17 cats, who wanted to spit on is your opinion
Only people bother about what the neighbors will say. Kotick also do not care what they thought of them - nature created them perfect
Website in awe of furry creatures that are quite well, do not hesitate to be themselves, and leads 17 evidence. that self-confidence in cats there are reasons.
cats believe they are always logical
All that makes the cat is always right, it is necessary and to the point.
Never overplay
Emotions cats always honest and sincere.
confident in their abilities
If you disagree, see the first paragraph.
Always spend time with benefits
Who knows, maybe one of the cats at this moment is preparing a thesis about the study of the inner world of the box.
Around the clock ready for the attention of the paparazzi
Being delightful 24/7 - is a science
versed in the comfort of 53,954,354
. They really so convenient!
Find the most optimal way
Although the part may seem that this is not true.
Make all their own way
Because they know how and what is best for them.
set achievable goals
They always have some plan, just us it is not always clear.
Always come to the place of
And become an ornament to any surface.
Think up their actions in advance
This chandelier fell, it did not fit for them for us in the interior.
Generously come to the aid of
The main thing after all -. Participation
not depend on circumstances
Any circumstance - it is an opportunity.
control their emotions
No, I was not frightened, at the top of Zen is learned faster.
know a lot about entertainment
This we have to always something to complicate.
Trump the laws of physics
Neither Van Damme, and some do not lie.
Finally, cats are confident in their matchless
Well, who are we to argue with that?
Photos on the preview twitter.com
See also:
22 cats that are too great for our planet
You would never guess about the main mission of this superhero
These animals are too cool to listen to photographers
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-zhivotnye/etim-zhivotnym-naplevat-na-isporchennye-fotosessii-1323715/
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Or do we believe that we can or we can not do anything!