Of all the legitimate ways to humiliate the woman most of all I hate the one that modern men are masterly. Hiding a rotten soul under the mask of free-thinking, they hang on the ears of the unfortunate tons of noodles. Lost girl herself does not understand that he is a victim...
To play the role of the free probe in the store – so I call that strange cohabitation, which many proudly refer to as "civil marriage".
In the late 90's, when stores with free samples of cosmetics just appeared in front of Schoolgirls was common that kind of fun. Every Friday before the disco they came into the store and fully painted there. Satisfied, they left and never paid for the result. And this was repeated again and again, from Friday to Friday. Do some woman want to be the eternal probe in the cosmetics shop, passing from hand to hand? I don't believe it!
I can understand people who decided to live together first. Of course, they want to know how easy it will be to put up with the constant presence and domestic habits of each other. But men who have long understood what the result of the test, and to get married not in a hurry, seem to me vile deceivers, like those Schoolgirls.
All the arguments that they cite to defend their pathetic positions easily broken to smithereens. What they are usually ready to argue:
- I do not want a long and tedious paperwork.
In fact, to register a marriage, no particular red tape and is not necessary. Went to the registry office, waited for the right time, came the witnesses for registration. It seems to me that much easier. No exams to pass is not necessary, the offices are not chase. Signed, Yes, and that's it. Now imagine what the pile of documents necessary to issue to people who intended to live in a "civil marriage" until death. Is and Testament, and a bunch of powers of attorney, various contracts for the property. Girls, don't let anyone fool you. Formal marriage is much less paperwork than a properly executed cohabitation!
— If I decide to leave me anyway, no one will hold!
You know, what can I say? If at the peak of the relationship, he is my life without you, let go! It only gets worse. For the love of a man – and it thus must be a man at the peak of the relationship – there is no greater tragedy than to lose a favorite. The idea of parting seems vile, ridiculous, responds to pain throughout the body. Normal guy want to have his woman alone. If the thought of leaving the valid – relationship is over. Sooner or later, they will break into thousands of pieces. And these are the only visible crack.
— Why spend money on some stupid tradition?
If a young person thinks this way, I want to ask him about something. If he celebrates the birthday and the New year? Congratulates the mother on March 8? Greeted with the boss? Why are all these traditions seem to him important, and marriage is not.
Overall, I have not seen even a single woman who would like to live with a man and use him with care, and married would have refused to go. Men, however, that the right and left yelling that they are single, with a girlfriend, baking him a pie, complete.
I'm certainly not forbid people to live together without a marriage. Let. But demeaning the role of women-tester I personally would be very, very confused. And you? published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: morena-morana.livejournal.com/

To play the role of the free probe in the store – so I call that strange cohabitation, which many proudly refer to as "civil marriage".
In the late 90's, when stores with free samples of cosmetics just appeared in front of Schoolgirls was common that kind of fun. Every Friday before the disco they came into the store and fully painted there. Satisfied, they left and never paid for the result. And this was repeated again and again, from Friday to Friday. Do some woman want to be the eternal probe in the cosmetics shop, passing from hand to hand? I don't believe it!
I can understand people who decided to live together first. Of course, they want to know how easy it will be to put up with the constant presence and domestic habits of each other. But men who have long understood what the result of the test, and to get married not in a hurry, seem to me vile deceivers, like those Schoolgirls.
All the arguments that they cite to defend their pathetic positions easily broken to smithereens. What they are usually ready to argue:
- I do not want a long and tedious paperwork.
In fact, to register a marriage, no particular red tape and is not necessary. Went to the registry office, waited for the right time, came the witnesses for registration. It seems to me that much easier. No exams to pass is not necessary, the offices are not chase. Signed, Yes, and that's it. Now imagine what the pile of documents necessary to issue to people who intended to live in a "civil marriage" until death. Is and Testament, and a bunch of powers of attorney, various contracts for the property. Girls, don't let anyone fool you. Formal marriage is much less paperwork than a properly executed cohabitation!
— If I decide to leave me anyway, no one will hold!
You know, what can I say? If at the peak of the relationship, he is my life without you, let go! It only gets worse. For the love of a man – and it thus must be a man at the peak of the relationship – there is no greater tragedy than to lose a favorite. The idea of parting seems vile, ridiculous, responds to pain throughout the body. Normal guy want to have his woman alone. If the thought of leaving the valid – relationship is over. Sooner or later, they will break into thousands of pieces. And these are the only visible crack.
— Why spend money on some stupid tradition?
If a young person thinks this way, I want to ask him about something. If he celebrates the birthday and the New year? Congratulates the mother on March 8? Greeted with the boss? Why are all these traditions seem to him important, and marriage is not.
Overall, I have not seen even a single woman who would like to live with a man and use him with care, and married would have refused to go. Men, however, that the right and left yelling that they are single, with a girlfriend, baking him a pie, complete.
I'm certainly not forbid people to live together without a marriage. Let. But demeaning the role of women-tester I personally would be very, very confused. And you? published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: morena-morana.livejournal.com/