You should know this! Nitrites in sausages to form carcinogenic compounds
Experts don't suggest there are more than twelve hot dogs a month, but if you eat them, try to buy fresh home-made sausages that are produced in a small butcher shops that you trust, not industrial production.
Some of the components that are used in the manufacture of sausages, one of the most popular products in the world (especially in children), can cause cancer.
Recently, these results come from several studies. Consumption of sausages and especially their contained nitrites, could be a risk factor for children.Data on the consumption of sausages and their relation to certain diseasesIn one of the studies analyzed the link between the consumption of sausages and other similar products with cases of leukemia. For this, we studied the diet of children in the period from birth to 10 years.
Those who ate more than 12 hot dogs a month had nine times more susceptible to blood diseases. In addition, the risk is also present if their mothers ate at least 12 sausages a month before conception or during pregnancy.
In addition, a study conducted in Denver, USA, found that children whose mothers regularly ate (not less than once a week) during pregnancy sausages, were two times at greater risk of developing a brain tumor, almost like those who often ate this food.
Why sausages can cause cancer?One of the main problems of this meal, which is so often asked by children, is that the sausages using nitrites as a preservative to combat botulism. In the manufacture of sausages and sausages, nitrites combine with other natural components of the meat and form compounds called N-nitroso and are carcinogenic.
It is also believed that nitrites combine in the stomach to form the same substance that can cause cancer of the bladder, brain, stomach, kidney, esophagus and oral cavity. All meat industrial products contain nitrites, not just sausages. Just as dangerous to our health burgers and bacon.
At the same time, not all the dogs that can be found in the sale, on the market contain nitrites. You can easily determine which products contain nitrites by their color. If they are a nice pink color (it is associated with freshness of the meat), it is because the manufacture has been used too many preservatives.
Those sausages do not contain nitrites, have a brown or pale color. However, do not be fooled, because the manufacturers know very well what supplements can mask the content of nitrite.
First, you should only buy sausages are homemade, not industrial production. Homemade sausages are sold in small butcher shops, markets, farms and fairs. Industrial sausage you'll find on the supermarket shelf in airtight containers.
In addition, it is recommended not to eat more than 12 hot dogs a month, no matter what type it is. You can find out what brand of sausages do not contain nitrites and learn in school, where your children go, what kind of sausage they have for lunch.
Some vegetables also contain nitrites (especially green, such as lettuce, celery or spinach), however, consumption of these vegetables reduces the risk of cancer. This happens because they are not formed of the N-nitrosa even when cooked.
Nitrites in vegetables is safe, because in addition to these, vegetables contain vitamins C and D, which suppresses the production of N-nitrosa. Thus, they are not only dangerous for our health, but on the contrary, even useful.
Exactly how the sausage is made?If you are still wondering to learn more about this food or studies about the dangers of nitrites you still not fully convinced, will be a useful story about how to make these sausages. You will decide whether to continue eating them.
This is one of the most popular foods in the world that exists on the market for many years, so some of the secrets of its preparation simply need to reveal. We mean, of course, the industrial sausages, which are sold in supermarkets and are not too appetizing origin.
Doctors, nutritionists, scientists and researchers have analyzed each of the components included in the composition of sausages, which in some countries are called hot dogs, wieners or Vienna sausage. There are about 35 different types, but we will refer to the recipe of the classic "Vienna sausage". Each variety is characterized by its aroma, texture, flavor and "secret" ingredients.
Components and methods of cooking in most brands of industrial sausage production are:
Mechanically separated meatin the production of sausages mostly use poultry of different kinds, especially chicken and Turkey. Carcasses plucked and placed in a mechanical Assembly, which separates the bone from the meat. The same is done with pork and beef, but the process is more complex.
If you look at the meat for sausages in a microscope, you can see different fabric and crushed bones as well as nerves, cartilage, blood vessels, skin, etc.
Flavors and water arethe Second biggest ingredient in sausages, is water. The standards specified that no more than 10% of each sausage can be water. However, in nekotoryeh stamps was discovered to 50%. You may think that it's not so bad, from the point of view of health, however, the problem is not the water itself, but what it added.
Flavoring is diluted in water, and their number and quality depends on the rules of each country of origin. These chemicals, essences or flavorings are to taste the sausage more spicy or add flavor.
Salt, corn syrup andThese two ingredients are present in large quantities in all the representatives of fast food. Corn syrup is a thickener and is used to give the right consistency, texture and taste "homemade" sausage.
In addition to corn syrup, for cooking also requires salt (sodium chloride), but often its amount exceeds the norm. For example, one sausage contains nearly 500 mg of salt, i.e. 20% of the recommended daily allowance.
Sodium phosphate and potassium lactatesodium Phosphate is a sodium salt of phosphoric acid, and is another dietary Supplement. In this particular case, it interacts with proteins (which then become "useless"), increasing the juiciness and reducing water loss.
