Redefining Fitness: Life does not interact with your body in the way trainers
Which tissue in our body the most and what fabric we tend to ignore, studying the physiology? This fascia, viscous slippery connective tissue, through which part of the body are held together.
Fascia - a general term that refers to the extracellular matrix of fibers "glue" and water surrounding all your cells and enveloping your muscle fibers, muscles, organs, bones, blood vessels and nerve fibers, as well as the whole body under the skin layer
"Fascia - a Cinderella among our body tissues, - said Tom Myers, the" brain "of integrative anatomy and author of Anatomy Trains theory. - It is the most ignored in comparison with the rest of our body tissues - at least until recently. However, consideration of the fascia is critical for a complete understanding and maintain the functioning of the body and health throughout life. »
Understanding the fascial tissue helps us see the important, but little-known aspects of the functioning and health of our body. Below are four amazing facts related to the fascia:
1. All that you have learned about the "muscle" - mistakenly
The main lesson learned from the study of fascia: what we have learned about muscles - not true. "This is a familiar illustration of red muscle in the human body, in fact, shows the body from which the cut fascial tissue, - says Myers. - You will not look inside, but it looks much cleaner and easier to study muscle
. In this way, doctors have learned to see your body. " As a rule, we are talking about the musculoskeletal system, in which the muscles are attached to bones. But in fact, the muscles are attached to the bones - the bones attached fascia. "Muscle as a hamburger, it can not be attached to the bone, - says Myers. - The fascia surrounds the muscle on the outside and inside. And where the muscle ends, this fascia on the outside and from the middle of the muscle is twisted in the tendon, as well as the spun yarn. »
Perhaps, for the understanding of our thinking mind and the body is useful to divide the 600 muscle and tendon attachment to the bones. But our body does not think in terms of "600 individual muscles." "Your brain does not think in terms of the biceps and deltoid - says Myers. - There is one muscle, placed in 600 fascial pockets. Ultimately, the brain creates movement, referring to the large fascial networks and individual motoneurons, not individual muscles listed
man. " 2. Much more than just enveloping material.
Until recently, the fascia was regarded as a kind of "wrapper" which encapsulates other tissues in the body. Now we know that the fascia is a regulatory system in our body. Fascia - not just passive "wrapper", but living, biological tissue, which distributes the load and directs the movement of the body and reacts and remodeled if the forces applied to the body, changing
. Some scholars, like Helene Langevin of the University of Vermont, it is believed that the network of connective tissue may function as a total communication system in the body, and it affects the other systems in our body.
"The nervous system, circulatory system and fascial - are all interconnected in the human body. Together they formed and working as an integrated team. When you change something on the level of the fascial system, everything else in the body is also changing, "- says Myers
. How is this network enveloping the entire body, it transmits information within its structure is not reliably known. Possible options: for example, Langevin argues that fascial network corresponds to a map of acupuncture points and meridians. In this case, the impact on these points causes changes at the cellular level, which in turn extend to the level of the connective tissue. To similar effect is the impact on the connective tissue in the process of yoga or external influence during the massage and physiotherapy.
3. The new definition of chronic pain.
In a healthy fascial fabric stretches and moves without restriction. But with age, after the experienced trauma, repetitive stress due to poor posture and even emotional trauma fascial tissue loses its elasticity and becomes stiff and limited in mobility. This helps stabilize the body during injury, but unfortunately, it also makes you a prisoner of chronic stress leads to deformation of the body that are difficult to correct. Imagine this with an example of fine silk suit worn by you. If you pull at one edge of the suit, the tension will manifest itself all over the product and you will feel discomfort. Patterns fascial tension transmitted throughout the body and affect the whole body structure. They are often one of the causes of chronic pain (migraines, chronic back pain, rheumatic pain).
Therefore, techniques for working with the body, which directly affect the fascial tissue, are more effective than working only at the level of the muscles or skeleton, the effect of which is usually short-term.
4. Redefining fitness.
While we used to think of fitness as part of strong muscles and cardiovascular endurance, we ignore the fascia at your own risk.
Integrity and well-trained fascial tissue is important not only for those who are involved in sports, it is necessary for everyone who wants to keep your body healthy and functional throughout life. Of course, when you train your body, fascia and trains. However, the way you train it, most likely, will not give you the desired result.
If you mainly train at the gym, your fascial tissue will not be strong, mobile and functional in full. It will evolve into a one-way network, which is struggling to cope with complex and atypical for you loads.
"Training the machine well with the task of individual muscles and totally incapable train your fascial tissue. And all because they train fascia in one particular direction, unidirectional vector effects - emphasizes Myers. - As a result, you get the fascia, not adapted to life, because life does not interact with your body in the same directions as the
simulators. " With regard to training, Myers recommends to prefer forms of activity, which include a rich variety of areas of mobility and loads, it will create a balanced stability of your body. The asanas of hatha yoga are especially helpful for study of long chains of fascial tissue in numerous areas, they provide the necessary systemic whole body workout. Too hard or constructed from unidirectional movement exercise can lead to blocking of fascial fibers or injury.
