Detoxification: what you need to know in order not to harm health
You are what you eat.Hippocrates
According to Wikipedia, a detox is the destruction and neutralization of various toxic substances in chemical, physical or biological methods. In our understanding it is an intense cleaning of the body using fluids from toxins left by food and additives, beverages, tobacco, pollution... basically, the body needs to cope with the slag itself, but sometimes needs help. It is important to determine when and in what form to provide this assistance because it is not as harmless as we like to think.
Doctors in various specialties therapists, dieticians, nutritionist unanimously assert that the detoxification procedure must be carried out within two-three days max to avoid deficiency of essential for the body's elements are not more than two times a year. Ideal – in the fall (before winter and confrontation to seasonal viruses) and spring (shaking of the body).
Optionally one of these procedures can be held in the beginning of the year after Christmas and new year feasts. Important for us is the principle: detox – not a diet, because of its intensive nature, it does not allow for long-term use. In General, the meaning of detoxification is clear.
Now let's talk about how to treat it? In the truest sense of the expression
Mono, juice and bitters in any quantity
Before you fill the refrigerator relevant products, select the right moment. What would you say to friends, "hooked on juice" (juice junkies), the upcoming program will not be easy, so it's best to schedule it for the weekend. As you can see, detoxification involves drinking a liquid meal. In your Arsenal of soups (water and fat-free, of course), juice of fresh fruits and vegetables, infusions of plants with diuretic and cleansing effect.
Bonus: many products – antioxidants also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect that immediately affects the skin condition and complexion. Black radish, beets, red cabbage, leeks, roots and celery stalks, artichoke, asparagus, watercress, spinach, lemon, Apple, plum, stalks of cherry, birch.... All this can mix to taste, and build according to your taste.
From the diet at the time of the procedure is completely excluded meat, fish, fats, gluten and sugar. You can drink water and green tea (for example, a series of Detox from Kusmi Tea — Yerba mate, green with lemon balm), herbal teas – no coffee, soda or alcohol.
There is a very convenient option. Some companies offer ready-made detox kits with home delivery. Sometimes during the procedure to lengthen due to a more balanced diet developed by experts of such services. For example, the company Detox Delight offers a range of Juice & Dinner Delight, for five days. It is composed of fruit juices and colored soups in the evening, vegetarian dishes, e.g., steamed spinach and tofu with buckwheat noodles (soba), carrot and Butternut squash Butternut (the cost of the five-day procedure 299 €). If you are a beginner, contact KitchenDiet. Medic nutritionist and chef Mauro colagreco (Mauro Colagreco, winner of two Michelin stars) gives you a five-day menu with home delivery.The first two days: juices and soups colored (yellow, green or red), two soy yogurt and raw vegetables. The next three days: a gradual return to proteins of animal origin (salmon steak with artichoke, celery and watercress with lemon or mackerel with a taste of Oriental spices).
Nutrition, yoga, reflexology: learn to listen to your body
Medicine understands how useful is the mono-diet based, for example, apples and grapes, which are eaten kilograms within three days. However, fasting day once a week never hurt anyone – you can prefer one, but very useful product – baked apples (great for winter evenings) or carrots.
In addition to the food, you need to think about the right organization of his life. For cleansing the body is not enough to involve the liver and stomach, it is necessary to accordingly configure your consciousness, thoughts, to learn healing breath. And then a diet will cease to be the result of an effort of the will, on the contrary – you will learn to listen to your body and understand its needs. It provides yoga craze that is breaking all records in the Western world, and quite deservedly. Learning breathing and special postures leads, among other things, removal of harmful substances from the body. Taking challenging position, we compress the organs and contribute to a more intense burst of blood and in it of toxins. When you return to the starting position, on the contrary, the body supplied with blood rich in oxygen. A certain effect also has plantar reflexology. Pressing on the acupuncture points under the arch of the foot, the therapist can stimulate the bladder, liver, spleen, kidneys and help "scrutinise" stomach.
To summarize
Detoxification is not a diet, weight loss is not its purpose.
In its purest form, this procedure should not last more than three days. In any case, consult with your doctor.
Detoxification can not be recommended for pregnant and lactating women, teenagers, diabetics and people with syndrome extreme fatigue.
Detoxification is carried out twice a year. The remaining time will be devoted to the rejection of bad habits))) Be careful with the alcohol, sugar, fats. Don't overuse cheese and red meat.
Eat more fruits and vegetables in its natural form, giving your body with fresh vitamins. Often give up coffee in favor of green tea.
Exercise, yoga! Or at least exercise.
