8 ways to replace the gym one cat

cats - one of the most endearing, and now the most useful domestic animals. They can help you get a beautiful figure in the case, if you do not have time at the gym. < Website is your kotogimnastiku
Kotoprised Squats -. Important part of any program. And Boris is an exercise becomes even more effective. Do 2-3 sets of 20 times.

Swing for Boris the cat will help stretch your back by using a very simple and effective exercises. Lean and work out rocking motion from side to side - 2 sets of 10 times

Hold cat hostage It's almost the same as when you are afraid to stand up, because the cat to sleep on your stomach. Only now it is useful for the upper abdominal muscles. Lie on your back and lift your upper body, while not taking the waist from the floor. There are 3 sets of 30 seconds.

Côte astronaut "Of course, the previous exercise was just a warm-up," - says Boris. Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the press. Lie on your back and lift the arms and legs - 2 sets of 10 times

Shaolin cat legendary Shaolin monks stand for arm muscles, legs and back in kotofitnese. There are 3 sets of 30 seconds.

Bow kotobozhestvu "exercises for the lower back is extremely important," - reminiscent of Boris. Bend forward at 90 °, and 30 seconds so hang with arms outstretched, do 2 sets.

Kotokach Boris biceps that is necessary, and it will result in your biceps in shape. Sit on a chair or stool, and then bend the arm's length - 2-3 sets of 15 times, the cat will help you with this

Kotopodnesenie Strengthening whole body for the most resistant and hardy. Exhibitor with one foot forward and stretch your arms as if you present your cat. 30 seconds, 2-3 approach. Boris recommends.

be with you kotosila!

Photographer Roman Zakharchenko, model Olga Zakharchenko The site specifically for
See also:
15 exercises, the result of which you will see in the mirror
10 exercises that can be done in the office, and no one even notices
10 water exercises for a thin waist and shapely legs perfectly
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