Candy quince
Quince — a very interesting fruit. Solid, irregular in shape, but so fragrant!
She's very good stewed with meat, or stuffed.
We used to make a lovely autumn soup with balsamic vinegar and bacon.
But the most delicious way of its application is a jam or candy, preserving delicate quince fragrance.
Since we love cheese and we have a quince, and the sweetness of it is traditionally served with cheese, I had to go looking for the recipe. And he found!
Wash the quinces, if very rough and with small hairs, then RUB the brush, cut into quarters, remove the seeds (the skin is not cleaned!!!), cover with water, add sliced into quarters lemon, and boil until soft (about 30 minutes).
Drain, discard lemon, quince to remove skin (cooked, she removed more than easy), slice it into small pieces, cover with sugar and cook over medium heat until thick, stirring occasionally.
Ive gradually will change color, starting with pink — up to first light brown (at this stage you can turn off if you like "creamy" pasta, so that you can not only cut, but also smear), and then dark brown.
When the mass is quite thick and brown (about 60-80 minutes), remove from heat, blend until smooth (or RUB through a sieve), return to fire and cook another 10-15 min.
The prepared mixture is hot pour into a rectangular dish (tableware to lubricate anything not necessary, the finished candy will come off no problem), allow to cool. Frozen candy is cut into pieces, wrap in cling film and store in the fridge."
Our changes and clarifications:
instead of lemon took red orange (blood orange) cut in quarters. When cooking the quince and sugar poured the juice of one red orange.
A strong influence on the taste of marshmallow orange does not have, leaving only a slight aftertaste.
3 medium quince (650 g) went 500 g of sugar, 2 small orange.
Cooking time — 1 hour, the consistency turned out dense. Candy when purinovmi filled the air and brightened.
After cooling (it is better to give it rest in the fridge for a couple of days for aging) slice with a hot wet knife.
The candy is more soft consistency can be cut without such tricks.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: zveruska.livejournal.com/39955.html
She's very good stewed with meat, or stuffed.
We used to make a lovely autumn soup with balsamic vinegar and bacon.
But the most delicious way of its application is a jam or candy, preserving delicate quince fragrance.
Since we love cheese and we have a quince, and the sweetness of it is traditionally served with cheese, I had to go looking for the recipe. And he found!

- 1 kg of quince
- 800 g of sugar
- 1 lemon
Wash the quinces, if very rough and with small hairs, then RUB the brush, cut into quarters, remove the seeds (the skin is not cleaned!!!), cover with water, add sliced into quarters lemon, and boil until soft (about 30 minutes).
Drain, discard lemon, quince to remove skin (cooked, she removed more than easy), slice it into small pieces, cover with sugar and cook over medium heat until thick, stirring occasionally.
Ive gradually will change color, starting with pink — up to first light brown (at this stage you can turn off if you like "creamy" pasta, so that you can not only cut, but also smear), and then dark brown.
When the mass is quite thick and brown (about 60-80 minutes), remove from heat, blend until smooth (or RUB through a sieve), return to fire and cook another 10-15 min.
The prepared mixture is hot pour into a rectangular dish (tableware to lubricate anything not necessary, the finished candy will come off no problem), allow to cool. Frozen candy is cut into pieces, wrap in cling film and store in the fridge."
Our changes and clarifications:
instead of lemon took red orange (blood orange) cut in quarters. When cooking the quince and sugar poured the juice of one red orange.
A strong influence on the taste of marshmallow orange does not have, leaving only a slight aftertaste.
3 medium quince (650 g) went 500 g of sugar, 2 small orange.
Cooking time — 1 hour, the consistency turned out dense. Candy when purinovmi filled the air and brightened.
After cooling (it is better to give it rest in the fridge for a couple of days for aging) slice with a hot wet knife.
The candy is more soft consistency can be cut without such tricks.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: zveruska.livejournal.com/39955.html