In search of lost energy
Energy is one of the most beautiful miracles of life and one of the most important mysteries for humanity. We can be full of energy after a sleepless night, or we can lie down early and sleep well, and the next morning be “boiled” and weak.
It happens that a five-minute conversation can suddenly drain all our resources, and sometimes we feel tired and sluggish all day, but in the evening ready to move mountains. And here is another phenomenon: it happens that we are absolutely powerless, but can not close an eye all night. How to accumulate this invisible life force without wasting its precious reserves, and at the same time live fully and actively? Let's try to find an answer to that question.
Protect yourself from vampires.
Everyone knows that good nutrition, exercise and good sleep bring us energy and promote health. But life, often, is somewhat more complicated than on the pages of magazines about a healthy lifestyle. For example, one day, quite accidentally, we may meet. The energy vampire who “without noise and dust” will drink to a drop our precious power, which we so diligently filled..
Yes, yes, these people do exist and often do not want to harm us at all, but they drain our energy every time we come into contact with them (or even just stay in the same room). How do you defend yourself? Without panic, we won't need a bunch of garlic or a silver dagger. All we use to protect ourselves is our imagination.
Let's try to visualize our "" aura "" — the subtle energy sheath that surrounds us. Do you feel like you’re getting weaker by the second? Imagine yourself at this moment in the center of a shimmering golden (or transparent) ball, whose walls, like a powerful shield, are impervious to any invasion, and do not let your energy through. Inside the magic ball, you are completely safe and can be yourself. This method will allow you to mentally protect yourself from external attacks and direct your attention to yourself.
Stop feeding emotions
One of the most obvious causes of energy loss is our negative emotions. Anger, irritation... Emotions take away the lion’s share of our powers if we...leave them unaddressed. Paradoxically, the fact is that in order to calm an exaggerated emotion, you need to concentrate on it. Breathing will help.
If the emotion conquers you, feel it in your body, try to find the exact location of it. Does it come from the heart, from the throat, or from the stomach? Caught? Great, now take a deep breath and imagine the air coming into that point, and now breathe out.
When you get back to yourself this way, try to use the energy for something useful: disassemble the closet, or go for a run. The ability to manage your energy allows you to become the master of your life.
Be yourself.
To be full of energy, it is very important to be sincere to yourself. We spend a huge amount of energy on fulfilling tasks and obligations that do not give us joy, and which we perform out of “duty” or because “it is necessary.” Surprisingly, the desire to like others, or to conform to someone’s opinion seriously depletes our energy reserves. Australian author Barry Logue writes more about this phenomenon in Only Fear Dies (1994).
Another cause of energy loss is black thoughts. Every time we experience jealousy or envy, longing or anxiety, our energy will rush away from us, and we will quickly feel exhausted, even without physical effort.
And of course, if we constantly complain about our fate, it will definitely not give us vigor. With a smile, accept what life gives you and calm your restless mind.For example, with the help of breathing exercises of yoga – pranayama, it will allow us to be again filled with energy. And let us not forget about such powerful sources of inner strength as not trivial joy and love.
Use energy wisely
There are many ways to store energy. Hatha Yoga, Tai Chi, Prayer... But even if you have mastered the art of replenishment with life force, now you need to learn how to spend it correctly.
You have to choose the path of dreamers. Why? Only true dreamers can live fully. Their energy flows to the dream, to the intended goal, and is not spent on excess.
Ask yourself: How do I use my energy? What would I like to do? And if you get a clear answer, feel free to give your energy to a new goal. Putting your strength in the right direction will harmonize the rhythm of your life. In addition, with this attitude, your dream risks being realized very quickly.
Presence in the moment
Energy allows us to live, but how do we live? Can we say with a smile of satisfaction that our lives are beautiful and harmonious, our actions are measured and precise, and our every word is worth its weight in gold? Unfortunately, not always.
But this is our true nature, and we can return to it. You can start by getting rid of bad habits. Everyday, aimless and unconscious actions drain our energy and distance us from the actual living of the moment.
Barry Long recommends, for example, to stop drumming your fingers on the table or rubbing your hair while talking. Another important point is to say the words only in substance, without turning the conversation into chatter. Paying attention to our behavior at any point in the day will close the energy drain and bring us back to the here and now.
As we continue to think about the present moment, let us not forget that A tremendous amount of energy goes into thinking and feeling about the past.
Try to spend less time in something that no longer exists, to the point of talking less about the past. Return to the present moment and plunge into real life – full of sounds, fragrances, inspiration, ideas and... vital energy.
