (8%);
protein — 3.5 grams (7%);
fats — 1 gram (2%);
fiber, part of food is 1.3 grams (5%).
folic acid (vitamin B9) — 19.0 micrograms (5%);
nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) 1.3 mg (7%);
Pantothenic acid is 0.2 milligrams (2%);
pyridoxine (vitamin B6) 0.1 milligram (5%);
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0.1 mg (5%);
thiamine (vitamin B1) — 0.1 milligrams (7%);
vitamin a, which very much is contained in dandelion — 3 international unit (IU, IU) — ~0%;
vitamin C — 0.0 mg (0%);
vitamin E — 0.0 mg (0%);
vitamin K, an incredibly rich source of which is sage — 0.3 micrograms (~0%).
sodium is 2 milligrams (~0%);
potassium — 62 mg (2%).
calcium 3 milligrams (~0%);
copper — 0.2 milligrams (8%);
iron — 0.6 milligrams (3%);
magnesium — 44 milligrams (11%);
manganese — 0.3 milligrams (14%);
phosphorus — 100 milligrams (10%);
selenium — 0.9 micrograms (1%);
zinc — 0.9 mg (6%).
Can the millet as a potential replacement for potatoes and rice in the daily diet of modern man? published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: hi-news.ru
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