3 CEDAR is a magical Christmas tale Paulo Coelho
According to one ancient legend, many centuries ago, in the beautiful groves of Lebanon were born three cedar. They are known to grow incredibly slowly, so they had the whole hundred years of thinking about life and death, man and nature.
They witnessed the huge number of events on earth – as came and went the kings were born and the whole Empire fell, as a huge number of times people have shed blood on the battlefield. They saw love and hate, wealth and poverty. They watched the caravans of merchants and lonely travelers. They remembered how many times has changed the language of the people and how they invented the alphabet.
They rarely talked among themselves, preferring to observe and reflect, but once they started talking about their future.
– A lot I've seen in my time, – said the first cedar. – Only the government has the power, so I would like to turn into a throne on which to sit the most powerful king on earth.
And I think, ' sighed the second the cedar – most importantly in the world – the good, therefore, would become a tool that can turn evil into good.
– And I'm sure the main thing is the faith and soul, rustled third cedar. – I would like to have people looking at me, filled with hope and faith.
Decade followed decade, and once in the grove appeared lumberjacks. They chopped down all three of cedar, took them to the shop and sawed.
Each cedar dreamed about her, but the reality rarely matches expectations.
The first cedar was the usual cowshed, and from its remains a journeyman built a simple manger. The second cedar was a rough rustic table, and logs the third cedar superfluous threw on a warehouse.
All three of cedar sighed in frustration: "what a pity that you haven't found people worthy use of our wonderful wood...".
As the years passed, and one night a certain couple without shelter came to sleep in the same crib, built from the first cedar. The woman was pregnant and that night gave birth to a boy, whom they laid in a manger on hay. At the same moment the first cedar realized that his dream came true: he became a mainstay of the greatest king on earth.
After a few years at the table of wood of cedar of the second sat the master and his 12 disciples. Before the meal the teacher said a few words and the second cedar realized that became a mainstay of not only the Cup of the wine and the dish with the bread, but the Union of Man and God.
Incredible! The words cause mutagenic effects of monstrous strengthhave NOT been taught to be happy
The next day, the third from logs of cedar built a cross and nailed thereto with nails half-dead person. Cedar was horrified at her plight and began to lament their fate and the fate of a man nailed to it, but has not passed also three days as the man on him was the light of the World, and the cross was transformed from instruments of torture to a symbol of faith.
So turned the fate of three Lebanese cedars: as is often the case with dreams, they came true, but not as we could imagine. published
Author: Paulo Coelho
Source: fit4brain.com/7769
They witnessed the huge number of events on earth – as came and went the kings were born and the whole Empire fell, as a huge number of times people have shed blood on the battlefield. They saw love and hate, wealth and poverty. They watched the caravans of merchants and lonely travelers. They remembered how many times has changed the language of the people and how they invented the alphabet.

They rarely talked among themselves, preferring to observe and reflect, but once they started talking about their future.
– A lot I've seen in my time, – said the first cedar. – Only the government has the power, so I would like to turn into a throne on which to sit the most powerful king on earth.
And I think, ' sighed the second the cedar – most importantly in the world – the good, therefore, would become a tool that can turn evil into good.
– And I'm sure the main thing is the faith and soul, rustled third cedar. – I would like to have people looking at me, filled with hope and faith.
Decade followed decade, and once in the grove appeared lumberjacks. They chopped down all three of cedar, took them to the shop and sawed.
Each cedar dreamed about her, but the reality rarely matches expectations.
The first cedar was the usual cowshed, and from its remains a journeyman built a simple manger. The second cedar was a rough rustic table, and logs the third cedar superfluous threw on a warehouse.
All three of cedar sighed in frustration: "what a pity that you haven't found people worthy use of our wonderful wood...".
As the years passed, and one night a certain couple without shelter came to sleep in the same crib, built from the first cedar. The woman was pregnant and that night gave birth to a boy, whom they laid in a manger on hay. At the same moment the first cedar realized that his dream came true: he became a mainstay of the greatest king on earth.
After a few years at the table of wood of cedar of the second sat the master and his 12 disciples. Before the meal the teacher said a few words and the second cedar realized that became a mainstay of not only the Cup of the wine and the dish with the bread, but the Union of Man and God.

Incredible! The words cause mutagenic effects of monstrous strengthhave NOT been taught to be happy
The next day, the third from logs of cedar built a cross and nailed thereto with nails half-dead person. Cedar was horrified at her plight and began to lament their fate and the fate of a man nailed to it, but has not passed also three days as the man on him was the light of the World, and the cross was transformed from instruments of torture to a symbol of faith.
So turned the fate of three Lebanese cedars: as is often the case with dreams, they came true, but not as we could imagine. published
Author: Paulo Coelho
Source: fit4brain.com/7769
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