Paulo Coelho: four obstacles to achieving Your dreams
Why not all come true desires and dreams?
It is hampered by four obstacles.
1.The first is that the person from early childhood are told that what he wants most, it's just not feasible. With this thought, he grows, and every year his soul more and more cluttered with a scab of numerous prejudices and fears, filled with guilt.
2. If the person still have the guts to take your dream from the depths of the soul and not to abandon the struggle for its implementation, it is expected the following test: love. He knows that he would like to achieve or experience in life, but is afraid that if you give up all and follow his dream, he thereby will cause pain and suffering to their loved ones. This means that people do not understand that love is not a barrier, it does not interfere, but rather helps to go forward. And if one wishes him well, always ready to go to meet him, to try to understand and support him in the way.
3. When a person realizes that love is not a barrier, but help is on the way, he lies in wait for the third obstacle: fear of failure... You ask, and if necessary defeat? Necessary or not, they happen. When a person is just beginning to fight for their dreams and desires, he, inexperience, makes many mistakes. But the fact of the meaning of life, to fall seven times and rise eight feet. In this case, you ask, why should we pursue our Destiny, if we have to suffer is stronger than all the rest? Then, when the losses and destruction will be left behind – and in the end they will be left behind – we know the feeling of complete happiness and become more trusting of yourself.
4. The fear of the dream his whole life... the Very consciousness that will come to pass that what man has dreamed all his life – it happens, fills his soul with guilt. Looking around, he sees that many have failed to achieve the desired, and then he begins to think that he's not worthy. People forget how much he had to endure, to suffer, than had to sacrifice in the name of their dreams. All four of this obstacle the most insidious, because it is as if fanned by a kind of aura of sanctity about it – like a renunciation of the joy of accomplishment and the fruits of victory. And only when man realizes that he is worth what he so passionately struggled, he becomes an instrument in the Lord's hands, and he opened the meaning of his stay here on Earth.
Children reject their dreams to please their parents, parents deny life itself to please their children, the pain and anguish justify something that should bring only joy, love.
We argued, if our dreams are just childish nonsense, which is impossible to implement, or that they were born because we knew little about what life really is. We kill their dreams because they are afraid to join the Fight Right.
The first sign that we started to kill his dream, – when it suddenly discovered that we don't have enough time.
The second sign that our dream is dying, is gaining experience. We cease to perceive life as one big adventure and begin to think that our side will be wise, fair and right not to demand too much. When we are trying to stick out beyond the walls of our everyday existence, we hear the smell of dust and sweat, we see the hungry gaze of the soldiers, hear the crackle of breaking copies, feel the bitterness of defeat. But we can not understand the joy, the great joy that fills the hearts of all those who are fighting. Because for them it is not important to win or lose – what matters is that they are the Right Fight.
Finally, the third symptom of lost dreams is peace. Life is like a Sunday evening: a little something we demand from life, but almost no sacrifice. We begin to consider themselves adult, Mature men, believing that finally got rid of childhood dreams, youthful fantasies, and seek only, as they say, to success in work and personal life. And we are surprised when our peers suddenly declare that they want something else. In fact, deep down, we guess: all that happens to us because we refused to fight for his dream refused to join in the Fight Right.
When we deny the dreams and find our peace... then come in a brief period of quiet life. But then the dead dreams begin to rot and fester inside of us, poisoning our entire existence. We become ill, first with relatives and then with ourselves. Then, and occur in people of disease, both spiritual and physical. Our cowardice leads us to what we were trying to avoid by refusing to fight – disappointment and defeat. And then, one day the stench of rotting dreams becomes just unbearable, we start to choke and want to die. Death, which will free us from our arrogance, from our work and from the murderous peace of Sunday afternoons.published
Author: Paulo Coelho
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/wall-35807216_141033
It is hampered by four obstacles.
1.The first is that the person from early childhood are told that what he wants most, it's just not feasible. With this thought, he grows, and every year his soul more and more cluttered with a scab of numerous prejudices and fears, filled with guilt.
2. If the person still have the guts to take your dream from the depths of the soul and not to abandon the struggle for its implementation, it is expected the following test: love. He knows that he would like to achieve or experience in life, but is afraid that if you give up all and follow his dream, he thereby will cause pain and suffering to their loved ones. This means that people do not understand that love is not a barrier, it does not interfere, but rather helps to go forward. And if one wishes him well, always ready to go to meet him, to try to understand and support him in the way.

3. When a person realizes that love is not a barrier, but help is on the way, he lies in wait for the third obstacle: fear of failure... You ask, and if necessary defeat? Necessary or not, they happen. When a person is just beginning to fight for their dreams and desires, he, inexperience, makes many mistakes. But the fact of the meaning of life, to fall seven times and rise eight feet. In this case, you ask, why should we pursue our Destiny, if we have to suffer is stronger than all the rest? Then, when the losses and destruction will be left behind – and in the end they will be left behind – we know the feeling of complete happiness and become more trusting of yourself.
4. The fear of the dream his whole life... the Very consciousness that will come to pass that what man has dreamed all his life – it happens, fills his soul with guilt. Looking around, he sees that many have failed to achieve the desired, and then he begins to think that he's not worthy. People forget how much he had to endure, to suffer, than had to sacrifice in the name of their dreams. All four of this obstacle the most insidious, because it is as if fanned by a kind of aura of sanctity about it – like a renunciation of the joy of accomplishment and the fruits of victory. And only when man realizes that he is worth what he so passionately struggled, he becomes an instrument in the Lord's hands, and he opened the meaning of his stay here on Earth.
Children reject their dreams to please their parents, parents deny life itself to please their children, the pain and anguish justify something that should bring only joy, love.
We argued, if our dreams are just childish nonsense, which is impossible to implement, or that they were born because we knew little about what life really is. We kill their dreams because they are afraid to join the Fight Right.
The first sign that we started to kill his dream, – when it suddenly discovered that we don't have enough time.
The second sign that our dream is dying, is gaining experience. We cease to perceive life as one big adventure and begin to think that our side will be wise, fair and right not to demand too much. When we are trying to stick out beyond the walls of our everyday existence, we hear the smell of dust and sweat, we see the hungry gaze of the soldiers, hear the crackle of breaking copies, feel the bitterness of defeat. But we can not understand the joy, the great joy that fills the hearts of all those who are fighting. Because for them it is not important to win or lose – what matters is that they are the Right Fight.
Finally, the third symptom of lost dreams is peace. Life is like a Sunday evening: a little something we demand from life, but almost no sacrifice. We begin to consider themselves adult, Mature men, believing that finally got rid of childhood dreams, youthful fantasies, and seek only, as they say, to success in work and personal life. And we are surprised when our peers suddenly declare that they want something else. In fact, deep down, we guess: all that happens to us because we refused to fight for his dream refused to join in the Fight Right.
When we deny the dreams and find our peace... then come in a brief period of quiet life. But then the dead dreams begin to rot and fester inside of us, poisoning our entire existence. We become ill, first with relatives and then with ourselves. Then, and occur in people of disease, both spiritual and physical. Our cowardice leads us to what we were trying to avoid by refusing to fight – disappointment and defeat. And then, one day the stench of rotting dreams becomes just unbearable, we start to choke and want to die. Death, which will free us from our arrogance, from our work and from the murderous peace of Sunday afternoons.published
Author: Paulo Coelho
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/wall-35807216_141033
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