Author: Svetlana Kazimirov
Fascia - a general term that refers to the extracellular matrix of fibers "glue" and water surrounding all your cells and enveloping your muscle fibers, muscles, organs, bones, blood vessels and nerve fibers, as well as the whole body under the skin layer

"Fascia - a Cinderella among our body tissues, - said Tom Myers, the" brain "of integrative anatomy and author of Anatomy Trains theory. - It is the most ignored in comparison with the rest of our body tissues - at least until recently. However, consideration of the fascia is critical for a complete understanding and maintain the functioning of the body and health throughout life. »
Understanding the fascial tissue helps us see the important, but little-known aspects of the functioning and health of our body. Below are four amazing facts related to the fascia:
1. All that you have learned about the "muscle" - mistakenly
The main lesson learned from the study of fascia: what we have learned about muscles - not true. "This is a familiar illustration of red muscle in the human body, in fact, shows the body from which the cut fascial tissue, - says Myers. - You will not look inside, but it looks much cleaner and easier to study muscle
. In this way, doctors have learned to see your body. " As a rule, we are talking about the musculoskeletal system, in which the muscles are attached to bones. But in fact, the muscles are attached to the bones - the bones attached fascia. "Muscle as a hamburger, it can not be attached to the bone, - says Myers. - The fascia surrounds the muscle on the outside and inside. And where the muscle ends, this fascia on the outside and from the middle of the muscle is twisted in the tendon, as well as the spun yarn. »
Perhaps, for the understanding of our thinking mind and the body is useful to divide the 600 muscle and tendon attachment to the bones. But our body does not think in terms of "600 individual muscles." "Your brain does not think in terms of the biceps and deltoid - says Myers. - There is one muscle, placed in 600 fascial pockets. Ultimately, the brain creates movement, referring to the large fascial networks and individual motoneurons, not individual muscles listed
man. " 2. Much more than just enveloping material.
Until recently, the fascia was regarded as a kind of "wrapper" which encapsulates other tissues in the body. Now we know that the fascia is a regulatory system in our body. Fascia - not just passive "wrapper", but living, biological tissue, which distributes the load and directs the movement of the body and reacts and remodeled if the forces applied to the body, changing
. Some scholars, like Helene Langevin of the University of Vermont, it is believed that the network of connective tissue may function as a total communication system in the body, and it affects the other systems in our body.
"The nervous system, circulatory system and fascial - are all interconnected in the human body. Together they formed and working as an integrated team. When you change something on the level of the fascial system, everything else in the body is also changing, "- says Myers
. How is this network enveloping the entire body, it transmits information within its structure is not reliably known. Possible options: for example, Langevin argues that fascial network corresponds to a map of acupuncture points and meridians. In this case, the impact on these points causes changes at the cellular level, which in turn extend to the level of the connective tissue. To similar effect is the impact on the connective tissue in the process of yoga or external influence during the massage and physiotherapy.
3. The new definition of chronic pain.
In a healthy fascial fabric stretches and moves without restriction. But with age, after the experienced trauma, repetitive stress due to poor posture and even emotional trauma fascial tissue loses its elasticity and becomes stiff and limited in mobility. This helps stabilize the body during injury, but unfortunately, it also makes you a prisoner of chronic stress leads to deformation of the body that are difficult to correct. Imagine this with an example of fine silk suit worn by you. If you pull at one edge of the suit, the tension will manifest itself all over the product and you will feel discomfort. Patterns fascial tension transmitted throughout the body and affect the whole body structure. They are often one of the causes of chronic pain (migraines, chronic back pain, rheumatic pain).
Therefore, techniques for working with the body, which directly affect the fascial tissue, are more effective than working only at the level of the muscles or skeleton, the effect of which is usually short-term.
4. Redefining fitness.
While we used to think of fitness as part of strong muscles and cardiovascular endurance, we ignore the fascia at your own risk.
Integrity and well-trained fascial tissue is important not only for those who are involved in sports, it is necessary for everyone who wants to keep your body healthy and functional throughout life. Of course, when you train your body, fascia and trains. However, the way you train it, most likely, will not give you the desired result.
If you mainly train at the gym, your fascial tissue will not be strong, mobile and functional in full. It will evolve into a one-way network, which is struggling to cope with complex and atypical for you loads.
"Training the machine well with the task of individual muscles and totally incapable train your fascial tissue. And all because they train fascia in one particular direction, unidirectional vector effects - emphasizes Myers. - As a result, you get the fascia, not adapted to life, because life does not interact with your body in the same directions as the
simulators. " With regard to training, Myers recommends to prefer forms of activity, which include a rich variety of areas of mobility and loads, it will create a balanced stability of your body. The asanas of hatha yoga are especially helpful for study of long chains of fascial tissue in numerous areas, they provide the necessary systemic whole body workout. Too hard or constructed from unidirectional movement exercise can lead to blocking of fascial fibers or injury.
Author: Svetlana Kazimirov
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