With regard to potassium lactate or potassium salt of lactic acid, it is used as acidity regulator and antioxidant. He also is a preservative for meat, because it has antimicrobial properties (kills harmful bacteria). published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: steptohealth.ru/nitrity-v-sosiskah-obrazuyut-kantserogennye-soedineniya/
Some of the components that are used in the manufacture of sausages, one of the most popular products in the world (especially in children), can cause cancer.
Recently, these results come from several studies. Consumption of sausages and especially their contained nitrites, could be a risk factor for children.Data on the consumption of sausages and their relation to certain diseasesIn one of the studies analyzed the link between the consumption of sausages and other similar products with cases of leukemia. For this, we studied the diet of children in the period from birth to 10 years.
Those who ate more than 12 hot dogs a month had nine times more susceptible to blood diseases. In addition, the risk is also present if their mothers ate at least 12 sausages a month before conception or during pregnancy.
In addition, a study conducted in Denver, USA, found that children whose mothers regularly ate (not less than once a week) during pregnancy sausages, were two times at greater risk of developing a brain tumor, almost like those who often ate this food.

Why sausages can cause cancer?One of the main problems of this meal, which is so often asked by children, is that the sausages using nitrites as a preservative to combat botulism. In the manufacture of sausages and sausages, nitrites combine with other natural components of the meat and form compounds called N-nitroso and are carcinogenic.
It is also believed that nitrites combine in the stomach to form the same substance that can cause cancer of the bladder, brain, stomach, kidney, esophagus and oral cavity. All meat industrial products contain nitrites, not just sausages. Just as dangerous to our health burgers and bacon.
At the same time, not all the dogs that can be found in the sale, on the market contain nitrites. You can easily determine which products contain nitrites by their color. If they are a nice pink color (it is associated with freshness of the meat), it is because the manufacture has been used too many preservatives.
Those sausages do not contain nitrites, have a brown or pale color. However, do not be fooled, because the manufacturers know very well what supplements can mask the content of nitrite.
First, you should only buy sausages are homemade, not industrial production. Homemade sausages are sold in small butcher shops, markets, farms and fairs. Industrial sausage you'll find on the supermarket shelf in airtight containers.
In addition, it is recommended not to eat more than 12 hot dogs a month, no matter what type it is. You can find out what brand of sausages do not contain nitrites and learn in school, where your children go, what kind of sausage they have for lunch.
Some vegetables also contain nitrites (especially green, such as lettuce, celery or spinach), however, consumption of these vegetables reduces the risk of cancer. This happens because they are not formed of the N-nitrosa even when cooked.
Nitrites in vegetables is safe, because in addition to these, vegetables contain vitamins C and D, which suppresses the production of N-nitrosa. Thus, they are not only dangerous for our health, but on the contrary, even useful.
Exactly how the sausage is made?If you are still wondering to learn more about this food or studies about the dangers of nitrites you still not fully convinced, will be a useful story about how to make these sausages. You will decide whether to continue eating them.
This is one of the most popular foods in the world that exists on the market for many years, so some of the secrets of its preparation simply need to reveal. We mean, of course, the industrial sausages, which are sold in supermarkets and are not too appetizing origin.
Doctors, nutritionists, scientists and researchers have analyzed each of the components included in the composition of sausages, which in some countries are called hot dogs, wieners or Vienna sausage. There are about 35 different types, but we will refer to the recipe of the classic "Vienna sausage". Each variety is characterized by its aroma, texture, flavor and "secret" ingredients.
Components and methods of cooking in most brands of industrial sausage production are:
Mechanically separated meatin the production of sausages mostly use poultry of different kinds, especially chicken and Turkey. Carcasses plucked and placed in a mechanical Assembly, which separates the bone from the meat. The same is done with pork and beef, but the process is more complex.
If you look at the meat for sausages in a microscope, you can see different fabric and crushed bones as well as nerves, cartilage, blood vessels, skin, etc.
Flavors and water arethe Second biggest ingredient in sausages, is water. The standards specified that no more than 10% of each sausage can be water. However, in nekotoryeh stamps was discovered to 50%. You may think that it's not so bad, from the point of view of health, however, the problem is not the water itself, but what it added.
Flavoring is diluted in water, and their number and quality depends on the rules of each country of origin. These chemicals, essences or flavorings are to taste the sausage more spicy or add flavor.
Salt, corn syrup andThese two ingredients are present in large quantities in all the representatives of fast food. Corn syrup is a thickener and is used to give the right consistency, texture and taste "homemade" sausage.
In addition to corn syrup, for cooking also requires salt (sodium chloride), but often its amount exceeds the norm. For example, one sausage contains nearly 500 mg of salt, i.e. 20% of the recommended daily allowance.
Sodium phosphate and potassium lactatesodium Phosphate is a sodium salt of phosphoric acid, and is another dietary Supplement. In this particular case, it interacts with proteins (which then become "useless"), increasing the juiciness and reducing water loss.
With regard to potassium lactate or potassium salt of lactic acid, it is used as acidity regulator and antioxidant. He also is a preservative for meat, because it has antimicrobial properties (kills harmful bacteria). published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: steptohealth.ru/nitrity-v-sosiskah-obrazuyut-kantserogennye-soedineniya/