Top-3 from fish salads
Decorate the table with festive salad with fish.
1. Salad with red fish, tomatoes and mushrooms
- 200 grams of salted salmon or trout,
- 150 g pickled mushrooms (champignon),
- 4 tomatoes,
- 1 bell pepper,
- 1-2 red onions,
- Lettuce,
- 1 bunch of dill,
- 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
- 2 tsp.. lemon juice,
- 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce.
Marinated mushrooms wash, cut into pieces and extinguish 3-5 minutes in a little water and soy sauce. Then cool.
All components are cut. The fish is cut into oblong slices, onions thin half-rings, pepper strips and tomatoes into thin slices. Half tear lettuce, dill finely chopped.
On the whole, portioned plate put lettuce leaves on them lay torn lettuce leaves, then all the ingredients and pour vegetable oil, whipped with lemon juice, then sprinkle with dill.
2. Salad of herring and cheese
- 2 pickled herring,
- 2 boiled potatoes,
- 1 onion,
- 200 g of cheese,
- Green onions, dill, mayonnaise - to taste
. Preparation
Boiled potato peel and grate. Onion peel and finely chop. Grate the cheese on a medium grater. Green onions and dill wash, dry and chop.
Salted herring, peel and bones, then disassemble the fillet and cut into small pieces. Share herring fillets evenly in greased with mayonnaise salad. Top with an even layer of chopped onions and a generous layer of grease with mayonnaise.
Then, a uniform layer of grated potatoes and most of grated cheese. Top with mayonnaise and garnish with the remaining grated cheese, chopped onion and dill.
3. tuna salad and crackers
- 300 grams of canned tuna,
- 200 g loaf,
- 3 boiled eggs,
- 150 g carrots,
- 100 g onions,
- Salt, mayonnaise - to taste,
- 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
Baton cut into cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown beautiful.
Onions clean, finely chop, pour boiling water and soak for 10 minutes. Then rinse well in cold water. After that, the onion is soft and
Raw carrots to clean, wash and grate. The eggs grate.
With canned tuna drain the oil, put the fish in a bowl and mash with a fork. Add the onion, carrots and eggs, mayonnaise. If necessary, add salt. Before serving, add the croutons and mix well.
Bear in mind: it is important to add croutons before serving, so they remain crisp longer.

1. Salad with red fish, tomatoes and mushrooms
- 200 grams of salted salmon or trout,
- 150 g pickled mushrooms (champignon),
- 4 tomatoes,
- 1 bell pepper,
- 1-2 red onions,
- Lettuce,
- 1 bunch of dill,
- 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
- 2 tsp.. lemon juice,
- 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce.
Marinated mushrooms wash, cut into pieces and extinguish 3-5 minutes in a little water and soy sauce. Then cool.
All components are cut. The fish is cut into oblong slices, onions thin half-rings, pepper strips and tomatoes into thin slices. Half tear lettuce, dill finely chopped.

On the whole, portioned plate put lettuce leaves on them lay torn lettuce leaves, then all the ingredients and pour vegetable oil, whipped with lemon juice, then sprinkle with dill.
2. Salad of herring and cheese
- 2 pickled herring,
- 2 boiled potatoes,
- 1 onion,
- 200 g of cheese,
- Green onions, dill, mayonnaise - to taste
. Preparation
Boiled potato peel and grate. Onion peel and finely chop. Grate the cheese on a medium grater. Green onions and dill wash, dry and chop.

Salted herring, peel and bones, then disassemble the fillet and cut into small pieces. Share herring fillets evenly in greased with mayonnaise salad. Top with an even layer of chopped onions and a generous layer of grease with mayonnaise.
Then, a uniform layer of grated potatoes and most of grated cheese. Top with mayonnaise and garnish with the remaining grated cheese, chopped onion and dill.
3. tuna salad and crackers
- 300 grams of canned tuna,
- 200 g loaf,
- 3 boiled eggs,
- 150 g carrots,
- 100 g onions,
- Salt, mayonnaise - to taste,
- 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
Baton cut into cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown beautiful.
Onions clean, finely chop, pour boiling water and soak for 10 minutes. Then rinse well in cold water. After that, the onion is soft and

Raw carrots to clean, wash and grate. The eggs grate.
With canned tuna drain the oil, put the fish in a bowl and mash with a fork. Add the onion, carrots and eggs, mayonnaise. If necessary, add salt. Before serving, add the croutons and mix well.
Bear in mind: it is important to add croutons before serving, so they remain crisp longer.