The path of Magnet: able to attract what you want
Everyone wants to be a magnet, drawing to itself a pleasant event, but everyone is already a magnet, attracting to themselves that stick.
A large part of the population begins to think about it, when getting into, like a fly to sticky this shit while trying to take off the wings come off.
Women think about their "wrong magnetism", to run into a relationship with "the wrong man", men come to mind: "something is wrong", when you are unable to earn, and from all patients in the hours of suffering, prayers go, "God, why do I deserve this".
So, something to attract. Not always that pleasant now. But if you look in depth, that attract either life or through death a new life.That is, either create your self right here and now, or destroy what now prevents the new Ya.
Whether we like or not, we serve Life. Probably not even his. For example, the life of worms.
Forty nine million four hundred twenty nine thousand eight hundred eighty nine
The moral is obvious: people — attracting creatures. And to be able to attract not only negative, but also what you want mind they need to know a few rules:
1.We attract events, not thoughts, and radiated into the world of emotional States.
For example, radiating joy, we attract to it other people who unconsciously take it as excess energy. Feeling in need of any manifestation (lack of money, loneliness, sickness), we demonstrate to others the intention to receive their energy from what they unconsciously choose to move away from the additional power drain.
2.Events in response to our emotional response drawn not immediately but with a delay.
Between conceived and implemented in reality have a time — delay of 40 days. It happens to us what we sowed in themselves (felt) 40 days ago. So often we don't see the connection between cause and effect. But the connection is nonetheless there. It is important to remember that sown, all will sprout. It follows the third rule.
3.To be in a positive state and radiate it outwards, you need to reprogram your past.
And earlier the past affect future events. For example, the negative experience of school is already programmed emotions, experienced in breast period. And a baby is formed by the emotions of his parents.
Reprogramming the past is changing neural connections in the brain and hormonal background of a person.
There are many ways of reprogramming the past, and one of the strongest I think technique is an Individual Placement where there is no any misrepresentation on the part of the group or the leader.
The goal of reprogramming the past is to create a stable perception of the experience of life in which the individual feels (i.e., generates in the world) loved, cherished, strong and meaningful. The constant emission of such a sense of self is a guarantee of constant attraction of favorable events.
4.Pause in expectations between feeling (generation) and the occurrence of the desired event should be absent.
Waiting is also an emotional state, which means suffering in a latent form. Waiting means that at the moment people unhappy. Right now he is laying the seeds of suffering that will grow in 40 days. So I say that wait for the result of ruining the result. In this case, it is necessary to reveal the true cause hidden in the past.
5.Letting go of expectations and enjoying the moment is the main ability of people with Pobeditelem the script of life, where people set goals, but goes to them not to obtain happiness, but of happiness and Power.
Letting go of expectations is possible only under the condition that man does not live from "WANT to", and "WANT to GIVE". The giver is guaranteed to receive.
6.Giving should be relevant.
You cannot give what you do not ask and force. Want to give first finds out what the other needs, and then helps him self to reach his goals.
Respect for the way of the other, despite the difficulties of running, gets the respect of the giver.
7.Filling time dedication, no time to wait and suffer. 40 days given will begin to return and reinforce properly laid path, the path of the Winner — a magnetic personality. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: markifraimov.ru/?p=3217#more-3217
A large part of the population begins to think about it, when getting into, like a fly to sticky this shit while trying to take off the wings come off.
Women think about their "wrong magnetism", to run into a relationship with "the wrong man", men come to mind: "something is wrong", when you are unable to earn, and from all patients in the hours of suffering, prayers go, "God, why do I deserve this".
So, something to attract. Not always that pleasant now. But if you look in depth, that attract either life or through death a new life.That is, either create your self right here and now, or destroy what now prevents the new Ya.
Whether we like or not, we serve Life. Probably not even his. For example, the life of worms.
Forty nine million four hundred twenty nine thousand eight hundred eighty nine
The moral is obvious: people — attracting creatures. And to be able to attract not only negative, but also what you want mind they need to know a few rules:
1.We attract events, not thoughts, and radiated into the world of emotional States.
For example, radiating joy, we attract to it other people who unconsciously take it as excess energy. Feeling in need of any manifestation (lack of money, loneliness, sickness), we demonstrate to others the intention to receive their energy from what they unconsciously choose to move away from the additional power drain.
2.Events in response to our emotional response drawn not immediately but with a delay.
Between conceived and implemented in reality have a time — delay of 40 days. It happens to us what we sowed in themselves (felt) 40 days ago. So often we don't see the connection between cause and effect. But the connection is nonetheless there. It is important to remember that sown, all will sprout. It follows the third rule.
3.To be in a positive state and radiate it outwards, you need to reprogram your past.
And earlier the past affect future events. For example, the negative experience of school is already programmed emotions, experienced in breast period. And a baby is formed by the emotions of his parents.
Reprogramming the past is changing neural connections in the brain and hormonal background of a person.
There are many ways of reprogramming the past, and one of the strongest I think technique is an Individual Placement where there is no any misrepresentation on the part of the group or the leader.
The goal of reprogramming the past is to create a stable perception of the experience of life in which the individual feels (i.e., generates in the world) loved, cherished, strong and meaningful. The constant emission of such a sense of self is a guarantee of constant attraction of favorable events.
4.Pause in expectations between feeling (generation) and the occurrence of the desired event should be absent.
Waiting is also an emotional state, which means suffering in a latent form. Waiting means that at the moment people unhappy. Right now he is laying the seeds of suffering that will grow in 40 days. So I say that wait for the result of ruining the result. In this case, it is necessary to reveal the true cause hidden in the past.
5.Letting go of expectations and enjoying the moment is the main ability of people with Pobeditelem the script of life, where people set goals, but goes to them not to obtain happiness, but of happiness and Power.
Letting go of expectations is possible only under the condition that man does not live from "WANT to", and "WANT to GIVE". The giver is guaranteed to receive.
6.Giving should be relevant.
You cannot give what you do not ask and force. Want to give first finds out what the other needs, and then helps him self to reach his goals.
Respect for the way of the other, despite the difficulties of running, gets the respect of the giver.
7.Filling time dedication, no time to wait and suffer. 40 days given will begin to return and reinforce properly laid path, the path of the Winner — a magnetic personality. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: markifraimov.ru/?p=3217#more-3217