Living your dreams is waiting in the LCD Center-2

Property, which takes into account all the priorities of the owner may be taking advantage of the offer of sale of apartments in the LCD Center-2. Every aspect of comfort, careful attention to detail, you just have to take advantage.
Features of this housing complex ZhKTerritoriya Center-2 is located on 163 hectares. Houses are being built by the developer with Designer Center HBC-2. According to the plan outlined six building blocks, buildings height will reach 17-25 floors.
Convenient location, only 9 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road - near the railway, Moscow region. Road interchange allows you within minutes to get to Moscow. You do not have to be late for work because of the difficulty to reach because of poor location. The developer of this aspect provides a very rational that provides maximum comfort.
The "Center of the LCD-2" will comfortably accommodate you and loved ones. The buildings are surrounded by parks, which makes environmentally friendly district of Moscow region for a full life. Your children will breathe clean air and not inhale exhaust fumes in the city. Health provided one hundred percent people living in our housing complex.
What options are there in prodazhePokupateli can choose an apartment 1 or 3-room with glazed loggias. Infrastructure Center-2 residential complex includes everything needed for quality of life:
- Cafeterias. The shops. Bank branches. Stingy after the working day can be near the house.
- Playground. Areas for sports and walks. You will be where to strengthen their health.
- Kindergartens. Educational establishments. Clinics.
- Two-level parking lots.
Despite this list, the entire infrastructure of the city is available for residents of the neighborhood. Prices for apartments can be found in the catalog. Do not loiter, buy today, as housing the elite class is waiting for you. This is a real chance to start a new life according to European standards and make a profitable investment in real estate, which will only get more expensive over time.