The bottom line is: do yourself and listen to your own body. And let this phrase be your motto in the coming year! Be healthy! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.paris-chance.ru/krasota/eksperty/detoksikaciya-organizma-chto-nuzhno-ob-etom-znat/
According to Wikipedia, a detox is the destruction and neutralization of various toxic substances in chemical, physical or biological methods. In our understanding it is an intense cleaning of the body using fluids from toxins left by food and additives, beverages, tobacco, pollution... basically, the body needs to cope with the slag itself, but sometimes needs help. It is important to determine when and in what form to provide this assistance because it is not as harmless as we like to think.
Doctors in various specialties therapists, dieticians, nutritionist unanimously assert that the detoxification procedure must be carried out within two-three days max to avoid deficiency of essential for the body's elements are not more than two times a year. Ideal – in the fall (before winter and confrontation to seasonal viruses) and spring (shaking of the body).
Optionally one of these procedures can be held in the beginning of the year after Christmas and new year feasts. Important for us is the principle: detox – not a diet, because of its intensive nature, it does not allow for long-term use. In General, the meaning of detoxification is clear.
Now let's talk about how to treat it? In the truest sense of the expression
Mono, juice and bitters in any quantity
Before you fill the refrigerator relevant products, select the right moment. What would you say to friends, "hooked on juice" (juice junkies), the upcoming program will not be easy, so it's best to schedule it for the weekend. As you can see, detoxification involves drinking a liquid meal. In your Arsenal of soups (water and fat-free, of course), juice of fresh fruits and vegetables, infusions of plants with diuretic and cleansing effect.
Bonus: many products – antioxidants also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect that immediately affects the skin condition and complexion. Black radish, beets, red cabbage, leeks, roots and celery stalks, artichoke, asparagus, watercress, spinach, lemon, Apple, plum, stalks of cherry, birch.... All this can mix to taste, and build according to your taste.
From the diet at the time of the procedure is completely excluded meat, fish, fats, gluten and sugar. You can drink water and green tea (for example, a series of Detox from Kusmi Tea — Yerba mate, green with lemon balm), herbal teas – no coffee, soda or alcohol.
There is a very convenient option. Some companies offer ready-made detox kits with home delivery. Sometimes during the procedure to lengthen due to a more balanced diet developed by experts of such services. For example, the company Detox Delight offers a range of Juice & Dinner Delight, for five days. It is composed of fruit juices and colored soups in the evening, vegetarian dishes, e.g., steamed spinach and tofu with buckwheat noodles (soba), carrot and Butternut squash Butternut (the cost of the five-day procedure 299 €). If you are a beginner, contact KitchenDiet. Medic nutritionist and chef Mauro colagreco (Mauro Colagreco, winner of two Michelin stars) gives you a five-day menu with home delivery.The first two days: juices and soups colored (yellow, green or red), two soy yogurt and raw vegetables. The next three days: a gradual return to proteins of animal origin (salmon steak with artichoke, celery and watercress with lemon or mackerel with a taste of Oriental spices).
Nutrition, yoga, reflexology: learn to listen to your body
Medicine understands how useful is the mono-diet based, for example, apples and grapes, which are eaten kilograms within three days. However, fasting day once a week never hurt anyone – you can prefer one, but very useful product – baked apples (great for winter evenings) or carrots.
In addition to the food, you need to think about the right organization of his life. For cleansing the body is not enough to involve the liver and stomach, it is necessary to accordingly configure your consciousness, thoughts, to learn healing breath. And then a diet will cease to be the result of an effort of the will, on the contrary – you will learn to listen to your body and understand its needs. It provides yoga craze that is breaking all records in the Western world, and quite deservedly. Learning breathing and special postures leads, among other things, removal of harmful substances from the body. Taking challenging position, we compress the organs and contribute to a more intense burst of blood and in it of toxins. When you return to the starting position, on the contrary, the body supplied with blood rich in oxygen. A certain effect also has plantar reflexology. Pressing on the acupuncture points under the arch of the foot, the therapist can stimulate the bladder, liver, spleen, kidneys and help "scrutinise" stomach.
To summarize
Detoxification is not a diet, weight loss is not its purpose.
In its purest form, this procedure should not last more than three days. In any case, consult with your doctor.
Detoxification can not be recommended for pregnant and lactating women, teenagers, diabetics and people with syndrome extreme fatigue.
Detoxification is carried out twice a year. The remaining time will be devoted to the rejection of bad habits))) Be careful with the alcohol, sugar, fats. Don't overuse cheese and red meat.
Eat more fruits and vegetables in its natural form, giving your body with fresh vitamins. Often give up coffee in favor of green tea.
Exercise, yoga! Or at least exercise.
The bottom line is: do yourself and listen to your own body. And let this phrase be your motto in the coming year! Be healthy! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.paris-chance.ru/krasota/eksperty/detoksikaciya-organizma-chto-nuzhno-ob-etom-znat/