The mystery of successful people: they have 24 hours more than a week
Surely you know someone who works a full-time, he does volunteer work, maintains a popular blog, but still somehow finds time to go to the store, cook a decent display in Instagram healthy dish to maintain a loving relationship, to walk her beautiful Boston Terrier, and, Oh, even to prepare for the half marathon. Such superresolution of people as many hours in the day as we do. But it seems that they always get more. How do they do it?
Psychologist and life coach Susan Gelb noticed these really successful people, some commonalities. Here is how you can change your settings to be more productive.
Fully give your business
What would you do right now – immerse yourself in this activity. When you see the Olympic runner, jumping over obstacles with superhuman agility, she seems distracted? No, it is 100% included in the current task. And it shows that dedication leads to glory.
So what to do if you feel that you can not focus on what is happening with you now? Josh Pais, author of the Committed Impulse training for actors, public speakers and entrepreneurs, recommends that in such moments, loudly say to yourself: "I'm here!", once you feel that you lose concentration. You may have to grab a few strange looks from bystanders of your exclamation, but it works.
Avoid multitasking
Your email, Instagram, Facebook, these funny viral videos about cats and is telling about the discounts in your favorite online store is probably only part of the tabs open in your browser, and they distract your attention while you try to finish the work on the project. Multitasking is now considered in order.
But the human brain was not created to multitask. In fact, studies have proven that we're absolutely terrible. It deprives us of the concentration, increases the frequency of mistakes, and in the end, the task takes much more time.
To be sure that you can fully focus on the case, turn off all stimuli. Even if you need to lock cell phone in a drawer while you are working. Extremely? Possible. But it's worth a try.
Don't give in to friends and acquaintances
You work on the project, fully immersed in the work, and the process goes on with lightning speed. Suddenly a colleague comes to you. "We need your two cents about this," he says, holding out the plan of his report. You can quickly view and Express your thoughts. It's only a minute, right?
Unfortunately, this little distraction thoroughly confuses your focus. To re-focus on the task, on average, have 23 minutes, no matter what you do.
Super productive people know that these things kill productivity, and avoid them at all costs. (This is why most CEOS have their offices with closing doors.) If you have no door you can close, try to find the best space where you will not be constantly tugging, and switch off notifications of incoming email for a few hours. Or talk to your boss about the ban on communication for the entire company at certain hours several times a week.
Chat with other productive people
You may have heard the saying: "If you are the smartest in this place, then you are in the wrong place." The same applies to productivity and achievements. When you are surrounded by extremely energetic people, who think the same as you, you want to catch up to the same level – and inspire them.
Try to clear your professional life from people, colleagues and even friends that don't give you strength. This does not mean that you never have to see these people, or that you should dispassionately and to remove them from your life forever. Just consciously think about who you spend most of your time. Try as often as possible to be surrounded by superproductive people.
Don't know where to meet them? Join a club or group where people solve complex tasks (e.g., running 10 kilometers), or write to email someone who inspires you. Perhaps there is some man whom you hesitate to speak. Send him or her a note: "I would very much like to buy you lunch in any place convenient for you". Who knows what the result of a simple invitation.
Do not inflate
When you allow negative emotions — irritation, anger, frustration or self-loathing – for a long time to accumulate inside, it could put you on the path of self-destruction. Sooner or later, all these raging feelings in you push you to some actions, whether it's binge-eating chips at night, watching the series for 14 hours straight instead of urgent matters, or anything else that will bring you even more frustration (not to mention tiredness, hangover, or nausea). All this is extremely harmful to your productivity.
Superproductive people know how to cope with their feelings, to avoid "boiling". Most known to me is effective individuals I have developed my own way of managing emotions: meditation, journaling, a daily visit to a psychologist, or a time-honored way – beating the pears in the gym.
Find a strategy that will work for you. You will understand that it is working when you feel a deep sense of release and relief, like a ton of bricks will fall from your shoulders. The reason for the disorder will dissolve and you'll be irresistible.
