Growing cedar from seed
How to quickly stratify the cedars?
1. For 9 days the pine nuts are placed in the freezer, wrapped in burlap or any other material (to breathe).
2. 9 days to get it and put in a bowl of water for 1-2 hours, better 9. Those that drowned (full) put.
3. You need to plant in a box with a mixture, without land. The composition of the mixture: 70% sand, 30% sawdust, small or medium (a mixture of unlike land empty, there are no putrefactive flora, holds the moisture from a weak spine easily rot and drying, in a mixture of germination and survival rate is higher if done correctly 99%)
4. To plant the peanuts with the narrow end down (there appear spine, it is easier to push the shell to the surface, once you see the light, there is no need to waste time and energy on turning the shell under the ground) to Plant then just stick (literally) to them a little bit to be seen. Drizzle on.
5. At the end slightly to fill the same mix (dry), layer is not more than 3 mm.
6. Cover the box with polyethylene (to create a greenhouse effect, the sawdust will long to hold moisture)
7. Put on the Sunny side.
If done in written, exactly 9 days kedriki sprout!
How to plant seedlings of the cedars?
1. Remove the polyethylene. Gaining strength and cedars grow well only on the Sunny side.
2. In the shade grow very slowly. Example: 5 years in the shade — 20cm, 5 years in the sun — 80cm.
3. Transplant into the soil at a situation in 1 — 2 months.
4. Before transplanting to cook in the ground a hole about 10 by 10 cm.
5. Fill a hole with the same mixture of sand and sawdust.
6. Soak the mixture in a box with cedars (to better stick together when removing seedlings)
7. With a spoon or similar instrument to carefully pick up a seedling at the depth of the root, approximately 3-5cm. And put in pre-cooked in the ground the hole (with the mixture).
Plant only in a place with plenty of sunshine (on Sunny side).
How to choose a place and plant cedar seedlings?
For planting you will need: shovel, fertile ground (5-10 litres), mulch — dried leaves, grass, sawdust or pine litter from the forest, for dusting the ground around the seedling after planting, and of course, the saplings of cedar, proven nursery: )
1. Planting cedars is a serious matter — you are shaping the future of your garden by tens and centurion. You plant a great tree — a symbol of strength and health — so treat the land WITH JOY.
2. The choice of the landing site: adult powerful high cedar tree. Typically, the cedars planted at the edge of the area and with the expectation that when you grow up, a shadow fell on the home, bath, outbuilding, Parking the car, etc. First, the seedling takes up little space, and in a few years you can remove the lower branches and will remain at the bottom of one barrel — he will not interfere — like pines in the urban forest plantations.
Full sun, shade or partial shade for seedlings is low does not matter, cedar when he grows up he will take your upper tier (delay in growth may be, only in the absence of the sun).
Distance of seedlings from buildings and foundations recommended from 1.5-2m, in our practice we met 20-year-old cedar is at a distance of 1.2 m from the house in the front and normally growing through 100let cedar, may be (or may not) threaten house Foundation, or what's left of them. Some cedars grow to 800лет! common age pines in the planting of the 200-400let.
3. The distance between trees is recommended to choose ranging from 4-5 meters for small garden plots, and 6-8 meters for alleys or sparse planting. In the case of using cedars for fence the seedlings can be planted through 3M in a few years, if not trim the lower branches, a wall of impassable trees!
4. For planting, you must dig a hole with a volume of approximately 10 liters, inside add and mix the forest soil, peat or humus.
5. The prepared hole is transferred seedling trying to preserve (not violate) soil ball with the root system. To extract the seedling container is typically lifted and inverted, holding the earth with his hand, sometimes the container can be cut.
6. The seedling is placed vertically in the center of the hole and sprinkle the ground around the sapling shaping tree trunks (vodopadniy side of the earth), the diameter of a little more than dug wells, to irrigation water did not go past the roots of the seedling. When planting is necessary to ensure that the ground level in tree trunks round was 1-3 cm below the surrounding ground level.
The orientation of the seedling on either side of light for seedlings up to 70 cm is not critical, for the size of seedlings higher than 70 cm on the southern side of the crown was tied a label, and cedar in the hole, you'll in accordance with it.
7. Directly produce watering seedlings with a crown of large amounts of water from a watering can, then, restore the verticality of the trunk, pour the fertile land and vodopadami correct side. Due to the extensive irrigation removed the air bubbles from the roots and the earth acquires a homogeneous structure.
8. After planting and watering the earth from above you need to mulch to put on top of dry grass, leaves, sawdust or pine litter from the forest. And again pour from a watering can with a crown.
9. The first days requires abundant watering is necessary with crown! In the future, be sure to check soil moisture and watering at regular intervals, preferably with the crown to seedlings of coniferous species this is an important point!
As you can see, despite the long description, the boarding process is a simple task, as experience shows that the implementation of the recommendations provided by the almost complete survival of seedlings.
Cedar landing looks very nice: from cedar compared to the more lush pine crown — needles grow from the branches in bundles of five pieces, a normal pine in two pieces, in addition needles softer, long and fragrant.