Credit Alexandra Urson
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: vegjournal.ru/psihologiya/samopoznanie/1467-v-poiskakh-utrachennoy-energii.html
It happens that a five-minute conversation can suddenly drain all our resources, and sometimes we feel tired and sluggish all day, but in the evening ready to move mountains. And here is another phenomenon: it happens that we are absolutely powerless, but can not close an eye all night. How to accumulate this invisible life force without wasting its precious reserves, and at the same time live fully and actively? Let's try to find an answer to that question.
Protect yourself from vampires.
Everyone knows that good nutrition, exercise and good sleep bring us energy and promote health. But life, often, is somewhat more complicated than on the pages of magazines about a healthy lifestyle. For example, one day, quite accidentally, we may meet. The energy vampire who “without noise and dust” will drink to a drop our precious power, which we so diligently filled..
Yes, yes, these people do exist and often do not want to harm us at all, but they drain our energy every time we come into contact with them (or even just stay in the same room). How do you defend yourself? Without panic, we won't need a bunch of garlic or a silver dagger. All we use to protect ourselves is our imagination.
Let's try to visualize our "" aura "" — the subtle energy sheath that surrounds us. Do you feel like you’re getting weaker by the second? Imagine yourself at this moment in the center of a shimmering golden (or transparent) ball, whose walls, like a powerful shield, are impervious to any invasion, and do not let your energy through. Inside the magic ball, you are completely safe and can be yourself. This method will allow you to mentally protect yourself from external attacks and direct your attention to yourself.
Stop feeding emotions
One of the most obvious causes of energy loss is our negative emotions. Anger, irritation... Emotions take away the lion’s share of our powers if we...leave them unaddressed. Paradoxically, the fact is that in order to calm an exaggerated emotion, you need to concentrate on it. Breathing will help.
If the emotion conquers you, feel it in your body, try to find the exact location of it. Does it come from the heart, from the throat, or from the stomach? Caught? Great, now take a deep breath and imagine the air coming into that point, and now breathe out.
When you get back to yourself this way, try to use the energy for something useful: disassemble the closet, or go for a run. The ability to manage your energy allows you to become the master of your life.
Be yourself.
To be full of energy, it is very important to be sincere to yourself. We spend a huge amount of energy on fulfilling tasks and obligations that do not give us joy, and which we perform out of “duty” or because “it is necessary.” Surprisingly, the desire to like others, or to conform to someone’s opinion seriously depletes our energy reserves. Australian author Barry Logue writes more about this phenomenon in Only Fear Dies (1994).
Another cause of energy loss is black thoughts. Every time we experience jealousy or envy, longing or anxiety, our energy will rush away from us, and we will quickly feel exhausted, even without physical effort.
And of course, if we constantly complain about our fate, it will definitely not give us vigor. With a smile, accept what life gives you and calm your restless mind.For example, with the help of breathing exercises of yoga – pranayama, it will allow us to be again filled with energy. And let us not forget about such powerful sources of inner strength as not trivial joy and love.
Use energy wisely
There are many ways to store energy. Hatha Yoga, Tai Chi, Prayer... But even if you have mastered the art of replenishment with life force, now you need to learn how to spend it correctly.
You have to choose the path of dreamers. Why? Only true dreamers can live fully. Their energy flows to the dream, to the intended goal, and is not spent on excess.
Ask yourself: How do I use my energy? What would I like to do? And if you get a clear answer, feel free to give your energy to a new goal. Putting your strength in the right direction will harmonize the rhythm of your life. In addition, with this attitude, your dream risks being realized very quickly.
Presence in the moment
Energy allows us to live, but how do we live? Can we say with a smile of satisfaction that our lives are beautiful and harmonious, our actions are measured and precise, and our every word is worth its weight in gold? Unfortunately, not always.
But this is our true nature, and we can return to it. You can start by getting rid of bad habits. Everyday, aimless and unconscious actions drain our energy and distance us from the actual living of the moment.
Barry Long recommends, for example, to stop drumming your fingers on the table or rubbing your hair while talking. Another important point is to say the words only in substance, without turning the conversation into chatter. Paying attention to our behavior at any point in the day will close the energy drain and bring us back to the here and now.
As we continue to think about the present moment, let us not forget that A tremendous amount of energy goes into thinking and feeling about the past.
Try to spend less time in something that no longer exists, to the point of talking less about the past. Return to the present moment and plunge into real life – full of sounds, fragrances, inspiration, ideas and... vital energy.
Credit Alexandra Urson
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vegjournal.ru/psihologiya/samopoznanie/1467-v-poiskakh-utrachennoy-energii.html