Or do we believe that we can or we can not do anything!
Recently, he drew attention to the fact that different customers are increasingly faced with the same effect. Once we create with them the desired result and the willingness to achieve it, their lives begin to happen strange things. They describe it this way: "I am beginning to change, but something pulls me back" Soon after this, they are experiencing a state of joy and ease, there are obstacles most unexpected kinds: from some disease and to the emergence of problems in the near surroundings.
I first "sin" in the internal resistance, which is often the source of the emergence of such obstacles. But his careful study, we also made in advance in each case. The client claimed that he did not interfere, that it is fully prepared to achieve results. All non-verbal signals confirmed these words, congruence was, as they say, is obvious.
But then I got the idea that the reason is not entirely related to the internal resistance. The key point - it is "starting to change." In most cases after the first signs of a shift in the positive direction and began to appear unexpected obstacles, if someone intentionally "put a spoke in the wheel." And it does not necessarily happen obviously, like someone from the inner circle to ask, "And what did you shine?", And then "carefully" poke in the affected area, reminding about some long-standing problem.
I was alarmed by the frequency of such cases, often passing into law. As soon as the customer enter into a state of acceptance of yourself, others and the world and "to light" it to the public as soon as there is another poser trying to bring it back.
About something similar often write books about success, and in the practice of many professionals is often happening. Facing the unexpected difficulties can sometimes be perceived not as a test, but as a mockery. This is a great reason to drop everything and say, "That felt my soul that did not have it all begins ... And now the proof is obvious!" Or: "The world is clearly hints that this is not my way ... Yes, and do not particularly want to have to ..."
I got the following explanation for this phenomenon. If a person starts to change, then the world sent a signal about that. Partly it resembles a powerful perturbing pulse suddenly emerged within the system. The first reaction of any system at him - to maintain stability. In order to maintain the latter need to suppress the signal to provide him resistance. Hence, any incident that seems to strive to bring me back.
If you give up and accept it, then sooner or later it really comes back to the original, relatively stable state. If you continue driving, maintaining readiness and motivation, it will take not much time before the "zone of turbulence" over.
But how to maintain motivation, if something happens, unsettling?
Here the whole difficulty is that you have to really go through a kind of test. It is about faith test. Only using it is possible to overcome a difficult section of the route, which will continue
«shaking». "Or do we believe that we can or we can not do anything!" - This motto, borrowed from neurolinguistic programming adherents, will be here at an opportune moment. After all, it is faith - it is the first thing that often gets
«under attack." Clients often cease to believe in myself, in changing and interrupt or even discontinue therapy as a result of collisions with serious difficulties and obstacles. should want to follow the faith, the loss of which was transferred to the above phrase: "Yes and not really want to have." As you know, without the desire to continue the path of faith and has no sense, as they are the basis of readiness to change.
"We can all, what really want!" - Another slogan NLP-ers, presupposes the necessity of desire - another important component of readiness
. There are other elements of psychological readiness, but this article will mention about such things as self-esteem. It deserved feeling changes, the ability to afford to have them. It is the basis for the belief and desire.
Not taking into account the self-esteem, you can not rely on the stability of changes. Often one of the reasons there is "turbulence" in the form of unexpected obstacles and challenges is an additional check on the deserved desired changes. While there is no given yourself permission to have an internal, do and even be what you need, the world stops to slip next strength test.
Summing up, I want to once again remind that it is not necessary to give up and get upset if you kick-start some business, but something happened vybivshee you off track. This is proof that you are on the right track, because the changes have already begun, and the world noticed your intention. Keeping the Faith, self-esteem and desire the original fuse, you have successfully overcome a "zone of turbulence" and soon came close to that which mapped out to achieve.
Finally parable about the snail from the Zen master.
One cold, windy day in late spring snail start to climb the cherry tree.
Sparrows on a nearby tree heartily laughed, looking at her. Then one of them flew up to her and asked:
- Hey, you, can not you see - this tree is not cherry
? Without interrupting his way, baby said:
- There will be when I get there
. Author: Dmitry Vostruhov

I first "sin" in the internal resistance, which is often the source of the emergence of such obstacles. But his careful study, we also made in advance in each case. The client claimed that he did not interfere, that it is fully prepared to achieve results. All non-verbal signals confirmed these words, congruence was, as they say, is obvious.
But then I got the idea that the reason is not entirely related to the internal resistance. The key point - it is "starting to change." In most cases after the first signs of a shift in the positive direction and began to appear unexpected obstacles, if someone intentionally "put a spoke in the wheel." And it does not necessarily happen obviously, like someone from the inner circle to ask, "And what did you shine?", And then "carefully" poke in the affected area, reminding about some long-standing problem.
I was alarmed by the frequency of such cases, often passing into law. As soon as the customer enter into a state of acceptance of yourself, others and the world and "to light" it to the public as soon as there is another poser trying to bring it back.
About something similar often write books about success, and in the practice of many professionals is often happening. Facing the unexpected difficulties can sometimes be perceived not as a test, but as a mockery. This is a great reason to drop everything and say, "That felt my soul that did not have it all begins ... And now the proof is obvious!" Or: "The world is clearly hints that this is not my way ... Yes, and do not particularly want to have to ..."
I got the following explanation for this phenomenon. If a person starts to change, then the world sent a signal about that. Partly it resembles a powerful perturbing pulse suddenly emerged within the system. The first reaction of any system at him - to maintain stability. In order to maintain the latter need to suppress the signal to provide him resistance. Hence, any incident that seems to strive to bring me back.
If you give up and accept it, then sooner or later it really comes back to the original, relatively stable state. If you continue driving, maintaining readiness and motivation, it will take not much time before the "zone of turbulence" over.
But how to maintain motivation, if something happens, unsettling?
Here the whole difficulty is that you have to really go through a kind of test. It is about faith test. Only using it is possible to overcome a difficult section of the route, which will continue
«shaking». "Or do we believe that we can or we can not do anything!" - This motto, borrowed from neurolinguistic programming adherents, will be here at an opportune moment. After all, it is faith - it is the first thing that often gets
«under attack." Clients often cease to believe in myself, in changing and interrupt or even discontinue therapy as a result of collisions with serious difficulties and obstacles. should want to follow the faith, the loss of which was transferred to the above phrase: "Yes and not really want to have." As you know, without the desire to continue the path of faith and has no sense, as they are the basis of readiness to change.
"We can all, what really want!" - Another slogan NLP-ers, presupposes the necessity of desire - another important component of readiness
. There are other elements of psychological readiness, but this article will mention about such things as self-esteem. It deserved feeling changes, the ability to afford to have them. It is the basis for the belief and desire.
Not taking into account the self-esteem, you can not rely on the stability of changes. Often one of the reasons there is "turbulence" in the form of unexpected obstacles and challenges is an additional check on the deserved desired changes. While there is no given yourself permission to have an internal, do and even be what you need, the world stops to slip next strength test.
Summing up, I want to once again remind that it is not necessary to give up and get upset if you kick-start some business, but something happened vybivshee you off track. This is proof that you are on the right track, because the changes have already begun, and the world noticed your intention. Keeping the Faith, self-esteem and desire the original fuse, you have successfully overcome a "zone of turbulence" and soon came close to that which mapped out to achieve.
Finally parable about the snail from the Zen master.
One cold, windy day in late spring snail start to climb the cherry tree.
Sparrows on a nearby tree heartily laughed, looking at her. Then one of them flew up to her and asked:
- Hey, you, can not you see - this tree is not cherry
? Without interrupting his way, baby said:
- There will be when I get there
. Author: Dmitry Vostruhov
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