Getting rid of cellulite with essential oils

As we know, essential oils have a beneficial effect on the whole body and improve well-being, raise mood. They are also not indispensable in the care of skin, hair and nails. With the help of essential oils, it is possible to increase the efficiency and anti-cellulite agents.

It is enough to mix one or more of them with cosmetic oil or body cream and carry out a massage procedure. You can also take baths with essential oils and fight cellulite, relaxing.

Here is a list of essential oils from cellulite:

Orange sweet (normalizes carbohydrate and fat metabolism, removes toxins)

Bergamot real (regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract)

Geranium fragrant (regulates the liver and kidneys)

Grapefruit (stimulates activity of the lymphatic system)

Atlas cedar (increases skin elasticity)

Evergreen cypress (strengthens fragile vessels)

Lavender is real (reduces blood cholesterol levels)

Lemon (prevents varicose veins)

Mandarin (regulates the gastrointestinal tract and liver)

Juniper ordinary (increases the elasticity of blood vessels, relieves swelling)

Neroli (promotes weight loss, eliminates striae)

Rosemary medicinal (stimulates the liver, tightens flabby skin)

Western Tuya (helps to get rid of striae, increases skin elasticity)

Fennel ordinary (cleanses the body, removes toxins)

All these essential oils are effective in getting rid of cellulite. You can buy them all at once, or several, or even one. I usually buy orange and mandarin essential oils for anti-cellulite massage, sometimes using juniper and grapefruit. I mix them with olive oil and do a vacuum massage with cans. The result is visible from the first procedure.

You can prepare the compositions of essential oils yourself, at your discretion, or use ready-made recipes. In any case, the effect of using essential oils from cellulite is much higher than from ordinary store creams.

P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption – together we change the world!

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