And last but important point: remember that those super-efficient people who you admire and achieve such heights also has their weaknesses and fears. So do not strive for maximum perfection, just do what you can – and you will be successful.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ideanomics.ru/?p=5039
Psychologist and life coach Susan Gelb noticed these really successful people, some commonalities. Here is how you can change your settings to be more productive.

Fully give your business
What would you do right now – immerse yourself in this activity. When you see the Olympic runner, jumping over obstacles with superhuman agility, she seems distracted? No, it is 100% included in the current task. And it shows that dedication leads to glory.
So what to do if you feel that you can not focus on what is happening with you now? Josh Pais, author of the Committed Impulse training for actors, public speakers and entrepreneurs, recommends that in such moments, loudly say to yourself: "I'm here!", once you feel that you lose concentration. You may have to grab a few strange looks from bystanders of your exclamation, but it works.
Avoid multitasking
Your email, Instagram, Facebook, these funny viral videos about cats and is telling about the discounts in your favorite online store is probably only part of the tabs open in your browser, and they distract your attention while you try to finish the work on the project. Multitasking is now considered in order.
But the human brain was not created to multitask. In fact, studies have proven that we're absolutely terrible. It deprives us of the concentration, increases the frequency of mistakes, and in the end, the task takes much more time.
To be sure that you can fully focus on the case, turn off all stimuli. Even if you need to lock cell phone in a drawer while you are working. Extremely? Possible. But it's worth a try.
Don't give in to friends and acquaintances
You work on the project, fully immersed in the work, and the process goes on with lightning speed. Suddenly a colleague comes to you. "We need your two cents about this," he says, holding out the plan of his report. You can quickly view and Express your thoughts. It's only a minute, right?
Unfortunately, this little distraction thoroughly confuses your focus. To re-focus on the task, on average, have 23 minutes, no matter what you do.
Super productive people know that these things kill productivity, and avoid them at all costs. (This is why most CEOS have their offices with closing doors.) If you have no door you can close, try to find the best space where you will not be constantly tugging, and switch off notifications of incoming email for a few hours. Or talk to your boss about the ban on communication for the entire company at certain hours several times a week.
Chat with other productive people
You may have heard the saying: "If you are the smartest in this place, then you are in the wrong place." The same applies to productivity and achievements. When you are surrounded by extremely energetic people, who think the same as you, you want to catch up to the same level – and inspire them.
Try to clear your professional life from people, colleagues and even friends that don't give you strength. This does not mean that you never have to see these people, or that you should dispassionately and to remove them from your life forever. Just consciously think about who you spend most of your time. Try as often as possible to be surrounded by superproductive people.
Don't know where to meet them? Join a club or group where people solve complex tasks (e.g., running 10 kilometers), or write to email someone who inspires you. Perhaps there is some man whom you hesitate to speak. Send him or her a note: "I would very much like to buy you lunch in any place convenient for you". Who knows what the result of a simple invitation.
Do not inflate
When you allow negative emotions — irritation, anger, frustration or self-loathing – for a long time to accumulate inside, it could put you on the path of self-destruction. Sooner or later, all these raging feelings in you push you to some actions, whether it's binge-eating chips at night, watching the series for 14 hours straight instead of urgent matters, or anything else that will bring you even more frustration (not to mention tiredness, hangover, or nausea). All this is extremely harmful to your productivity.
Superproductive people know how to cope with their feelings, to avoid "boiling". Most known to me is effective individuals I have developed my own way of managing emotions: meditation, journaling, a daily visit to a psychologist, or a time-honored way – beating the pears in the gym.
Find a strategy that will work for you. You will understand that it is working when you feel a deep sense of release and relief, like a ton of bricks will fall from your shoulders. The reason for the disorder will dissolve and you'll be irresistible.
And last but important point: remember that those super-efficient people who you admire and achieve such heights also has their weaknesses and fears. So do not strive for maximum perfection, just do what you can – and you will be successful.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ideanomics.ru/?p=5039
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