A place where things die, why we must abandon the organizers
What can replace the most popular - and very unproductive - time management tool, explains Stephanie Vozza
. Nearly two-thirds of professionals make do lists, but 41% of the tasks of these lists have not communicated to the end, the research shows firms iDoneThis, which develops software for tracking project work. And more than half of people are entered in the task list on the same day when they have to make them.
Do lists are popular, but they can put a mine under your progress, says Kevin Cruz, author of 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management. "You do not think Richard Branson and Bill Gates make long lists of tasks and priorities are arranged there - A1, A2, B1, B2, and so on? - He asked. - To-do list - it is a place where important things are dying »
In search of the best examples of productivity and time management Cruz interviewed more than two hundred billionaires, Olympic champions, excellent students and entrepreneurs. "None of them does not use lists of cases", - he says
. The fact that these lists, there are three problems:
1. They do not take into account the time. When a person has a long list of tasks, he is inclined to take on those that can be done quickly, within a few minutes, and more labor-intensive business and does not run.
2. They do not help to separate the important from the urgent tasks. The lists of cases there is no time limit, so the important things are often overlooked: we struggle with the most urgent problems to the detriment of the most serious
. 3. They add stress. We remember that we have unfinished business, and they begin to cause uncontrolled, compulsive thoughts. The higher on the list of unmade cases, the higher the risk of insomnia, says Cruz.
What to replace them
Cruz found that the majority of highly effective people live and work, based on the calendar. Here are three practices that turn the calendar into an efficient schedule of the day:
1. The prescribed time for the most important things. Do not let the calendar filled at random, picking up any problem that you come across. "Clarify your priorities in life and in their careers and to highlight those cases periods of time, which will be holy for you" - advises Cruz
. For example, you can schedule two hours each morning to work on a strategic plan, or on some project, which will allow you to move much. At this time, disconnect from the mail, put the phone in "airplane mode" and achieve maximum productivity.
The calendar and the time intervals should be registered in the exercise, with family dinners and other activities that fit your core life values. Cruz also advises dedicated time on less important things - just what you like to do. The main thing - a clear prescribe the number of hours or even minutes, which will go to these classes
. 2. Plan, starting from 15-minute blocks. In most calendars, appointment or task given to 30 minutes by default, but Cruz recommended to change this value to 15 minutes and try to more accurately predict how long it takes this task. "Ultraproduktivnye people spend as much time as necessary, - he says. - CEO Yahoo Marissa Mayer can schedule a meeting by only 5 minutes. When you think of 15-minute blocks per day you can have time to do more things - it just automatically turns »
. 3. Plan all. No need to check your mail every few minutes: plan to handle it three times a day, and no more, says Cruz. Without adding the item "call my sister" to do list - enter it into the calendar. "And even better - to select a specific amount of time each day for calls to people important to you»
. That is scheduled for a specific time, it is executed with a greater probability. "When you have to choose a specific day and time, you start to bring the most important things done in a more systematic basis, and your stress level is reduced," - says Cruz
. He admits that it is not easy to determine in advance how much time will take away this or that problem, but over time it becomes easier to keep to the schedule. He also recommends that you schedule some "buffer" time - for example, take a lunch longer than he usually takes, or how many take some time at the end of the day to ensure that summarize
. "All the time there are surprises - for example, your daughter is sick, and needs to be urgently pick up from school, - he says. - And if nothing of the sort has occurred, you can use the released time for it to focus, relax or meditate creatively. "
. Nearly two-thirds of professionals make do lists, but 41% of the tasks of these lists have not communicated to the end, the research shows firms iDoneThis, which develops software for tracking project work. And more than half of people are entered in the task list on the same day when they have to make them.
Do lists are popular, but they can put a mine under your progress, says Kevin Cruz, author of 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management. "You do not think Richard Branson and Bill Gates make long lists of tasks and priorities are arranged there - A1, A2, B1, B2, and so on? - He asked. - To-do list - it is a place where important things are dying »

In search of the best examples of productivity and time management Cruz interviewed more than two hundred billionaires, Olympic champions, excellent students and entrepreneurs. "None of them does not use lists of cases", - he says
. The fact that these lists, there are three problems:
1. They do not take into account the time. When a person has a long list of tasks, he is inclined to take on those that can be done quickly, within a few minutes, and more labor-intensive business and does not run.
2. They do not help to separate the important from the urgent tasks. The lists of cases there is no time limit, so the important things are often overlooked: we struggle with the most urgent problems to the detriment of the most serious
. 3. They add stress. We remember that we have unfinished business, and they begin to cause uncontrolled, compulsive thoughts. The higher on the list of unmade cases, the higher the risk of insomnia, says Cruz.
What to replace them
Cruz found that the majority of highly effective people live and work, based on the calendar. Here are three practices that turn the calendar into an efficient schedule of the day:
1. The prescribed time for the most important things. Do not let the calendar filled at random, picking up any problem that you come across. "Clarify your priorities in life and in their careers and to highlight those cases periods of time, which will be holy for you" - advises Cruz
. For example, you can schedule two hours each morning to work on a strategic plan, or on some project, which will allow you to move much. At this time, disconnect from the mail, put the phone in "airplane mode" and achieve maximum productivity.
The calendar and the time intervals should be registered in the exercise, with family dinners and other activities that fit your core life values. Cruz also advises dedicated time on less important things - just what you like to do. The main thing - a clear prescribe the number of hours or even minutes, which will go to these classes
. 2. Plan, starting from 15-minute blocks. In most calendars, appointment or task given to 30 minutes by default, but Cruz recommended to change this value to 15 minutes and try to more accurately predict how long it takes this task. "Ultraproduktivnye people spend as much time as necessary, - he says. - CEO Yahoo Marissa Mayer can schedule a meeting by only 5 minutes. When you think of 15-minute blocks per day you can have time to do more things - it just automatically turns »
. 3. Plan all. No need to check your mail every few minutes: plan to handle it three times a day, and no more, says Cruz. Without adding the item "call my sister" to do list - enter it into the calendar. "And even better - to select a specific amount of time each day for calls to people important to you»
. That is scheduled for a specific time, it is executed with a greater probability. "When you have to choose a specific day and time, you start to bring the most important things done in a more systematic basis, and your stress level is reduced," - says Cruz
. He admits that it is not easy to determine in advance how much time will take away this or that problem, but over time it becomes easier to keep to the schedule. He also recommends that you schedule some "buffer" time - for example, take a lunch longer than he usually takes, or how many take some time at the end of the day to ensure that summarize
. "All the time there are surprises - for example, your daughter is sick, and needs to be urgently pick up from school, - he says. - And if nothing of the sort has occurred, you can use the released time for it to focus, relax or meditate creatively. "
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