Cedar is an evergreen, powerful, beautiful and useful tree — a symbol of strength and health. Useful properties: decorative effect, resistance to cold, healing, longevity and nuts gives. Few plants can boast such a set of qualities. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/pervorod?w=wall-48124846_32264
1. For 9 days the pine nuts are placed in the freezer, wrapped in burlap or any other material (to breathe).
2. 9 days to get it and put in a bowl of water for 1-2 hours, better 9. Those that drowned (full) put.
3. You need to plant in a box with a mixture, without land. The composition of the mixture: 70% sand, 30% sawdust, small or medium (a mixture of unlike land empty, there are no putrefactive flora, holds the moisture from a weak spine easily rot and drying, in a mixture of germination and survival rate is higher if done correctly 99%)
4. To plant the peanuts with the narrow end down (there appear spine, it is easier to push the shell to the surface, once you see the light, there is no need to waste time and energy on turning the shell under the ground) to Plant then just stick (literally) to them a little bit to be seen. Drizzle on.
5. At the end slightly to fill the same mix (dry), layer is not more than 3 mm.
6. Cover the box with polyethylene (to create a greenhouse effect, the sawdust will long to hold moisture)
7. Put on the Sunny side.
If done in written, exactly 9 days kedriki sprout!

How to plant seedlings of the cedars?
1. Remove the polyethylene. Gaining strength and cedars grow well only on the Sunny side.
2. In the shade grow very slowly. Example: 5 years in the shade — 20cm, 5 years in the sun — 80cm.
3. Transplant into the soil at a situation in 1 — 2 months.
4. Before transplanting to cook in the ground a hole about 10 by 10 cm.
5. Fill a hole with the same mixture of sand and sawdust.
6. Soak the mixture in a box with cedars (to better stick together when removing seedlings)
7. With a spoon or similar instrument to carefully pick up a seedling at the depth of the root, approximately 3-5cm. And put in pre-cooked in the ground the hole (with the mixture).
Plant only in a place with plenty of sunshine (on Sunny side).
How to choose a place and plant cedar seedlings?
For planting you will need: shovel, fertile ground (5-10 litres), mulch — dried leaves, grass, sawdust or pine litter from the forest, for dusting the ground around the seedling after planting, and of course, the saplings of cedar, proven nursery: )
1. Planting cedars is a serious matter — you are shaping the future of your garden by tens and centurion. You plant a great tree — a symbol of strength and health — so treat the land WITH JOY.
2. The choice of the landing site: adult powerful high cedar tree. Typically, the cedars planted at the edge of the area and with the expectation that when you grow up, a shadow fell on the home, bath, outbuilding, Parking the car, etc. First, the seedling takes up little space, and in a few years you can remove the lower branches and will remain at the bottom of one barrel — he will not interfere — like pines in the urban forest plantations.
Full sun, shade or partial shade for seedlings is low does not matter, cedar when he grows up he will take your upper tier (delay in growth may be, only in the absence of the sun).
Distance of seedlings from buildings and foundations recommended from 1.5-2m, in our practice we met 20-year-old cedar is at a distance of 1.2 m from the house in the front and normally growing through 100let cedar, may be (or may not) threaten house Foundation, or what's left of them. Some cedars grow to 800лет! common age pines in the planting of the 200-400let.
3. The distance between trees is recommended to choose ranging from 4-5 meters for small garden plots, and 6-8 meters for alleys or sparse planting. In the case of using cedars for fence the seedlings can be planted through 3M in a few years, if not trim the lower branches, a wall of impassable trees!
4. For planting, you must dig a hole with a volume of approximately 10 liters, inside add and mix the forest soil, peat or humus.
5. The prepared hole is transferred seedling trying to preserve (not violate) soil ball with the root system. To extract the seedling container is typically lifted and inverted, holding the earth with his hand, sometimes the container can be cut.
6. The seedling is placed vertically in the center of the hole and sprinkle the ground around the sapling shaping tree trunks (vodopadniy side of the earth), the diameter of a little more than dug wells, to irrigation water did not go past the roots of the seedling. When planting is necessary to ensure that the ground level in tree trunks round was 1-3 cm below the surrounding ground level.
The orientation of the seedling on either side of light for seedlings up to 70 cm is not critical, for the size of seedlings higher than 70 cm on the southern side of the crown was tied a label, and cedar in the hole, you'll in accordance with it.
7. Directly produce watering seedlings with a crown of large amounts of water from a watering can, then, restore the verticality of the trunk, pour the fertile land and vodopadami correct side. Due to the extensive irrigation removed the air bubbles from the roots and the earth acquires a homogeneous structure.
8. After planting and watering the earth from above you need to mulch to put on top of dry grass, leaves, sawdust or pine litter from the forest. And again pour from a watering can with a crown.
9. The first days requires abundant watering is necessary with crown! In the future, be sure to check soil moisture and watering at regular intervals, preferably with the crown to seedlings of coniferous species this is an important point!
As you can see, despite the long description, the boarding process is a simple task, as experience shows that the implementation of the recommendations provided by the almost complete survival of seedlings.
Cedar landing looks very nice: from cedar compared to the more lush pine crown — needles grow from the branches in bundles of five pieces, a normal pine in two pieces, in addition needles softer, long and fragrant.
Cedar is an evergreen, powerful, beautiful and useful tree — a symbol of strength and health. Useful properties: decorative effect, resistance to cold, healing, longevity and nuts gives. Few plants can boast such a set of qualities. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/pervorod?w=wall-48124846_32264
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