Types of wood and their application to the construction of the house
Correctly chosen materials played a major role in the construction of wooden houses, because they are largely responsible for the reliability of the foundations, the strength of the walls and roof of the future building. First and foremost, we are talking of course, about wood, which is widely used in the construction of the house and its decoration.
Because of its durability, physical and mechanical properties, availability and beauty of wood for many centuries, is one of the main construction materials; the most popular species are pine, spruce, cedar, larch, fir. A large selection of wood is not random — each breed has its advantages and disadvantages, and responds differently to climate change, mechanical and chemical treatment, performs different tasks. Typically, the type of wood aligned at the stage of project development, based on the preferences of the customer, building construction and its purpose, the natural conditions and cost. What is the difference between cedar from pine, spruce or larch?
PineEnduring popularity of pine in the construction due to several factors. This is one of the most common and accessible species in Russia and in the world, which is also fairly easy to process (cutting, sanding, protective impregnation). Of trees with height from 20 to 40m are made almost universal building material with a uniform texture and characteristic of the resin channels.
The log of pine are different rare strength, and wood — high levels of air and water permeability, thermal conductivity and resistance to biological attack. A house of such material will stand up to any whim of nature, keeping the inside the most comfortable conditions for life. Another benefit of pine is its relatively low cost, which allows its use in the construction of houses of different size and complexity — in particular, timber frame houses, log houses from round logs and houses.
SpruceBeing one of the more fastidious species, spruce, however, extensively used in the construction of round-log timber frame houses, log houses from round logs and in the manufacture of internal support structures. This coniferous tree boasts exceptionally straight stem, whose length can reach 60 m and a diameter of 2m — spruce in preference to the building projects of long measures (logs more than 6m in length and 36 cm in diameter).
On a yellowish-brown timber are highly visible lines of resin canals and pockets that form a dotted pattern in cross-section. Unlike the pine, fir can not boast of durability in its raw form and has a relatively low propityvaetsya, making timely processing of wood is simply necessary. However, spruce has its undeniable advantages — they perfectly withstand horizontal loads (suitable for slagovich designs and joists), and after shrinkage and the shrinkage of the house firmly establishes any connections (structural, nails and screws, etc.).
CedarLoftiness and beauty of cedar has long earned his reputation as one of the most valuable tree species used in construction. With nothing to confuse this soft and lightweight wood with resinous texture and a recognizable, slightly balsamic odor. Advantages of cedar are countless: he is simple in process, has a wonderful hydro - and thermal insulation, absorbs paints and varnishes, is a natural antiseptic and also has beneficial effects on health.
For many mechanical, physical, environmental and aesthetic indicators cedar is superior to all other wood, but working with them requires a special approach. So, for example, the treatment process is somewhat complicated existing cedar knots and resin pockets. Mainly on the territory of Russia used the Siberian cedar, whose delivery to the construction site may take up to two months.
Larch, none of the species of wood does not compare in durability, with larch. This coniferous tree can safely build a house for ages, so its high strength and durability. The main feature of larch is low moisture and water absorption due to the high density, which makes it an ideal material for the construction of baths, arbors at the reservoir or houses in high humidity conditions.
Surprisingly, prolonged interaction with moisture makes the wood, only harder and stronger. Used the older the tree is, the more stable it is and to biological effects (defeat fungi, etc.). For the same reasons the larch is difficult enough to handle safety equipment, although in General it procurement special terms and conditions are required.
Choosing wood for wooden house construction, it is worth to remember about the General requirements for the procurement of such materials. Preferably the use of winter dry forest; a suitable time for felling from November to June. The logging happens in different ways: for example, a round log dries only in a natural way, and the timely delivery of the cedar in the winter to prevent bruising.
Source: www.diy.ru/blog/nordhouse/post/8906/
Because of its durability, physical and mechanical properties, availability and beauty of wood for many centuries, is one of the main construction materials; the most popular species are pine, spruce, cedar, larch, fir. A large selection of wood is not random — each breed has its advantages and disadvantages, and responds differently to climate change, mechanical and chemical treatment, performs different tasks. Typically, the type of wood aligned at the stage of project development, based on the preferences of the customer, building construction and its purpose, the natural conditions and cost. What is the difference between cedar from pine, spruce or larch?
PineEnduring popularity of pine in the construction due to several factors. This is one of the most common and accessible species in Russia and in the world, which is also fairly easy to process (cutting, sanding, protective impregnation). Of trees with height from 20 to 40m are made almost universal building material with a uniform texture and characteristic of the resin channels.
The log of pine are different rare strength, and wood — high levels of air and water permeability, thermal conductivity and resistance to biological attack. A house of such material will stand up to any whim of nature, keeping the inside the most comfortable conditions for life. Another benefit of pine is its relatively low cost, which allows its use in the construction of houses of different size and complexity — in particular, timber frame houses, log houses from round logs and houses.
SpruceBeing one of the more fastidious species, spruce, however, extensively used in the construction of round-log timber frame houses, log houses from round logs and in the manufacture of internal support structures. This coniferous tree boasts exceptionally straight stem, whose length can reach 60 m and a diameter of 2m — spruce in preference to the building projects of long measures (logs more than 6m in length and 36 cm in diameter).
On a yellowish-brown timber are highly visible lines of resin canals and pockets that form a dotted pattern in cross-section. Unlike the pine, fir can not boast of durability in its raw form and has a relatively low propityvaetsya, making timely processing of wood is simply necessary. However, spruce has its undeniable advantages — they perfectly withstand horizontal loads (suitable for slagovich designs and joists), and after shrinkage and the shrinkage of the house firmly establishes any connections (structural, nails and screws, etc.).

CedarLoftiness and beauty of cedar has long earned his reputation as one of the most valuable tree species used in construction. With nothing to confuse this soft and lightweight wood with resinous texture and a recognizable, slightly balsamic odor. Advantages of cedar are countless: he is simple in process, has a wonderful hydro - and thermal insulation, absorbs paints and varnishes, is a natural antiseptic and also has beneficial effects on health.
For many mechanical, physical, environmental and aesthetic indicators cedar is superior to all other wood, but working with them requires a special approach. So, for example, the treatment process is somewhat complicated existing cedar knots and resin pockets. Mainly on the territory of Russia used the Siberian cedar, whose delivery to the construction site may take up to two months.
Larch, none of the species of wood does not compare in durability, with larch. This coniferous tree can safely build a house for ages, so its high strength and durability. The main feature of larch is low moisture and water absorption due to the high density, which makes it an ideal material for the construction of baths, arbors at the reservoir or houses in high humidity conditions.
Surprisingly, prolonged interaction with moisture makes the wood, only harder and stronger. Used the older the tree is, the more stable it is and to biological effects (defeat fungi, etc.). For the same reasons the larch is difficult enough to handle safety equipment, although in General it procurement special terms and conditions are required.

Choosing wood for wooden house construction, it is worth to remember about the General requirements for the procurement of such materials. Preferably the use of winter dry forest; a suitable time for felling from November to June. The logging happens in different ways: for example, a round log dries only in a natural way, and the timely delivery of the cedar in the winter to prevent bruising.
Source: www.diy.ru/blog/nordhouse/post/8906/
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