How to communicate to a memory of you bring a smile

A good relationship is always warm and bright emotions which I would like to share with everyone. But how to communicate, make new friends and to do so after a conversation with the person you smiled at? This was told by Jim Fannin (Jim Fannin), the author of famous books on psychology.
The website publishes simple tips that will make you a master of communication.
- Starting with someone a conversation, tell yourself, "I'm glad it turned out right here, right now." People will feel it.
- Make compliments, though trifling, but it's nice.
- Not necessarily at the end of the conversation to Express their point of view or give comments.
- Treat people the way you would like them to treat you. Speak and act calmly and politely. Avoid sarcasm if you want to make a joke.

- Be attentive to the tunes of the conversation. Note the time when the tone starts to change from positive to negative.
- Ask great questions and you will get great answers.
- 90 seconds — this should pass, before you speak about what you do not like or with which you disagree. Usually, subsequently it all seems a trifle.
- Rejoice something together. Positive emotions are experienced together, bring together.

- It is not necessary to speak as a victim or as a judge, it looks ugly.
- Very carefully speak about sex, religion and politics.
- Tell the person what he can, that he's gorgeous, and not Vice versa.
- Always in the conversation, search for common ground " and assume that each act had good intentions.
- Don't interrupt, listening skills is well worth it.
- Make a warm farewell and heartfelt, it is in your power. And the soul will be warm.

- Smile, and even better share your smiles.
- When you notice that your partner becomes overly self-critical and scold yourself boldly with it do not agree!
- Celebrate your good intentions and give thanks for them.
- Do not try to fill the arisen pause during a conversation.
- Always tell the truth, it was noble.
Photo previews of the CW Network "Gossip girl"
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