What you need for a good life—3 MAIN LESSON
TED talk presents the results of the longest study of happiness in the world.
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This study started in 1938 at Harvard. Were selected two groups: one consisted of Harvard students (boys), the second of the boys of the poorest families of Boston, most of which the house had no running water. In total, the study involved about 800 people.
Throughout life, every two years the boys, and then men were examined by doctors and psychologists, they were given IQ tests, interviewed them and their families, took their blood and scan the brain. In fact, initially it was research not happiness, and health. The researchers wanted to find out what protects against heart disease, life expectancy, etc.
And this is the result of 75 years of this incredibly massive correlation study:
(drum roll)
health and happiness is significantly associated most strongly (without competitors) there is only one thing, and it
(drum roll)
A good relationship. That's it.
Three main lessons:
Loneliness kills. Lonely people get sick more, are less happy and die sooner. Their brain works worse, cognitive functions decline earlier.
Close relationships protect against this.
The most interesting thing is not the quantity of social ties, and in their quality. You can be lonely in a crowd you can be lonely in marriage. A bad relationship, such as marriage conflict, inflict heavy damage to health, and, of course, happiness. While trusting and close relationship in marriage has the opposite effect.
Last but not least, a good relationship not only protect the body but the psyche. In 80 years, the memory is significantly better in people who have a partner on whom you can rely on. This sense of “rely” is the key. Such couples can make a long hassle and often have conflicts (actually, conflict is necessary for a good relationship), this sense of unconditional trust and security.
It is sad that a huge percentage of people feel very alone – about 20% of Americans. It would be interesting to know the data we have.
Still sad that the majority of millenials, that is, the current young and working (most reading this) think that to be happy they need a career, money and fame, but not the relationship.
So did the participants of the study. But they were wrong. And now we're wrong.
The whole point of love.published
Author: Igor Bigdan
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: ibigdan.livejournal.com/18327733.html
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