Massage with cervical osteochondrosis
Through our neck is a mass of nerve endings and blood vessels between cervical discs distance is very small, and muscle mass of the neck minor. As a result of this anatomical structure, as well as lifestyle (physical inactivity, sedentary work, excessive stress on the neck, exposure to cold), our necks are often victims of osteoarthritis.
There are two main methods of treatment:
— physiotherapy;
It massage is the most effective means of treatment in cervical osteochondrosis. Through massage the muscles are getting stronger, output of salt, better blood and lymph circulation and ligaments are stretched. Consider various massage techniques neck in osteochondrosis.
Acupressure massage with cervical osteochondrosis is done on the cervical and neck area, by acting on pain acupuncture points with fingertips. Movement are against it and the hour hand, press on the point to last up to three minutes.
For honey massage with cervical osteochondrosis heat the portion of the neck with self-massage, apply the honey, squeeze his hand and abruptly tear off from the skin. After all the honey has been absorbed, you must cover the location with paper for compresses.
With cervical osteochondrosis massage cupping. You will need 1 jar and a cotton swab. The Bank to warm up on the swab to make about the 7th vertebra and massaging around it in a clockwise direction. You need to make 11-13 laps. Then perform a rectilinear movement from the bottom of the hairy part of the head to the shoulders.
Usually massage is performed lying on your stomach or sitting at the table. However, if to quench the pain in the neck you need right away, and massage therapist on hand, you can easily master the techniques of cervical massage by yourself.
Begin the massage by stroking her palms on the neck and shoulders, then proceed to circular movements with fingertips.
Acupressure massage with cervical osteochondrosis. Pay special attention to the seals of the shoulder girdle, as well as "drilling" between the vertebrae. Do the stroking, rubbing and kneading from the scalp, down to the trapezius muscle. Massage done on the neck area: first, massaging the muscles in a circle at the base of the neck, then performing stroking the neck area.
Cervical osteochondrosis requires not only treatment but also prevention. Flexing his neck in moments of particular stress: sitting at a Desk, at a computer at work, you will not only be saved from osteoarthritis, but will also establish circulation to the brain, which will also increase your ability to work. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/akademia.zdorovia?w=wall200282736_2883
There are two main methods of treatment:
— physiotherapy;
It massage is the most effective means of treatment in cervical osteochondrosis. Through massage the muscles are getting stronger, output of salt, better blood and lymph circulation and ligaments are stretched. Consider various massage techniques neck in osteochondrosis.
Acupressure massage with cervical osteochondrosis is done on the cervical and neck area, by acting on pain acupuncture points with fingertips. Movement are against it and the hour hand, press on the point to last up to three minutes.
For honey massage with cervical osteochondrosis heat the portion of the neck with self-massage, apply the honey, squeeze his hand and abruptly tear off from the skin. After all the honey has been absorbed, you must cover the location with paper for compresses.
With cervical osteochondrosis massage cupping. You will need 1 jar and a cotton swab. The Bank to warm up on the swab to make about the 7th vertebra and massaging around it in a clockwise direction. You need to make 11-13 laps. Then perform a rectilinear movement from the bottom of the hairy part of the head to the shoulders.
Usually massage is performed lying on your stomach or sitting at the table. However, if to quench the pain in the neck you need right away, and massage therapist on hand, you can easily master the techniques of cervical massage by yourself.
Begin the massage by stroking her palms on the neck and shoulders, then proceed to circular movements with fingertips.
Acupressure massage with cervical osteochondrosis. Pay special attention to the seals of the shoulder girdle, as well as "drilling" between the vertebrae. Do the stroking, rubbing and kneading from the scalp, down to the trapezius muscle. Massage done on the neck area: first, massaging the muscles in a circle at the base of the neck, then performing stroking the neck area.
Cervical osteochondrosis requires not only treatment but also prevention. Flexing his neck in moments of particular stress: sitting at a Desk, at a computer at work, you will not only be saved from osteoarthritis, but will also establish circulation to the brain, which will also increase your ability to work. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/akademia.zdorovia?w=wall200282736_2883